Whilst, therefore, the amount of saving is an outcome of the collective behaviour of individual consumers and the amount of investment of the collective behaviour of individual entrepreneurs, these two amounts are necessarily equal, since each of them is equal to the excessof income over consumption. Moreover, this conclusion in no way depends on any subtleties or peculiarities in the definition of income given above. Provided it is agreed that income is equal to the value of current output, that current investment is equal to the value of that part of current output which is not consumed, and that saving is equal to the excess of income over consumption—all of which is conformable both to common sense and to the traditional usage of the great majority of economists—the equality of saving and investment necessarily follows.
In short—
Income = value of output = consumption + investment.
Saving = income − consumption.
Therefore saving = investment.
We come next to the divergences between saving and investment which are due to a special definition of income and hence of the excess of income over consumption. My own use of terms in my Treatise on Money is an example of this.....
Thus the new argument, though (as I now think) much more accurate and instructive, is essentially a development of the old. Expressed in the language of my Treatise on Money, it would run: the expectation of an increased excess of investment over saving, given the former volume of employment and output, will induce entrepreneurs to increase the volume of employment and output. The significance of both my present and my former arguments lies in their attempt to show that the volume of employment is determined by the estimates of effective demand made by the entrepreneurs, an expected increase of investment relatively to saving as defined in my Treatise on Money being a criterion of an increase in effective demand. But the exposition in my Treatise on Money is, of course, very confusing and incomplete in the light of the further developments here set forth.
- 在《货币论》中曾经这样区分过;但是
- 这来自于对收入的不同定义;而且
- 凯恩斯自己说,非常让人迷惑(confusing)而且不完整(incomplete)。
The significance of both my present and my former arguments lies in their attempt to show that the volume of employment is determined by the estimates of effective demand made by the entrepreneurs, an expected increase of investment relatively to saving as defined in my Treatise on Money being a criterion of an increase in effective demand.....
- 是大萧条,是就业问题之严重甚至都带来了希特勒的上台,以及后续的二战;
- 这也因此,《通论》的英文全名是 The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money —— 就业是第一位的;
- 所以,看凯恩斯及其经济学,必须考虑时代背景,及对于就业,这一核心问题的,最核心关注。
The mere act of saving by one individual, being two-sided as we have shown above, forces some other individual to transfer to him some article of wealth old or new. Every act of saving involves a ‘forced’ inevitable transfer of wealth to him who saves, though he in his turn may suffer from the saving of others. These transfers of wealth do not require the creation of new wealth—indeed, as we have seen, they may be actively inimical to it. The creation of new wealth wholly depends on the prospective yield of the new wealth reaching the standard set by the current rate of interest. The prospective yield of the marginal new investment is not increased by the fact that someone wishes to increase his wealth, since the prospective yield of the marginal new investment depends on the expectation of a demand for a specific article at a specific date.
- 有时候说的是整体宏观上的“储蓄 = 投资”的投资
- 有时候说的是微观层面,企业及个人的创造新财富的“投资”
- 而后者才一定会创造财富、因此也创造就业,而不只是转移财富。
Every act of saving involves a ‘forced’ inevitable transfer of wealth to him who saves, though he in his turn may suffer from the saving of others.These transfers of wealth do not require the creation of new wealth....
The owners of wealth will then weigh the lack of ‘liquidity’ of different capital equipments in the above sense as a medium in which to hold wealth against the best available actuarial estimate of their prospective yields after allowing for risk. The liquidity-premium, it will be observed, is partly similar to the risk-premium, but partly different;—the difference corresponding to the difference between the best estimates we can make of probabilities and the confidence with which we make them...
There is, clearly, no absolute standard of ‘liquidity’ but merely a scale of liquidity—a varying premium of which account has to be taken, in addition to the yield of use and the carrying-costs, in estimating the comparative attractions of holding different forms of wealth. The conception of what contributes to ‘liquidity’ is a partly vague one, changing from time to time and depending on social practices and institutions. The order of preference in the minds of owners of wealth in which at any given time they express their feelings about liquidity is, however, definite and is all we require for our analysis of the behaviour of the economic system.
其实更多的是不大“精确” —— 对于现象的描述是准确的,没有找到根本原因,不够“第一性”:
回归到了交易费用的这个概念,这其实也就是支撑“流动性溢价”的一个视角,能去分析“流动性溢价”的来源及其转变 —— 而这其实也已经呼应了凯恩斯的分析,还是上面那一段:
The conception of what contributes to ‘liquidity’ is a partly vague one, changing from time to time and depending on social practices and institutions.