讲解:31268、Web Systems、CSS/HTML、we
31268 Web Systems Assignment131268 Web SystemsPractical AssignmentDue Date:5:00pm, Friday Week 7Weighting:20% of your final grade and will be marked out of 20.Late submission: Late assignments will be deducted 2 marks per day late. More than seven days late the assignment will receive zero. Special consideration for late submission must be arranged before the due date with thesubject coordinator.Assignment objectives:This assignment aims to help meet the following objectives from the subject outline: #1. Explain the role of an operating system, and manipulate its structure such as processes,file systems and memory management using Unix based scripting. #3. Identify and explain the role and function of the Internet, the World Wide Web, and theircomponents. #4. Design and implement a web site.DescriptionYour task is to write a home page for yourself on the faculty student web server,https://www-student.it.uts.edu.au, and a couple of secondary pages describing your experienceswith computing so far.This assignment tests 2 main skills - creating a live working web site and demonstrating some basicHTML/CSS skills.You will need to:1. If you dont already have a public web page on the faculty student web server, you will need to setthis up.See https://www-student.it.uts.edu.au for instructions on how to do this. Basically....a. You will need to create directory called public_html directory in your home directory onthe lab workstations.Note that this is the same home directory on the rerun.it.uts.edu.au server and is 31268 Web Systems Assignment2equivalent to drive X: on the Windows workstations.b. This should have public execute permission (recall your people and permissions lab?).c. Your home directory should also have public execute permission, but NOT public read orwrite permission.d. Create a file called index.html in the public_html subdirectory. This file is your homepage.2. Create a subdirectory in public_html called websystems3. Create a file in the public_html/websystems subdirectory called index.html.This page should list some information about yourself eg: your name, what course you are doingetc. Please dont put any personal information here!!It should have links to 3 other pages in thissubdirectory- past.html, future.html and comments.html (see below)4. past.html should describe your experiences with computing so far (eg: mention your HSCexperience, past work experience, etc)5. future.html should describe what you want to do with computing in the future.6. comments.html is where you need to comment on:a. The technical aspects of your website: eg: describe the structure of your website, whatCSS selectors/ids etc you used and why you used them.(about half a page)b. The aesthetics of your website - eg: how users should perceive your page and whateffects you were trying to achieve (about half a page).An introduction to the aesthetics of Web design can be foundhere: http://alistapart.com/article/the-webaestheticand http://www.webstyleguide.com/wsg3/c. The accessibility aspects of your website - eg: how you made your web site usable bydisabled usersA quick guide to accessibility can be foundat https://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/accessibility and at http://webaim.org/intro/7. Create a style sheet called websystems.css and modify index.html, past.html and future.html touse this style sheet.8. Modify your main home page index.html to link to your websystems/index.html.You should try to make this web site as appealing as possible, using style sheets only.You will lose marks for embedded or inline styles.You MUST check the validation of your website at http://validator.w3.org/ and your style sheetat http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/. Generally you can ignore information messages, but warningsand errors are penalised.You MUST use the assignment checker provided (see next item) to give you some feedback on yourassignment. I will start running the actual marking program every evening from 1 week before the duedate - you can see your actual technical mark and can make adjustments until the due time/date.31268 Web Systems Assignment3Site mapFigure 1 Site MapSubmissionYou MUST create a hyperlink in your default FEIT home pagehttps://www-student.it.uts.edu.au/~userid/ which points to your websystems directory.You MUST make your assignment visible to your tutor at the URLhttps://www-student.it.uts.edu.au/~userid/ and they must be able to view your past.html,future.html, comments.html and websystems.css files online (where userid is your FIT studentaccount userid)This means that your ~/public_html and ~/public_html/websystems subdirectories and files must bepublicly readable and executable.You will get zero (0) marks for websites emailed, submitted on UTS online, using Linuxgym ordemonstrated by using the browser to directly load a HTML file (ie: using File -> Open, c:\ or file://URLs.).We will ONLY mark via https://www-student.it.uts.edu.au/~userid/ (where userid is yourFaculty of IT userid)ANYTHING ELSE WILL NOT BE MARKED!!Do not change the web site after the submission date. Your tutor may take up to 2 weeks to finalisethe marking.Please read the UTS Online Assignments Discussion board for common questions and answers aboutthe assignment.31268 Web Systems Assignment4Do not use WYSIWYG tools such as Dreamweaver or Expression Web etc to create this website.Your tutor may ask you to prove that you wrote this assignment by hand and not with assistance.Marking CriteriaMark breakdown:Technically correct: 30% 6Comments page: 30% 6Quality: 15% 3Peer Marking: 25% 5TOTAL: 100% 20Marks will be based on:1. Does this page meet the requirements?2. Is it technically correct? (meets validation, structured correctly)3. Is it pleasant and easy to look at?4. Does it use a common style sheet?Your marks on the comments.html page will be split equally between technical (2), aesthetics (2) &accessibility (2) comments.You will peer mark 2 other students - your marks will be based on participation and commentfeedback.General marking comments:1. You MUST have the site layout exactly as described above.2. Do NOT change the filenames or directory location as we use an automated marking checker.3. Minimum HTML 4.01 Strict and CSS 2.1 - our checker can handle most HTML5 and CSS3,but best to check with OUR online assignment checker.4. Do NOT use vendor specific tags or attributes – eg –webkit- -moz- etc as the validator willpenalise you for this.5. Do NOT use deprecated tags or attributes.See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Html#Transitional_versus_strict for a list of deprecated tagsand attributes.6. Do NOT use frames or iframes (this causes problem for my validator/assignment checker)7. Additional marks WILL NOT be granted for features such as Flash, fancy graphics,animations, audio/video, javascript etc.8. Dont bother using CSS positioning or anything else not covered in lectures, labs or tutorials.9. You MUST acknowledge graphic files downloaded from the internet. It is sufficient to putthem in a HTML comment adjacent to the image tag.This is f31268留学生作业代写、Web Systems作业代做、代写CSS/HTML语言作业、web/HTML/CSS编程作业or legal copyright reasons as well as ethical ones.10. You MUST use styles sheets to format your page. This MUST be in one CSS file,websystems.css11. Do NOT use @import since the assignment checker wont pick this up.12. Do NOT hard-code your page URLs inside your pages – all links should be relativei.e. any hrefs to https://www-student.it.uts.edu.au/~ will be penalised.13. You MUST have:a. At least 5 CSS classes and 1 CSS id.b. At least 1 div and 1 span tag per pagec. At least 1 table, 1 list (any type) and 1 image within the entire assignment submission14. You do not need to use advanced CSS, e.g: CSS positioning, it is not essential to use them tolayout your web pages.31268 Web Systems Assignment515. Your web site MUST be easy to navigate and read (consider your target audience).i.e. We expect to be able to point and click, and not press the BACK key on the browser, ortype in any extra URLs in the address bar.16. Unreadable or unusable web sites will also be penalised.i.e. You MUST test your web site with graphics and JavaScript turned off. Is it still usable?17. Dont put advertisements or animations on your web site.18. Do not put private information on your web site eg date of birth, home address, e-mail, phonenumber, credit card details!.i.e. This is a PUBLIC website.19. Dont use bad colour combinations (for example, red on black, purple on black, purple on red,blue on purple, black on red). If your tutor cant read it, you will lose marks.i.e. Dont become a site on http://webpagesthatsuck.com20. Make font sizes reasonable, use style sheets to manage them.i.e. Consider what will happen if your marker uses a smaller screen (eg: 800x600).21. Do not have large image files - keep pictures to less than 100kb, and anythinglarger will attract penalties.i.e. Watch out for large JPG from cameras - use a tool to reduce the size e.g. Microsoft Paintor Photoshop or GIMP etc.22. Do not use BMP or TIF files - these aren’t web friendly.23. Do not make pages so wide that they cant be read unless you scroll horizontally.i.e You will lose marks if a tutor cannot read the web page. Recommend testing at 1024x768,though you should design your web site to cope with larger (and smaller) screens.24. You MUST NOT use style sheets or designs from anyone else- this includes open source and commercial style sheets and frameworks eg bootstrap!25. You SHOULD check your web site on the 2 of the following browsers- Chrome, Firefox and/or Internet Explorer/EdgeAdditional informationPlease look at the UTS-Online Discussion Board, Assignment forum, for any questions and answersabout this assignment.If the question is inappropriate for the discussion board, please email chris.wong@uts.edu.au directly.Special Consideration:In general, late submissions will not be accepted without documented evidence of illness ormisadventure.Students seeking special consideration or an extension on the basis of illness or misadventure mustcontact the subject coordinator before the deadline for the assignment, unless the nature of the illnessor misadventure prevents early notification.Please note that network or server downtime in general is not valid grounds for late submission or anassignment extension. The exception would be if the faculty servers and/or network were down for anextremely long duration (at least two days).Return of results/feedback:Marks for this assignment will be posted on UTS Online.In addition, you will receive an individual email showing each of the marking criteria, your mark forthat criterion, and if you did not receive full marks for the criterion, a comment indicating why youdid not receive the full marks available.Group-work:31268 Web Systems Assignment6This assignment is an individual assessment. No group work is permitted. Please carefully read thesection on Academic Integrity below.Academic IntegrityStudents are reminded of the principles laid down in the Facultys Statement of Academic Integrity - GoodPractice and Ethics in Informal Assessment found at https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/current-studentsinformation-faculty-engineering-and-it/study-and-assessment-0Assignments in this subject should be your own original work. The inclusion in assessable work of any materialsuch as HTML, CSS, code, graphics or text obtained from other persons or sources without citation of thesource is plagiarism and is a breach of University Rule 16.2.2.Any collaboration with another person should be limited to those described in the Acceptable Behavioursection of the Statement of Academic Integrity. Any infringement by a student will be considered a breach ofdiscipline and will be dealt with in accordance with the Rules and By-Laws of the University.This assignment is to be done individually. No group-work is permitted.Students are not to give to or receive from any other person copies of their assessable work in any form (hardcopy or an electronic file). To do so is academic misconduct and is a breach of University Rule 16.2.2. That is,assisting other students to cheat or to act dishonestly in a submitted assignment.Accidental submission of another students work as your own is considered to be a breach of University Rule16.2.2 in that you are acting dishonestly since you should not have a copy of another students work.The Faculty penalty for proven and serial misconduct of this nature is zero marks for the subject.Referencing requirements and academic standardsYou are required to reference the source of ANY HTML, CSS, objects or text which is copied from ANY source(including the internet, books, software, etc). You also must reference your own prior published work as we useTurnItIn, Moss and other anti-cheating tools which might accidentally detect your prior work. This can be acomment in your code/webpage indicating the source and the extent to which you have used the sections of codethat you did not write yourself.You must acknowledge graphic files downloaded (not linked) from the internet. It is sufficient to put them in aHTML comment adjacent to the image tag. This is for legal copyright reasons as well as ethical ones.The only exception to this rule is for code supplied in the subjects own lab exercises, which need not beacknowledged. Acknowledgement is required even if you start with existing code and make modifications.Failure to acknowledge sources will be regarded as unacceptable behaviour in the context of the Statement ofAcademic Integrity referenced above.Using code or text that belongs to other students currently or formerly enrolled in this subject (i.e.copying or sharing code or text) is unacceptable behaviour.31268 Web Systems Assignment7Your Name:SEMINAR – the Web assignment?What do you want to display on your PAST page?What do you want to display on your FUTURE page?Your Aesthetics : See http://alistapart.com/article/the-web-aestheticWhat do you want to use? Why?Look and feel? i.eoverall THEMEYour Audience?Layout style adaptive,adaptive, simple orcomplex?1,2,3 column layout?Adaptive?Simple or complex?Colours/Fonts?Devices /browsers totest with?Pictures/images toshow? 转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019042612619683.html