Experience of using Mageck-vispr
2018-10-20 本文已影响0人
conda create -n mageck-vispr mageck-vispr
After this step is done. You will get some information like this:
# To activate this environment, use:
# > source activate mageck-vispr
# To deactivate an active environment, use:
# > source deactivate
mageck-vispr init . --reads ./test_megeck/esc-testdata/reads/ERR37*
# General configuration:
# Path to library design file (csv or tab-separated txt format, columns: id, sequence, gene)
library: yusa_library.csv
# Species to use for linkouts in VISPR (e.g. mus_musculus, homo_sapiens, ...)
species: mus_musculus
# Genome assembly to use for linkouts in VISPR (e.g. hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10, ...)
assembly: mm10
# Configuration of knockout target display in VISPR
# if screening genes, set this to true for proper linkouts to GeneMANIA and Ensembl in VISPR
genes: true
# file with genes to hide per default in VISPR (optional, one gene per line)
#controls: ribosomal_genes.txt
# Configuration of sgRNAs
# estimate sgRNA knockout efficiency during EM-procedure of MAGeCK-MLE
update-efficiency: false
# trim the 5 prime end to get rid of barcode sequences in the reads
# if a number (instead of AUTO) is specified, use quotes; for example:
# trim-5: "0"
trim-5: "23"
# specify the length of the sgRNAs (without PAM sequence)
len: "19"
# sequencing adapter that shall be removed from reads before processing with MAGeCK (optional)
# ATTENTION: You should and only should choose one type of input file between "samples" and "counts".
# Configuration of samples (Cannot set "counts" as valid at the same time!)
# The following sample information was inferred from the given FASTQ files.
# Adjust it according to your needs (e.g. providing descriptive sample names and grouping replicates together).
- reads/ERR376998.subsample.fastq
- reads/ERR376999.subsample.fastq
- reads/ERR377000.subsample.fastq
# Provide your own normalized count matrix (Cannot set "samples" as valid at the same time!).
# Support QC from count matrix
# counts: rawcount/rawcount.txt
# Provide mageck count --day0-label (optional). Multiple labels should be seperated with comma.
#day0label: plasmid
# Provide normalization methods and a list of negative control sgrnas. These parameters will be applied to mageck_count, mageck_rra and mageck_mle modules.
# norm_method: control
# control_sgrna: lib/hg19_library_1.aavs1.txt
# Run mle with multi-thread. Default thread number is 1.
# When this parameter is set (e.g., threads: 4), make sure to specify the cores in running snakemake (snakemake --cores 4)
# threads: 1
# Provide a batch matrix if the samples need to be batch corrected (optional).
# The format should be as follows (tab-separated):
# sample batch covariate 1 ...
# Sample 1 1 0 ...
# Sample 2 2 0 ...
# Sample 3 2 1 ...
# The first column must refer to the samples defined above.
# batchmatrix: path/to/batchmatrix.txt
# Additional parameters to run MLE or RRA
# additional_mle_rra_parameter: --remove-zero both
# Configuration of experiments.
# An experiment defines the comparison that shall be analyzed with MAGeCK.
# You can define as many experiments as you want.
# You can define either MAGeCK-RRA or MAGeCK-MLE experiments, but cannot define both in a single configuration file.
# provide a descriptive name for your experiment (it will show up in VISPR)
# This is a MAGeCK-MLE experiment.
# Here, users can either specify a day0label, or a design matrix file (see http://mageck.sourceforge.net for details).
# if day0label is specified, use an empty file (like /dev/null) as a design matrix file.
# Sample names in the design matrix must refer to the samples defined above.
designmatrix: designmatrix.txt
# This is a MAGeCK-RRA experiment.
# You must specify treatment and control samples.
# The sample names must refer to the samples defined above in the
# samples section.
# - A
# - B
# - C