NASA Maps Beirut Blast Damage
这张照片是 NASA 高级快速成像分析(ARIA)团队与新加坡地球观测站和加州理工的喷气动力实验室合作拍下的,每个像素的实际边长约为 30 米。图片上的黄色与红色展示了爆炸影响的不同区域。贝鲁特港口附近受损最严重,因而图片上用暗红色加以展示,橙色表明遭到了中等程度的破坏、黄色像素表明遭到了轻微破坏。美国宇航局表示希望这张图片能够为当地的救援工作提供帮助。
NASA's Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) team, in collaboration with the Earth Observatory of Singapore, used satellite-derived synthetic aperture radar data to map the likely extent of damage from a massive Aug. 4 explosion in Beirut. Synthetic aperture radar data from space shows ground surface changes from before and after a major event like an earthquake. In this case, it is being used to show the devastating result of an explosion.
On the map, dark red pixels – like those present at and around the Port of Beirut – represent the most severe damage. Areas in orange are moderately damaged and areas in yellow are likely to have sustained somewhat less damage. Each colored pixel represents an area of 30 meters (33 yards).
Maps like this one can help identify badly damaged areas where people may need assistance. The explosion occurred near the city's port. It claimed more than 150 lives and is estimated to have caused billions of dollars' worth of damage.