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2017-06-09  本文已影响0人  陀思妥耶傅斯喵

Chapter 7 Book 308 Audio 6:39:30

P1  Imitation

01  Whenever he remember this moment, it lasted forever: a flash of complete separateness as Lydia disappeared beneath the surface.

析  神奇的兄妹间的感应吧。flash,电光火石的一闪,a brilliant flash of light。in a flash很快~quickly。flash of thought/ realization。

仿 In the flash a second, he realized it's the worst decision he had ever made.

02  It was like a landscape they could not see all at once; it was like the the sky at night, which turned and turned so they couldn't find its edges.

析  landscape并非scenery,而是an extensive mental view; an interior prospect。作文中应用:文化类,提及风景画landscape painting;自然类,构建自然景观a healthy natural landscape;策略类,表示愿景、远期目标。

仿  It's hard to imagine how quickly the international economic and development landscape is changing.

03  It didn't loosen, yoking them together like mismatched cattle, and it didn't come undone, even when they jerked in opposite directions and tumbled face-forward onto the soft, damp grass.

析  yoke 1 harness 2 bond/tie/link. cattle~cows\bulls\oxen. in opposite directions可用,双方行为不一致。

仿  Some teachers and professions hold the idea that elite class should be cancelled,while others are in the opposite direcition.

P2  Impression







P3  Review


超时原因:不小心读超了,看到了Chapter 7…我不是故意的,看来明天只补那一章的笔记和心得就好了。

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