measurement and scale
The extent to which the measurement instrument gives the same results when the measurement is repeated.
当重复试验的时候,依然会得到相同的结果, 即测量结果的可靠性。没有random error.
如何测量?how to assess scale reliability?
好处:一次处理。解决了test-retest 方法中的问题。(什么问题?)
方法二:Cronbach's a
a can be viewed as the expected correlation of two tests that measure the same construct.
a 可以看做是两次对相同变量检验的相关程度。mean correlation over all possible split-half reliabilities.
它含蓄地假定了:the average correlation of a set of items is an accurate estimate of the average correlation of all items that pertain(属于) to a certain construct
由公式推导出:a depends on 1)number of items ;2) mean correlation among items
a大于0.7 is acceptable
the extent to which the measurement instrument indeed measures the construct that we intend to measure.
content validity
content (items)是否覆盖全面(the complex construct)
测量方法:定义construct- 产生items-专家看看是不是都fit- 做item analysis(factor analysis & cronbach)
assume uni-dimensional, confirmatory factor analysis.(上一章) 啥意思?
dimensionality of the scale matches construct
criterion validity
和其他变量的关系,是否预测成功(scale predicts the behavior it is supposed to predict)
--这个新的scale应该要predict (在此例中 tendency to purchase grooming products)检验什么(scale score)和什么(predicted behavior)的显著相关性(significantly correlate with)
final scale scores = average
SPSS-correlation (以前章节)
construct validity
·convergent - 这个scale和其他measures of the same construct 正相关吗
·discriminant - 这个scale和 measures of different constructs 不相关吗
·nomological - 这个scale 和throry一致吗
建立一个network(是什么鬼)of caual relationships
if yes, validity is established.
if no, there are two possibilities
1 scale is not valid (前两个)
2 theory is wrong