let hd = Resolution(width: 1920, height: 1080)
var cinema = hd
cinema.width = 2048
Checking the width property of cinema shows that it has indeed changed to be 2048:
print("cinema is now \(cinema.width) pixels wide")
// prints "cinema is now 2048 pixels wide"
When cinema was given the current value of hd, the values stored in hd were copied into the new cinema instance. The end result is two completely separate instances, which just happened to contain the same numeric values. Because they are separate instances, setting the width of cinema to 2048 doesn’t affect the width stored in hd.
enum CompassPoint {
case North, South, East, West
var currentDirection = CompassPoint.West
let rememberedDirection = currentDirection
currentDirection = .East
if rememberedDirection == .West {
print("The remembered direction is still .West")
// prints "The remembered direction is still .West
Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types
Classes Are Reference Types
摘录来自: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 2.1)”。 iBooks. https://itun.es/cn/jEUH0.l