
My best friend

2019-03-27  本文已影响7人  紫罗兰Shirley

I have many friends, and we almost have same hobby that we like to do exercise. When I see today’s writing topic, I don’t know who is my favorite fiend. I realize suddenly that there are few friends that we like each other. Frankly, only the Lord companies with me every day, so, God is my favorite friend.

Before I became a Christian, I spent in pain and suffering through. I couldn’t deal with my family members’ relationships. My parents often quarreled but I didn’t have any way to reconcile them. I am only child in the family. My parents often gave me pressure in emotion. I hated to communicate with them. So long as I called them, they blamed and required me hating any party. For example, my mother didn’t like me talking with my father. In her eyes, I should follow her words. However, my father thought I should blame my mother’s mistakes. In my opinion, my parents are both my loved persons. I couldn’t choose to hate or blame any party. Though I always desired that I had a happy family, I never thought that I could realize my dream.

Luckily, I knew Jesus in 2018 through the English corner activities, which were hold the pastor Mark from America. After I knew the Christians for six months, I was saved by the Lord and became a real Christian. At first, I only believed the Christ was my faith. I didn’t know whether there was the Lord in heaven. Anyway, when I saved by the Lord, I followed the pastor’s requirement to read the holy bible and learn how to pray with my whole heart every morning. I preferred to believe God existing. When I prayed every morning, I told my troubles about my family and my working. Especially, I expected that he could improve my parents’ relationship. Amazingly, after I became a Christian about twenty days, I gave my father a call. He told me that he didn’t quarreled with my mother again. I knew that the promise was from my father’s heart. I’d never heard the word from small to large… Equally, I knew this result was from God’s working. He heard my prayers and gave me a response.

With time, I have more confidence in the Christ’s love. Prayer has been the most important thing every morning for me. Through my prayers, I can talk with God many things. He always gives me more grace and blessing.

There are two sentences scriptures of the Holy bible book giving me more encouragement, which are that Proverbs 3:5-3:6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” 


