
algorithms-ch2-divide and conque

2016-05-04  本文已影响139人  暗黑破坏球嘿哈

The divide-and-conquer strategy solves a problem by:

  1. Breaking it into subproblems that are themselves smaller instances of the same type of
  2. Recursively solving these subproblems
  3. Appropriately combining their answers

2.1 Multiplication

only three multiplications

bc+ad = (a+b)(c+d)−ac−bd

For instance, if x = 101101102 (the subscript 2 means “binary”) then xL = 10112, xR = 01102,
The product of x and y can then be rewritten as

xy = (2^(n/2)xL + xR)(2^(n/2)yL + yR) = 2^n xLyL +2^(n/2) (xLyR + xRyL) + xRyR.

Time complexity analysis:

T(n) = 4T(n/2)+O(n).

three times multiplications(改进版):

T(n) = 3T(n/2)+O(n).

A divide-and-conquer algorithm for integer multiplication (3次乘法)

function multiply(x,y)
Input: Positive integers x and y, in binary
Output: Their product
n = max(size of x, size of y)
if n = 1: return xy
xL, xR = leftmost ⌈n/2⌉, rightmost ⌊n/2⌋ bits of x
yL, yR = leftmost ⌈n/2⌉, rightmost ⌊n/2⌋ bits of y
P1 =multiply(xL,yL)
P2 =multiply(xR,yR)
P3 =multiply(xL +xR,yL +yR)
return P1 ×2^n +(P3 −P1 −P2)×2^(n/2) +P2

2.2 Master theorem

master theorem

2.3 Mergesort

归并排序:T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n) ==> O(nlogn)
二分搜索:T(n) = T(n/2) + O(1) ==> O(logn)

function mergesort(a[1,...n])
Input: An array of numbers a[1 . . . n]
Output: A sorted version of this array
if n>1:
  return merge(mergesort[1.... ⌊n/2⌋]),mergesort(a[⌊n/2⌋ + 1 . . . n]))
  return a

function merge(x[1 . . . k], y[1 . . . l])
if k = 0: return y[1...l]
if l = 0: return x[1...k]
if x[1] ≤ y[1]:
  return x[1]◦merge(x[2...k],y[1...l])
  return y[1]◦merge(x[1...k],y[2...l])
//◦ denotes concatenation连接操作 . 
//each merge operation takes k+l operations:O(k+l)

all the real work is done in merg-
ing, which doesn’t start until the recursion gets down to singleton arrays

function iterative-mergesort(a[1 . . . n])
Input: elements a1,a2,...,an to be sorted
 Q = [ ] (empty queue)
for i=1 to n:
  inject(Q, [ai ])
//initialize the queue, put all elements in this queue

while |Q| > 1:
  inject(Q, merge(eject(Q), eject(Q)))
//merge 前两个从queue中取出的单元素,再把merge结果插入queue后面,
//注意:queue不是一个存i个元素的数组,在第一次while之后queue中已经存在Q1[ai,aj]这样的东西了,所以最后得到一个完整的Q时,Q = 1,退出循环

return eject(Q)
//完成sort, 按顺序eject queue中元素

Here is the argument: Consider any such tree that sorts an array of n elements. Each of its leaves is labeled by a permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n}. In fact, every permutation must appear as the label of a leaf. The reason is simple: if a particular permutation is missing, when we feed the algorithm an input ordered according to this same permutation, the algorithm's correctness will be uninsured. And since there are n! permutations of n elements, it follows that the tree has at least n! leaves.
We are almost done: This is a binary tree, and we argued that it has at least n! leaves.
Recall now that a binary tree of depth d has at most 2^d leaves (proof: an easy induction on d). So, the depth of our tree—and the complexity of our algorithm—must be at least log(n!).

depth d, last level 2^d leaves;
last level n!, depth log(n!)==complexity: log(n!)=nlogn


  1. 每个最下面的leaf 表示这n个元素的一种大小排列可能
  2. 共会有n!种排列可能,所以最下面一级有n!个leaves
  3. 从depth= d ==> last level at most 2^d leaves 推出last level n! ==>depth log(n!)
  4. 算法复杂度=log(n!)=nlogn


2.4 medians

find the medians:

  1. sort the elements, nlogn
    Input: A list of numbers S; an integer k
    Output: The kth smallest element of S

For any number v, imagine splitting list S into three categories

SL,Sv, and SR can be computed from S in linear time

2.5matrix multiplication

The product of two n×n matrices X and Y is a third n×n matrix Z=XY, with (i,j)th entry

(i,j)th entry

T(n) = 8T(n/2) + O(n2).


T(n) = 7T(n/2) + O(n^2), 解得O(n^2.81)

Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition
Use the following ideas to develop a nonrecursive, linear-time algorithm for the maximum-subarray problem. Start at the left end of the array, and progress toward the right, keeping track of the maximum subarray seen so far. Knowing a maximum subarray of A[1...j] , extend the answer to find a maximum subarray ending at index j+1 by using the following observation: a maximum subarray of A[1...j+1] is either a maximum subarray of A[1...j] or a subarray A[i...j+1] , for some 1<=i<= j+1 Determine a maximum subarray of the form A[i...j+1] in constant time based on knowing a maximum subarray ending at index j .

find-maximum-subarray(A, low, high)

array.left = 0
array.right = 0
sum = A[low]
tempSum = 0
for i = low to high
  tempSum = Max(A[i],tempSum+A[i])
  if tempSum>sum
    sum = tempSum
    right = i
  if tempSum == A[i]
    left = i
return (left,right,sum)

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