Notes in Communications -- The third-person effect
Davison (1983) defines the third-person effect hypothesis as the likelihood that “individuals who are members of an audience that is exposed to a persuasive communication (whether or not this communication is intended to be persuasive) will expect the communication to have a greater effect on others than on themselves” .
The measurement of the third-person effectt ypically involves asking people two different types of questions, one focused on the perceptions of the influence of media on oneself, and the other on the perceptions of influence of the media on others. A third-person effect is found if people report that others are influenced more than they themselves are by the mass media.
We all have double standards. When we are walking across the street, there is a driver blowing his horn to us. We will be very annoyed and even curse him for that. We feel this is normal.
However, when ourselves become drivers, we will curse the people who go across the street very slowly. We feel this is right.
So the third-person effect is just a habit of thinking. We should treat things with an open heart.
There are also examples about the third-person effect in news. Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs had announced that Toutiao should turn off the Neihanduanzi App forever. So people who don’t look at Neihanduanzi and regard themselves as high-level audience are praising this behavior. They think that they can boycott the bad information but the children cannot. As a result, they support the desicion of the government and it is a good example of third-person effect.
Similarly, when the earthquake occurred in Japan in 2011, there was a trend of buying salt in China. Rumors came that salt had an effect of radiation protection and it was also a necessity for life, so salt had been sold out and the price was very high. When you saw people buying salt at that time, you would come up with an idea: more dangerous things must be done by someone in some place such as storing up goods to make a good bargain. You probably wouldn’t do that but you would imagine others doing that. That’s the third-person effect.
第三人效果又称第三人理论、第三人效应。最早是由美国哥伦比亚大学戴维森教授于 1983 年提出的。他认为人们在判断大众传媒的影响力之际存在着一种普遍的感知定势,既倾向于认为大众媒介的信息对个人层面(对我或你)未必产生多大影响,然而对社会层面(对他人)会产生不可估量的影响。
当看到汽车占道时,大可以体谅一点,也许人家有急事; 当看到骑电动车送外卖小哥员横冲直撞,我也会体谅,因为挺不容易。角度不同,心态则不同,切勿用狭隘的立场去抨击别人,否则只会显的自己更狭隘。多些体谅与包容,少些急躁与谩骂。请换个角度看问题,因为我们不知道哪天倒霉的会是自己。