Week 2-2
, 也就是说,只需要解n个左边的方程组即可。
我们可以将Idetity Matrix 的所有 Column Vectors 都加在 矩阵的右边,因为操作都是相同的。
所以,右边的每一列都是Inverse Matrix 的列,也就是Inverse Matrix。
LU Decomposition
the Gaussian elimination procedure actually gives us a matrix decomposition, we can also write A as L times U。
first to get L,
elementary matrix:An elementary matrix is the identity matrix with one of the zeros replaced by a number.
Gaussian elimination 就是简单的矩阵操作,所以可以将其每一步分为一个左乘矩阵(行操作),这就是LU分解。
求逆矩阵其实就是 trivial,就是element 取反!
if you want to solve AX equals B with many different Bs,
and a lot of numerical methods have this feature,
then if you first find A equals LU and solve LUX equals B,
you can do that very fast,
much faster than Gaussian elimination.
当已经有了A = LU后,再次求解 Ax = B 就简单多了!