GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析720
2018-09-05 本文已影响71人
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720. Technically,“quicksand” is the term for sand that is so saturated with water as to acquire a liquid’s character.
A. that is so saturated with water as to acquire a liquid’s character
B. that is so saturated with water that it acquires the character of a liquid
C. that is saturated with water enough to acquire liquid characteristics
D. saturated enough with water so as to acquire the character of a liquid
E. saturated with water so much as to acquire a liquid character
A选项 to...可以表示结果,不如so...that...优选
C选项adj+enough to do sth,enough应该紧紧跟在adj后面,这块saturated和enough并不满足
D选项adj+enough to do sth,后面跟so as to是错的
E选项so much“很多”, as to不能表示结果