
2018-08-30  本文已影响0人  邢昱

Augmenting data structures

Dynamic order statistics

OS-Select(i) - returns ith smallest item in dynamic set
OS-Rank(x) - returns rank of x in sorted order
Idea: Keep subtree sizes in nodes of a red-black tree

OS-Select(x, i) // ith smallest in subtree rooted at x
    k ← size[left[x]] + 1  // k = rank(x)
    if i = k then return x
    if i < k then return OS-Select(left[x], i)
    else return OS-Select(right[x], i-k)

Analysis: O(lg n)

OS-Rank in CLRS

OS-Rank(T, x)     // rank of x in the tree T
    r = x.left.size + 1
    y = x
    while y ≠ T.root
        if y == y.p.right
            r = r + y.p.left.size + 1
        y = y.p
    return r

Q: Why not keep ranks in nodes instead of subtre suzes?
A: Hard to maintain when r-b tree is modified.

Modifying operations: Insert, delete

Strategy: Update subtree sizes when inserting or deleting
Ex: 像一个红黑树insert的时候,不但要重新算size,还要handle rebalancing. recoloring 不影响size。rotation 最多只发生两次,而且只有少量node的size要改变。

Data-Structure augmentation

Methodology (Ex OS trees)
  1. Choose underlying data structure (red-black tree)
  2. Determine additional information (subtree size)
  3. Verity info can be maintained for the modifying operations(Insert, Delete, rotations)
  4. Develop new operations that use info (DS-Select, OS-Rank)

Usually, mush plays with interactions between steps.

Example: Interval trees

Maintain a set of intervals
e.g. time intervals

time intervals with query operation
  1. red-black tree keyed on the low endpoint (我觉得,同时存了high endpoint)
  2. Store in the node the largest value m in the subtree rooted at that node
  3. Modifying ops
    Insert: Fix m's on way down
    But, also need to handle rotations (takes O(1) time)
    Insert time = O(lg n)
    Delete similar (书上有但是今晚要自己先想一想)
  4. New opertations
Interval-Search(i)  //Find an interval that overlaps i
    x ← root
    while x ≠ nil and (low[i] > high[int[x]] or low [int[x]] > high[i])     //int[x] = the interval of x
    do // i and int[x] don't overlap
        if left[x] ≠ nil and low [i] ≤ m[left[x]]
            then x ← left[x]
        else x ← right[x]
    return x

List all overlaps: O(k*lg n) "output sensitive" 方法是每找到一个就把它删掉
Best to date = O(k + lg n) 在另一种数据结构中能实现
k 是overlaps的数量


Let L = {i' \in left[x]}, R = {i' \in right[x]}


Suppose search goes right

Suppose search goes left and {i' \in L : i' overlaps i} = ∅
Then, low[i] \leq m[left[x]] = high[j] for some j \in L
Since j \in L, j doesn't overlap i \Rightarrow high[i] < low[j]

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