
2022-09-26  本文已影响0人  右耳菌

1. Like 会不会走索引?


-- 走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email like 'onlyoneemail.com'; -- 本质是一个范围查询
-- 走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email like 'onlyoneemail.com%'; -- 本质是一个范围查询
-- 不走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email like '%onlyoneemail.com';
-- 不走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email like '%onlyoneemail.com%';

2. 索引列能不能为空?

IS NULL 会走索引,IS NOT NULL 不会走索引,但是索引列是可以为空的,且使用is null 查询的时候,是走索引的。

-- 走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email is null;
-- 不走索引
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email is not null;

3. 函数计算会不会走索引?


-- 走索引,count(*) 实际是count了index的内容
explain select count(*) from myshop.ecs_order_info where from_unixtime(add_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = '2022-09-27';
-- 不走索引,此时index无法满足要求
explain select * from myshop.ecs_order_info where from_unixtime(add_time, '%Y-%m-%d') = '2022-09-27';
-- 走索引
explain select count(*) from myshop.ecs_order_info where abs(add_time) > 159025358;

4. 类型不一致会不会走索引?

-- 走索引,这种情况会走
explain select * from myshop.ecs_order_info where add_time >= 1591025358;


select * from myshop.ecs_order_info where add_time >= 1591025358;

set optimizer_trace = "enabled=on";
select trace from information_schema.optimizer_trace;
set optimizer_trace = "enabled=off";

5. where 条件顺序怎么写?


-- 案例5–多列索引,顺序反了会不会走索引?索引idx_ship_pay(pay_id , shipping_id,pay_time)
-- 记住最左前缀的概念
-- 走索引
explain SELECT* FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where pay_time = '1591025358' and shipping_id = 4 and pay_id = 2 ;
-- 不走索引
explain SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where shipping_id = 2 and pay_time >= '1591025358';
-- 不走索引
explain SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where shipping_id = 2;
-- 走索引
explain SELECT *FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where pay_id = 2 and pay_time >= '1591025358';

-- 不用组合索引,查询多个单列索引会不会只有一个索引生效?–索引合并
-- 走索引,此时会索引合并,即两个索引各走一边,然后合并
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where email = 'onlyoneemail.com' or user_name = 'edu_159100060138810';

6. 要不要用UNION替代OR


-- query_cost: 约等于 5.02
select*from myshop.ecs_users where user_name = 'edu_159100060138810' or email = 'onlyoneemail.com';
-- query_cost: 约等于 2.4
select * from myshop.ecs_users where email = 'onlyoneemail.com'
select * from myshop.ecs_users where user_name = 'edu_159100060138810';



select * from myshop.ecs_users where user_id 
in ( SELECT user_id FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where add_time >= 1590076800 ) limit 1;
select * from myshop.ecs_users u where 
EXISTS (SELECT user_id FROM myshop.ecs_order_info o where add_time >= 1590076800 and u.user_id = o.user_id)  limit 1;

-- 常见情况下,子查询结果少,用in ,子查询结果多,用exists
-- 根据实际运行情况进行分析

-- 快
select * from myshop.ecs_users where user_id in ( 1,2,4);
-- 慢
select * from myshop.ecs_users u where EXISTS 
( select * from (
select 1 user_id union select 2 union select 4
) u1 where u.user_id = u1.user_id );

8. 非等于会不会走索引?

-- 案例8 - != 和 <> 会不会走索引?
-- 走索引,因为是主键
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where user_id != 999;
-- 不走索引,基于表数据的分布情况,极端情况下,如果只有一条是等于的,那么基本等于全表扫描。
explain select * from myshop.ecs_users where user_name != 'edu_159100060138810';
-- 走索引,count基本上都会走索引
explain select count(*) from myshop.ecs_users where user_name != 'edu_159100060138810';

这里可以使用show index from tableName 来查看索引的情况,如下:


9. 索引覆盖

-- 还需要再查询一次具体的数据

SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_users WHERE last_login_time >= 1591025358 limit 10000, 1000; 

-- 这里可以直接从索引中拿到数据,就不用再去拿全部的数据了
-- 所以查询的列如果在索引中的话,建议使用索引覆盖的方式

SELECT user_id FROM myshop.ecs_users WHERE last_login_time >= 1591025358 limit 10000, 1000; 

10. 用子查询还是表关联?

-- 多表关联、子查询------------------------------------------
-- 需求:假设今天6.1日,查询最近20天 总消费金额 高于 3W 的 且近7天登录过用户信息
-- 注意: 第一次查询会非常慢,你的buffer_pool调大一点

SELECT count(*) FROM myshop.ecs_order_info where add_time >= 1590076800; -- 100W
SELECT count(*) FROM myshop.ecs_users where last_login_time >= 1590076800; -- 33W
    u.user_id, SUM(o.money_paid) pay
    myshop.ecs_order_info o, myshop.ecs_users u
WHERE u.last_login_time >= 1590076800
AND o.add_time >= 1590076800 
AND o.user_id = u.user_id
GROUP BY o.user_id
HAVING pay > 30000;
SELECT u.user_id, o.pay FROM
myshop.ecs_users u, 
    select user_id,SUM(money_paid) pay from myshop.ecs_order_info where add_time >= 1590076800 
    GROUP BY user_id HAVING pay > 30000
)  o
where o.user_id = u.user_id
and u.last_login_time >= 1590076800;


11. 表关联之大表小表

-- 大表关联小表,还是小表关联大表? -- 统计某个地区的订单

explain select r.region_name,count(o.order_id) from myshop.ecs_region r , myshop.ecs_order_info o
where r.region_id = o.province and o.add_time >= 1591025358  group by r.region_name;
explain select r.region_name,count(o.order_id) from myshop.ecs_order_info o , myshop.ecs_region r 
where r.region_id = o.province and o.add_time >= 1591025358  group by r.region_name;
explain select r.region_name,count(o.order_id) from myshop.ecs_region r left join myshop.ecs_order_info o
on r.region_id = o.province where o.add_time >= 1591025358  group by r.region_name;
explain select r.region_name,count(o.order_id) from myshop.ecs_order_info o left join myshop.ecs_region r
on r.region_id = o.province where o.add_time >= 1591025358  group by r.region_name;


12. 分页的玩法

-- 分页案例 -----------------------------------------
-- 1. count(*) 解疑

select count(email) from myshop.ecs_users;  -- 不统计null
select count(1) from myshop.ecs_users; -- 不解析内容
select count(*) from myshop.ecs_users; -- 标准SQL

-- 2. 分页(查你需要的字段,不要*)

select * from myshop.ecs_order_info order by order_id limit 1,100;
-- 下面这个会变得很慢
select * from myshop.ecs_order_info order by order_id limit 4000000,100;
select * from myshop.ecs_order_info o where o.order_id between 4000000 and 4000100;
select * from myshop.ecs_order_info o where o.order_id 
(select order_id from myshop.ecs_order_info order by order_id limit 4000000,1) limit 100;
SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_users u where u.last_login_time >= 1590076800 order by u.last_login_time,u.user_id limit 1, 10;

SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_users u where u.last_login_time >= 1590076800 order by u.last_login_time,u.user_id limit 200000, 10;
SELECT * FROM myshop.ecs_users u , 
    SELECT user_id FROM myshop.ecs_users u where u.last_login_time >= 1590076800 order by u.last_login_time,u.user_id limit 200000, 10 
) u1 where u1.user_id = u.user_id order by u.user_id;


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