Day 14: That God would fill you

2017-10-23  本文已影响22人  671

Day 14: That God would fill you with the fruit and evidence of His Spirit at work in your life.


Galatians 5:22-23


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”


One of my favorite sermon illustrations is the one about the cookie thief. In short, it’s about a woman sitting in an airport, waiting to board her plane. A few minutes later a man comes over and sits next to her on the bench. Next thing you know, she notices this man reaching into her bag of cookies, casually munching along. He smiles politely, and continues reaching into her bag, consuming her stash of cookies one by one.


Needless to say, the woman is enraged. She aggressively reaches into the cookie bag as well, in an effort to eat the cookies before he has a chance to finish them. Finally, one by one, they both finish off the cookies. She, enraged. He, smiling the whole way through. The nerve of that man, she thinks to herself. How rude can he be to eat half my bag of cookies with that cheesy grin on his face! Her flight is called, and she boards her plane and takes her seat, still fuming. She reaches into her purse to grab something, and to her dismay, she finds HER bag of cookies, completely in-tact. It dawns on her that SHE had been eating HIS bag of cookies. She had been the rude one, all along.


I share this story with you because so often in relationships, we are the cookie thief. As a professional counselor, and let’s be honest- as  a human being- I see it time and time again in my life and in the lives of others. It’s so easy to fixate, fume, and critique the flaws of others without actually taking inventory of our own. We pray for people and their sins, without having confessed our own shortcomings. We make a list of qualities we want to see in our future spouse, without even having ATTEMPTED to master those qualities in our own life. And then we get into marriage, and a few years into it (let’s get real -  a few days into it) our natural response is then to hone in on the flaws and failures of our spouse, without taking responsibility for our own.


But in order to be filled with the fruit of God’s spirit, we must empty ourselves of the “fruit of OUR spirit”. Our flesh. Our failures. Our shortcomings and weaknesses. We must identify where we’re weak and ask God to give us strength. As you’re praying for your love-life today, fix your heart on confession, and the areas in your life in which you need God to fill you with more of Him, and less of you. By God’s grace as you seek to find marriage, seek also to become marriage material.


PRAYER: Jesus, thank You that you see all my shortcomings, sin, and weakness, and yet You love me anyway. Help me not to be so fixated on the flaws of others without opening my eyes to my own sin. I confess to You the areas I’m struggling, and I ask that You would give me the motivation to become like You in every single one of those areas. Fill me up with more of You, and less of me.


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