Man E:The door was... The door was...大门...大门...
Mrs H:Boys! You've got another one!男孩们,又一个找你们的。
S:Tell us from the start, DON'T be boring.从头开始说,别让我觉得无聊。
Man E:Hey! Are you OK? Excuse me! Are you all right?喂,没事吧你?你还好吗?
Man F:Sir, phone call for you.长官,你的电话
L:Carter. Have you heard of Sherlock Holmes?卡特,听说过夏洛克·福尔摩斯没?
L:Well, you're about to meet him now. This is your case, it's entirely up to you, this is just... friendly advice, but give Sherlock five minutes on your crime scene, and listen to everything that he has to say. And as far as possible... try not to punch him.你马上就能见到他了,你的案子你说了算我只是友情建议,让夏洛克在犯罪现场调查五分钟,他怎么说都听他的,并且尽量忍住别揍他。
Man F:OK.好的。
Man F:Sir, this gentleman says he needs to speak to you...长官这位先生想跟您说话。
Carter:Yes, I know. Sherlock Holmes.对我知道。夏洛克·福尔摩斯。
W:John Watson. Are you set up for wi-fi?我是约翰·华生,你们这里能上无线网吗?
W:You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?'你知道这多少有点丢人吧?
S:It's OK, I'm fine. Now... show me to the stream.没关系,我不介意。现在带我到溪边看看。
W:I didn't really mean for you.我不是说你丢人。
S:Look, this is a six. There's no point in my leaving the flat for anything less than a seven, we agreed. Now go back, how me the grass.这案子只够六分,七分以下都不用我出公寓,我们已经达成共识了。退回去,让我看看草地。
W:When did we agree that?什么时候说好的?
S:We agreed it yesterday. Stop! Closer.昨天就说好了,停下,靠近点。
W:I wasn't even at home yesterday. I was in Dublin.我昨天都没在家我在都柏林。
S:It's hardly my faultyou weren't listening. Shut up!你没好好听又不是我的错。闭嘴。
W:Do you just carry on talking when I'm away?我不在你还一个人叨叨?
S:I don't know, how often are you away? Now... show me the car that backfired.谁知道你什么时候不在,现在让我看看排气管回火的那辆车。
W:It's there.在那里。
S:That's the one that made the noise, yes?就是它发出的响声对吗?
W:Yeah.If you're thinking gunshot...therewasn't one. He wasn't shot, he was killed by a single blow to the back from a blunt instrument, which then magically disappeared, alongwith the killer. It's got to be an eight, at least.对,如果你想说枪击没有枪。他没被枪击,他是从身后被钝物一击致命的,但凶器和凶手一起消失了。这案子至少能算八分吧。
Carter:You've got two more minutes, they want to know more about the driver.再给你两分钟,他们想知道更多司机的信息。
S:Oh, forget him, he's an idiot. Why else would he think himself a suspect?不用管他,他是个白痴,不然他怎么会觉得自己有嫌疑?
Carter:I think he's a suspect.我也觉得他有嫌疑。
S:Pass me over.把我递过去。
W:All right, but there's a mute button, and I will use it.行,不过这有个消音按钮我很乐意使用。
S:Up a bit! I'm not talking from down here! 抬高点我不要从底下说话。
W:OK. Just take it, take it.好好你拿着拿着
S:Having successfullycommitted a crime without a single witness... why would he call the police andconsult a detective? Fair play?要是他成功实施了犯罪毫无目击者何苦叫来警察还找侦探咨询?为公平竞争?
Carter:He's trying to be clever. It's overconfidence.他耍小聪明自恃过高
S:Did you see him?你见过他吗?
S:Morbidly obese, theundisguised halitosis of a single man living on his own. The right sleeve of aninternet porn addict, the breathing pattern of an untreated heart condition. Lowself-esteem, tiny IQ and a limited life expectancy, and you think he's acriminal mastermind?!Don't worry, this is just stupid.病态肥胖,口臭熏天证明是独具单身汉,右边袖子显示网络色情成瘾,呼吸显示心脏病未经治疗,自卑智商低预期寿命有限,你觉得他能当幕后黑手?别担心,这推论傻疯了。
Man E:What did you say? Heart what?你说什么?什么心脏病?
S:Go to the stream.去河边。
Carter:What's in the stream?溪里有什么?
S:Go and see.去看了就知道。
Mrs H:Sherlock! You weren't answering your doorbell.夏洛克你怎么不应门铃。
Man G:His room's through the back, get him some clothes.他的房间在后面给他拿点衣服。
S:Who the hell are you? 你们是什么人?
Man G:Sorry, Mr Holmes...抱歉福尔摩斯先生。
W:Sherlock.what's going on?夏洛克怎么回事?
Man G:You're coming with us.你得跟我们走一趟。
W:What's happening? I've lost him. I don't know what...怎么了?断线了我不知道是...
Man F:Dr Watson?华生医生?
Man F:It's for you.找你的。
W:OK, thanks.哦,谢谢。
Man F:No, sir, the helicopter.不是,直升机找你。
Man G:Please, Mr Holmes, where you're going you'll want to be dressed.拜托,福尔摩斯先生,去那里你会希望穿好衣服的。
S:I know exactly where I'm going.我清楚我要去哪里了。