Book Three Unit Nine

2018-02-03  本文已影响0人  化真

The things that fascinate us about cats are as follows: they never become submissive
like dogs and horses ; they have the ability to suvive falls. Recently the New York
Animal Medical Centre made a study to discover whether cats are endowed with the
ability to survive falls. The doctors of this centre examined 123 cats over a period of
five months. New York is the ideal place for such an intersting study, because there are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from. It has been found out that only 8 cats which had fell off high buildings died from shocks or injuries. As a doctor remarked, 'Cats
behave like 'well-trained paratroopers.' The study shows that the further cats fall, the
less they are likely to injure themselves. It has been revealed that falling cats reached
speeds of 60 miles an hour or more when they were thrown off tall buildings. In a long
drop, they had time to relaxt so that they could stretch out their legs like flying squirrels.Such behavior increased their air-resistance and reduced the shock of impact when
they struck the ground.

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