ASM 字节码框架源码解析

ClassReader 解析

2019-02-06  本文已影响5人  Xcdf

1. ClassReader的字段

  public final byte[] b;


  private final int[] cpInfoOffsets;

   在常量池中的第i个常量的偏移地址为cpInfoOffsets [i] -1,那么第i个常量的tag值为b[cpInfoOffsets [i] -1]。

  private final String[] constantUtf8Values;
  private final ConstantDynamic[] constantDynamicValues;

   010101010...01011100---> "abxsc" 。设定缓存的目的是:避免了对给定CONSTANT_Utf8,CONSTANT_Dynamic常量池项的多次解析。

  private final int[] bootstrapMethodOffsets;


  private final int maxStringLength;


  public final int header;


  在构建ClassReader实例时,它首先保存字节码二进制数组为byte[] b

2. ClassReader 的构造器

1.读取的二进制字节数组byte[] classFile。

  public ClassReader(final byte[] classFile) {
    this(classFile, 0, classFile.length);


  public ClassReader(byte[] classFileBuffer,int classFileOffset,  int classFileLength ) { 
    this(classFileBuffer, classFileOffset, true);


  public ClassReader(final InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
    this(readStream(inputStream, false));
  public ClassReader(final String className) throws IOException {
                        className.replace('.', '/') + ".class"), true));

classFileBuffer为包含字节码的数组;classFileOffset为字节码的第一个字节在b[]中的偏移量 ;checkClassVersion 是否检查Class文件的版本号。

   final byte[] classFileBuffer, 
   final int classFileOffset,
   final boolean checkClassVersion) {
    b = classFileBuffer;
    // 检查类的主版本号(major version)
    if (checkClassVersion && readShort(classFileOffset + 6) > Opcodes.V12) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Unsupported class file major version " + readShort(classFileOffset + 6));
    // 创建常量池数组
    int constantPoolCount = readUnsignedShort(classFileOffset + 8);// 常量池大小
    cpInfoOffsets = new int[constantPoolCount];// 创建一个常量池数组
    constantUtf8Values = new String[constantPoolCount];// 创建一个 字符串数组
    // 其他条目的偏移量取决于所有先前条目的总大小
    int currentCpInfoIndex = 1;
    int currentCpInfoOffset = classFileOffset + 10;
    int currentMaxStringLength = 0;
    boolean hasConstantDynamic = false;
    boolean hasConstantInvokeDynamic = false;

    while (currentCpInfoIndex < constantPoolCount) {
      cpInfoOffsets[currentCpInfoIndex++] = currentCpInfoOffset + 1;
      int cpInfoSize;
      // 不同类型的常量的所占的字节码不同
      switch (classFileBuffer[currentCpInfoOffset]) {
        case Symbol.CONSTANT_LONG_TAG:
          cpInfoSize = 9;
          cpInfoSize = 4;
        case Symbol.CONSTANT_STRING_TAG:
          cpInfoSize = 3;
          throw new IllegalArgumentException();
      currentCpInfoOffset += cpInfoSize;
    maxStringLength = currentMaxStringLength;
    // The Classfile's access_flags field is just after the last constant pool entry.
    header = currentCpInfoOffset;

    // Allocate the cache of ConstantDynamic values, if there is at least one.
    constantDynamicValues = hasConstantDynamic ? new ConstantDynamic[constantPoolCount] : null;

    // Read the BootstrapMethods attribute, if any (only get the offset of each method).
    bootstrapMethodOffsets =
        (hasConstantDynamic | hasConstantInvokeDynamic)
            ? readBootstrapMethodsAttribute(currentMaxStringLength)
            : null;


  // 类的访问标识
  public int getAccess() {
    return readUnsignedShort(header);
  // 类的名称
  public String getClassName() {
    return readClass(header + 2, new char[maxStringLength]);
  // 获取父类名称
  public String getSuperName() {
    return readClass(header + 4, new char[maxStringLength]);
  // 获取实现的接口名称
  public String[] getInterfaces() {
    int currentOffset = header + 6;
    int interfacesCount = readUnsignedShort(currentOffset);
    String[] interfaces = new String[interfacesCount];
    if (interfacesCount > 0) {
      char[] charBuffer = new char[maxStringLength];
      for (int i = 0; i < interfacesCount; ++i) {
        currentOffset += 2;
        interfaces[i] = readClass(currentOffset, charBuffer);
    return interfaces;

4. 公有方法


  // 使得给定的访问器访问JVM字节码结构, classVisitor是类的访问者 
  public void accept(final ClassVisitor classVisitor, final int parsingOptions) {
    accept(classVisitor, new Attribute[0], parsingOptions);

  public void accept(
      final ClassVisitor classVisitor,
      final Attribute[] attributePrototypes,
      final int parsingOptions) {
    Context context = new Context();
    context.attributePrototypes = attributePrototypes;
    context.parsingOptions = parsingOptions;
    context.charBuffer = new char[maxStringLength];

    // Read the access_flags, this_class, super_class, interface_count and interfaces fields.
    char[] charBuffer = context.charBuffer;
    int currentOffset = header;
    int accessFlags = readUnsignedShort(currentOffset);
    String thisClass = readClass(currentOffset + 2, charBuffer);
    String superClass = readClass(currentOffset + 4, charBuffer);
    String[] interfaces = new String[readUnsignedShort(currentOffset + 6)];
    currentOffset += 8;
    for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; ++i) {
      interfaces[i] = readClass(currentOffset, charBuffer);
      currentOffset += 2;
    // Visit .... 

    // Visit the class declaration. The minor_version and major_version fields start 6 bytes before
    // the first constant pool entry, which itself starts at cpInfoOffsets[1] - 1 (by definition).
        readInt(cpInfoOffsets[1] - 7), accessFlags, thisClass, signature, superClass, interfaces);

    // Visit the InnerClasses attribute.
    if (innerClassesOffset != 0) {
      int numberOfClasses = readUnsignedShort(innerClassesOffset);
      int currentClassesOffset = innerClassesOffset + 2;
      while (numberOfClasses-- > 0) {
            readClass(currentClassesOffset, charBuffer),
            readClass(currentClassesOffset + 2, charBuffer),
            readUTF8(currentClassesOffset + 4, charBuffer),
            readUnsignedShort(currentClassesOffset + 6));
        currentClassesOffset += 8;

    // Visit the fields and methods.
    int fieldsCount = readUnsignedShort(currentOffset);
    currentOffset += 2;
    while (fieldsCount-- > 0) {
      currentOffset = readField(classVisitor, context, currentOffset);
    int methodsCount = readUnsignedShort(currentOffset);
    currentOffset += 2;
    while (methodsCount-- > 0) {
      currentOffset = readMethod(classVisitor, context, currentOffset);

    // Visit the end of the class.



读取代码块、属性和方法 读取注解 image.png image.png image.png

