
2018-11-23  本文已影响0人  一笑了之_8911

①我看到树林周围非常均匀地散落着同样大小的水池,水池之间是稀松但整齐的树木。整个布局让人感觉是精心设计好的。I saw all around this forest hundreds of evenly scattered, identically sized ponds with trees sparsely distributed in a uniform way between them, the whole arrangement giving the unmistakable impression of following a design.②要知道,一只站起来的狸猫最多十八英寸高,所以和身高相比他们的数量更为惊人。Mind you, a standing meerkat reaches up eighteen inches at most, so it was not the height of these creatures that was so breathtaking as their unlimited multitude.③但是它们对我的兴趣只停留了一小会儿。几秒钟之后,它们就该干什么干什么了,要么啃海藻,要么盯着水池子傻看。But their interest in me was short-lived. After a few seconds, they went back to doing what they had been doing before I appeared, which was either nibbling at the algae or staring into the ponds.


