in arēnā(2)

2022-09-19  本文已影响0人  蔚海山庄三六子
  'rētiāriī nōn pugnant! rētiāriī sunt ignāvī!' clāmāvērunt Pompēiānī. Nūcerīnī tamen respondērunt, 'rētiāriī sunt callidī! rētiāriī murmillōnēs dēcipiunt!'

“Net-fighter is not fighting; net-fighter is cowardly. ”Pompeians shouted. However, the people of Nuceria replied: “net-fighter is clever; net-fighter is deceiving heavily armed gladiator.”


  murmillōnēs rētiāriōs frūstrā ad pugnam prōvocāvērunt. tum murmillō clāmāvit, 'ūnus murmillō facile duōs rētiāriōs superat.'

Heavily armed gladiator challenged  net-fighter in vain. Then heavily armed gladiator shouted: “one heavily armed gladiator easily overcomes two net-fighters.”


Pompēiānī plausērunt. tum murmillō rētiāriōs statim petīvit. murmillō et rētiāriī ferōciter pugnāvērunt. rētiāriī tandem murmillōnem graviter vulnerāvērunt. tum rētiāriī alterum murmillōnem petīvērunt. hic murmillō fortiter pugnāvit, sed rētiāriī eum quoque superāvērunt.

Pompeians applauded. Then heavily armed gladiator attacked net-fighters at once. Heavily armed gladiators and net-fighters fight fiercely. This heavily armed gladiator fought bravely. But the net-fighter also overcomes him.


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