
哈利波特与魔法石:Week 03 Day 05_Chapter

2018-05-01  本文已影响0人  Jane_Chan

Week 03 Day 05

(Chapter 05 From the begining…Wanted one ever since I was a kid - here we go.)

kindle #778-/扇贝chapter 5 第1节/有声音频(00:00-)





  1. scramble to one's feet = stand up very quickly and awkwardly 匆忙起身

Harry scrambled to his feet, so happy he felt as though a large balloon was swelling inside him.

Hagrid’s coat seemed to be made of nothing but pockets – bunches of keys, slug pellets, balls of string, mint humbugs, tea-bags…

Harry counted out five little bronze coins and the owl held out its leg so he could put the money into a small leather pouch tied to it. Then it flew off through the open window.

  1. puncture <BrE> = flat <AmE> 〔轮胎上扎破的〕小孔,小洞
    eg. The car has a puncture/flat.

Harry was turning over the wizard coins and looking at them. He had just thought of something which made him feel as though the happy balloon inside him had got a puncture.

  1. mess with <inf>干涉,干预

Never mess with goblins, Harry. Gringotts is the safest place in the world fer anything yeh want ter keep safe – ’cept maybe Hogwarts.

  1. fetch
    <BrE> to go and get something or someone and bring them back (去)拿来;(去)请来;(去)找来
    fetch somebody/something from something
    eg. fetch the kids from school 接孩子们放学

‘He usually gets me ter do important stuff fer him. Fetchin’ you – gettin’ things from Gringotts – knows he can trust me, see.

  1. gleam 发光

The sky was quite clear now and the sea gleamed in the sunlight.

  1. vault 金库

‘Ministry o’ Magic messin’ things up as usual,’ Hagrid muttered, turning the page.

They wanted Dumbledore fer Minister, o’ course, but he’d never leave Hogwarts, so old Cornelius Fudge got the job. Bungler if ever there was one. So he pelts Dumbledore with owls every morning, askin’ fer advice.



Passers-by stared a lot at Hagrid as they walked through the little town to the station. Harry couldn’t blame them. Not only was Hagrid twice as tall as anyone else, he kept pointing at perfectly ordinary things like parking meters and saying loudly, ‘See that, Harry? Things these Muggles dream up, eh?’

parking meter


  1. bronze 青铜色

  2. slug pellets 除鼻涕虫丸

  3. scratch one's head 挠了挠头

‘Don’t worry about that,’ said Hagrid, standing up and scratching his head. ‘D’yeh think yer parents didn’t leave yeh anything?’

  1. say yes/no (to sth) = agree or refuse 同意/不同意某事

‘They didn’ keep their gold in the house, boy! Nah, first stop fer us is Gringotts. Wizards’ bank. Have a sausage, they’re not bad cold – an’ I wouldn’ say no teh a bit o’ yer birthday cake, neither.’


  1. tap

  2. mumble = mutter 两个都再次出现了

  3. rap 雪姨砸门

rant and rave
  1. beak

  2. jerk

He went straight to the window and jerked it open.

  1. flutter&swoop 猫头鹰出现必备词汇

Harry scrambled to his feet, so happy he felt as though a large balloon was swelling inside him. He went straight to the window and jerked it open. The owl swooped in and dropped the newspaper on top of Hagrid, who didn’t wake up. The owl then fluttered on to the floor and began to attack Hagrid’s coat.

  1. snap at (动物)咬,噬 savage (动物)乱咬

Harry tried to wave the owl out of the way, but it snapped its beak fiercely at him and carried on savaging the coat.

  1. grunt

‘Pay him,’ Hagrid grunted into the sofa.

  1. pull out

…finally, Harry pulled out a handful of strange-looking coins.

  1. sat up, yawned, and stretched 坐起来,打哈欠,伸懒腰

Hagrid yawned loudly, sat up and stretched.

  1. sideways looks
  1. unfold

  2. pelt 这个词上一次出现是说哈利的信
    pelt sb with sth 向……连续投掷……

They wanted Dumbledore fer Minister, o’ course, but he’d never leave Hogwarts, so old Cornelius Fudge got the job. Bungler if ever there was one. So he pelts Dumbledore with owls every morning, askin’ fer advice.’

  1. Blimey 啊呀

  2. stare at 后面再出现就不提啦~


  1. knut 纳特
    Bronze Knut 魔法货币中币值最小的硬币,这章我们能够看到所有面值的硬币。

  2. Gringotts

  3. spells 咒语

  4. enchantment 魔法


  1. 认真阅读今日课文,阅读今日重点词汇后,复习重现的单词词义及所在句子,试着找出前四章他们出现的位置。

  2. 翻译下面的句子。

At this moment the boat bumped gently into the harbour wall. Hagrid folded up his newspaper and they clambered up the stone steps on to the street.



Diagon Alley



