我年龄不是个秘密 My age is no secret
My age is not a secret
In 2012, I gave various English courses online, say, "Daily Dialogs in English", "New Concept English" Series and "Translation for Latest Social Issues", etc., and I rested kindof satisfied or content in doing so just like a dog with two tails. At the same time, I could devote my remaining energy to others with alacrity.
On a summer morning that year, I finished talking about Lesson 108 of "Andrew Yan's Daily Oral English Practice" with mouth parched and tongue scorched, yet I remained in high spirits, so I just gave the online students some time for an exchange of ideas to help them correcting their pronounciation or practicing English conversations.
All of a sudden, a young lady got the chance to talk with Mike, "Hi, Mr. Yan, May I venture to ask you a private question?"
I said with a smile, "Sure, never mind about it. I love your questions and spit it out, please. "
The lady bluntly asked, "Sir, judging from your voice, you sound quite young! So I'd like to know how old you are."
I burst into laughter. My age was no secret. However, I wanted to play a trick on them anyway.
Playing it straight, I yelled, "Why not guess it?"
The girl said, "You sound so so young, So I guess you are twentysomething, right, sir?"
我用英文脱口而出:“I'm just 25 years old, but the other way around (我今年刚好25岁,不过得倒过来)。”
I blurted out in English, “I'm just 25 years old, but the other way around."
The girl broke in, "I am quite right. You are just 25, only 2 years older than I am. Sir, are you married?"
我有点着急了,赶紧解释说:“嗨,亲爱的小姐,请搞清楚‘but the other way around’的确切意思,好不好。
At that moment, I got into a flap, hastening to explain, "Hi, young lady, Please figure out the true meaming of 'but the other way around', Ok?"
我又费了好大功夫解释并举例说明“the other way around”的用法。
It took me much more time to explain “the other way around” away with more examples.
The girl must have been quite embarrassed and she certainly knew my actual age, and so did she know what a chinchy old guy Andrew Yan was.