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Communist Manifesto一Marx and Eng

2021-04-18  本文已影响0人  KevinZucker
Communist Party of China

Proletarians of the world, unite!                      The specter, the specter of communism, is haunting Europe. All the powers of old Europe, popes and tsars, metternich and guizot, the radicals in France and the police in Germany, have joined forces to exorcise this spectre.

Is there any opposition party that has not been called communist by its enemies in power? And what opposition party does not accuse the more progressive opposition party and its reactionary enemy of communism?

Two conclusions can be drawn from this fact:

Communism has been recognized by all the powers of Europe as a power;

It is time for the Communists to make their views, their aims, their intentions public to the world and to counter the myth of the spectre of communism with the Party's manifesto.

To this end, communists of various nations met in London and prepared the following declaration, which was to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.

Communist Manifesto
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