Dropbox_uploader 详细参数及命令说明

2018-10-27  本文已影响0人  阿库拉玛塔塔_95fd

# Dropbox Uploader

Dropbox Uploader is a **BASH** script which can be used to upload, download, delete, list files (and more!) from **Dropbox**, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.

It's written in BASH scripting language and only needs **cURL**.

You can take a look to the [GiHub project page](https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader).

**Why use this script?**

* **Portable:** It's written in BASH scripting and only needs `cURL` (curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, available for all operating systems and installed by default in many linux distributions).

* **Secure:** It's not required to provide your username/password to this script, because it uses the official Dropbox API v2 for the authentication process.

Please refer to the [Wiki](https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader/wiki) for tips and additional information about this project. The Wiki is also the place where you can share your scripts and examples related to Dropbox Uploader.

## Features

* Cross platform

* Support for the official Dropbox API v2

* No password required or stored

* Simple step-by-step configuration wizard

* Simple and chunked file upload

* File and recursive directory download

* File and recursive directory upload

* Shell wildcard expansion (only for upload)

* Delete/Move/Rename/Copy/List/Share files

* Create share link

* Monitor for changes

## Getting started

First, clone the repository using git (recommended):


git clone https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader.git


or download the script manually using this command:


curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader/master/dropbox_uploader.sh" -o dropbox_uploader.sh


Then give the execution permission to the script and run it:


$chmod +x dropbox_uploader.sh



The first time you run `dropbox_uploader`, you'll be guided through a wizard in order to configure access to your Dropbox. This configuration will be stored in `~/.dropbox_uploader`.

## Usage

The syntax is quite simple:


./dropbox_uploader.sh [PARAMETERS] COMMAND...

[%%]: Optional param

<%%>: Required param


**Available commands:**

* **upload** &lt;LOCAL_FILE/DIR ...&gt; &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt;

Upload a local file or directory to a remote Dropbox folder.

If the file is bigger than 150Mb the file is uploaded using small chunks (default 50Mb);

in this case a . (dot) is printed for every chunk successfully uploaded and a * (star) if an error

occurs (the upload is retried for a maximum of three times).

Only if the file is smaller than 150Mb, the standard upload API is used, and if the -p option is specified

the default curl progress bar is displayed during the upload process.

The local file/dir parameter supports wildcards expansion.

* **download** &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt; [LOCAL_FILE/DIR]

Download file or directory from Dropbox to a local folder

* **delete** &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt;

Remove a remote file or directory from Dropbox

* **move** &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt; &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt;

Move or rename a remote file or directory

* **copy** &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt; &lt;REMOTE_FILE/DIR&gt;

Copy a remote file or directory

* **mkdir** &lt;REMOTE_DIR&gt;

Create a remote directory on Dropbox

* **list** [REMOTE_DIR]

List the contents of the remote Dropbox folder

* **monitor** [REMOTE_DIR] [TIMEOUT]

Monitor the remote Dropbox folder for changes. If timeout is specified, at the first change event the function will return.

* **share** &lt;REMOTE_FILE&gt;

Get a public share link for the specified file or directory

* **saveurl** &lt;URL&gt; &lt;REMOTE_DIR&gt;

Download a file from an URL to a Dropbox folder directly (the file is NOT downloaded locally)

* **search** &lt;QUERY&gt;

Search for a specific pattern on Dropbox and returns the list of matching files or directories

* **info**

Print some info about your Dropbox account

* **space**

Print some info about the space usage on your Dropbox account

* **unlink**

Unlink the script from your Dropbox account

**Optional parameters:**

* **-f &lt;FILENAME&gt;**

Load the configuration file from a specific file

* **-s**

Skip already existing files when download/upload. Default: Overwrite

* **-d**

Enable DEBUG mode

* **-q**

Quiet mode. Don't show progress meter or messages

* **-h**

Show file sizes in human readable format

* **-p**

Show cURL progress meter

* **-k**

Doesn't check for SSL certificates (insecure)

* **-x &lt;FILENAME&gt;**

Ignores/excludes directories or files from syncing.

-x filename -x directoryname.



    ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload /etc/passwd /myfiles/passwd.old

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload *.zip /

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh -x .git upload ./project /

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh download /backup.zip

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh delete /backup.zip

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh mkdir /myDir/

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload "My File.txt" "My File 2.txt"

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh share "My File.txt"

    ./dropbox_uploader.sh list


## Tested Environments

* GNU Linux

* FreeBSD 8.3/10.0

* MacOSX

* Windows/Cygwin

* Raspberry Pi


* iOS

* OpenWRT

* Chrome OS

* OpenBSD

* Termux

If you have successfully tested this script on others systems or platforms please let me know!

## Running as cron job

Dropbox Uploader relies on a different configuration file for each system user. The default configuration file location is `$HOME/.dropbox_uploader`. This means that if you setup the script with your user and then you try to run a cron job as root, it won't work.

So, when running this script using cron, please keep in mind the following:

* Remember to setup the script with the user used to run the cron job

* Always specify the full script path when running it (e.g.  /path/to/dropbox_uploader.sh)

* Use always the -f option to specify the full configuration file path, because sometimes in the cron environment the home folder path is not detected correctly (e.g. -f /home/youruser/.dropbox_uploader)

* My advice is, for security reasons, to not share the same configuration file with different users

## How to setup a proxy

To use a proxy server, just set the **https_proxy** environment variable:





    export https_proxy=






    setenv https_proxy


## BASH and Curl installation

**Debian & Ubuntu Linux:**


    sudo apt-get install bash (Probably BASH is already installed on your system)

    sudo apt-get install curl




    cd /usr/ports/shells/bash && make install clean

    cd /usr/ports/ftp/curl && make install clean



You need to install these packages:

* curl

* ca-certificates

* dos2unix

Before running the script, you need to convert it using the dos2unix command.

**Build cURL from source:**

* Download the source tarball from http://curl.haxx.se/download.html

* Follow the INSTALL instructions

## DropShell

DropShell is an interactive DropBox shell, based on DropBox Uploader:


DropShell v0.2

The Intractive Dropbox SHELL

Andrea Fabrizi - andrea.fabrizi@gmail.com

Type help for the list of the available commands.

andrea@Dropbox:/$ ls

[D] 0      Apps

[D] 0      Camera Uploads

[D] 0      Public

[D] 0      scripts

[D] 0      Security

[F] 105843  notes.txt

andrea@DropBox:/ServerBackup$ get notes.txt


## Running as Docker Container

First build the docker image:


docker build https://github.com/sircuri/Dropbox-Uploader.git -f Dockerfile -t <TAG>


or for RaspBerry:


docker build https://github.com/sircuri/Dropbox-Uploader.git -f Dockerfile.pi -t <TAG>


then, you can run it as following:


docker run -i --rm --user=$(id -u):$(id -g) -v <LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH>:/config -v <YOUR_DATA_DIR_MOUNT>:/workdir <TAG> <Arguments>


This will store the auth token information in the given local directory in `<LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH>`. To ensure access to your mounted directories it can be important to pass a UID and GID to the docker deamon (as stated in the example by the --user argument)

Using the script with docker makes it also possible to run the script even on windows machines.

To use a proxy, just set the mentioned environment variables via the docker `-e` parameter.

## Related projects

[thunar-dropbox](https://github.com/mDfRg/Thunar-Dropbox-Uploader-plugin/tree/thunar-dropbox/plugins/thunar): A simple extension to Dropbox Uploader that provides a convenient method to share your Dropbox files with one click!

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