Colleges in Cambrige (1)

2018-10-30  本文已影响0人  godfrey0801

Christ's College

From John Milton to Charles Darwin: Christ’s has long nurtured outstanding scholars, from all kinds of background, giving them the tools to ‘think differently’ and break new ground across the sciences and the arts.

We welcome men and women of all nationalities, and every walk of life, who are passionate about their subject, committed to academic excellence and keen to explore new ideas in a positive, enabling environment. Our current students come from over sixty countries, and all regions of Britain, and our active network of alumni includes leaders in politics, business, research and creative industries around the world.

The College’s architecture reflects both the diversity of our intake and the variety of our students’ interests: you may live in medieval splendour, restrained Victorian elegance, or the radical concrete Modernism of New Court. Around half of our student rooms are en-suite, and all undergraduates are accommodated within five minutes’ walk of the main College facilities, which include a café-bar, a formal dining hall and less formal self-service canteen, together with a theatre, art studio, music practice rooms, and a well-stocked library, open twenty-four hours a day.

Christ’s is centrally located, with instant access to the shops and cafes of the city centre, but its extensive gardens offer an oasis of calm amidst the hubbub, and conceal a seventeenth-century swimming pool, alongside a modern gym and squash court and (occasionally) the College cat; the sportsgrounds and boathouse are a short cycle-ride away.

Our community is large enough to sustain a range of clubs, teams and societies, and small enough to ensure that it remains close-knit, and the support we provide for our students starts from the moment they first contact us. So if you’d like to know more, please do get in touch.



学院的建筑反映了我们的入学多样性和学生兴趣的多样性:你可能生活在中世纪的辉煌,克制的维多利亚时代的优雅,或激进的具体的新法院现代主义。大约一半的学生房都是套房,所有本科生都可以在距离学院主要设施步行不到5分钟的地方,包括咖啡厅酒吧,正式餐厅和不太正式的自助餐厅,以及剧院。 ,艺术工作室,音乐练习室和藏书丰富的图书馆,每天24小时开放。

Christ's位于市中心,可以方便地前往市中心的商店和咖啡馆,但其广阔的花园在喧嚣中提供了一片宁静的绿洲,隐藏着一个17世纪的游泳池,还有一个现代化的健身房和壁球场(偶尔) 学院猫;距离运动场和船库仅有很短的车程。


Churchill College

Churchill College’s motto is ‘Forward’. We look to the future, not the past. Regularly ranked among the top Cambridge colleges in terms of examination results, and with many Nobel Prize winners to our name, our academic reputation is exceptional.

Sited on one of the largest College campuses in Cambridge, our undergraduate accommodation is of the highest quality: modern, spacious, light and warm, with free wireless internet. All undergraduate rooms are on-site and we can accommodate our students for the duration of their three- or four-year courses. Many rooms are en suite. All others have access to shared bathrooms. Rents are set bearing in mind our key objectives of affordability and choice. Provision for disabled people is excellent.

Churchill’s student facilities are fantastic. They include: a comprehensive 24/7 library; a dining hall; an all-day coffee shop / bar; a 300-seat theatre / cinema; a music recital room; an art studio; on-site sports pitches, courts, and gym; and a boathouse on the river.

Churchill is located adjacent to Cambridge city centre and the University’s thriving West Cambridge Site.

Churchill’s founders placed great emphasis on the study of science and technology, but they also recognised the advantages of a diverse academic community. Whilst we retain a focus on science subjects, students in the arts and humanities are as numerous here as they are in many other Cambridge colleges. Churchill students in all subjects consistently perform extraordinarily well in University examinations.

When looking at undergraduate admissions we strongly prioritise academic results while actively encouraging applicants from a wide range of backgrounds. If you are among the brightest, hardest-working, and highest-achieving students in your school or college, you are likely to be a serious applicant. We urge you to consider applying.







Clare College

Clare is a thriving community that is home to students from all backgrounds and from all over the world. Diverse and inclusive, it is known for its friendly and supportive environment, its bright, engaged students, and its vibrant College life.

Situated in the very heart of Cambridge, the beautiful buildings and gardens of Clare extend to both sides of the river, forming part of the famed ‘Cambridge Backs’.

Accommodation is provided for all undergraduates throughout their time at the College. Clare has its own well-stocked library, sportsground, gym and music practice rooms. The University Library is immediately adjacent to the College site, and many faculties and departments are also nearby.

Clare has a large and active teaching Fellowship, providing inspiration and academic guidance for students. The College accepts applications in all subjects and the Fellows have a vast range of teaching and research interests. Staff and students work closely together, and there are student representatives on all major committees.

There is a wide range of College societies, including politics, drama, comedy, and numerous sports clubs. Societies also bring Fellows and students together for lectures and social events. Clare has a very strong musical tradition, with an internationally renowned choir. In addition, the College bar is a favourite venue for live music.

The College has open days in July and September and welcomes school visits. Please see the Clare website or contact the Admissions Office for more information.



在学院期间为所有本科生提供住宿。 Clare拥有自己的藏书丰富的图书馆,运动场,健身房和音乐练习室。大学图书馆紧邻学院网站,许多院系也在附近。




Corpus Christi College

Founded by the townspeople in 1352, Corpus’ central location and beautiful settings are hard to beat. Underpinned by its close-knit and friendly community, Corpus provides a supportive and inclusive environment in all which students can flourish.

The main site of Corpus is situated in the centre of Cambridge, close to lecture halls, libraries and student facilities. At Corpus the ancient and modern sit side by side. Our Old Court is possibly the oldest surviving court in Cambridge, and has housed students for more than 650 years. In the adjacent Kwee Court you find our modern 24-hour student library, which has extensive holdings and excellent study facilities, as well as our contemporary student café/bar. Our stunning dining hall is located in New Court, as is our Parker Library, which contains a famous collection of ancient manuscripts.

As a Corpus undergraduate, you’re guaranteed accommodation for the duration of your course in single-occupancy rooms, in or close to the main College site. Our graduate site at Leckhampton is a 10-minute walk away and is regularly used by our undergraduates. Here you find large playing fields, tennis courts, a gym, pool and extensive gardens.

Our students come from a wide range of social and educational backgrounds and we value each student’s academic potential while providing the resources to flourish in Cambridge – outstanding teaching by our Fellows and academics, fantastic student facilities and first-rate pastoral support. Students combine their academic studies with our lively social and cultural life. We have a flourishing music scene, many subject societies, and a unique stand-alone studio theatre, the Corpus Playroom.

You can find useful information about admissions and facilities on our website. Better yet, visit us on one of our open days to tour the historic buildings and meet our students and Fellows.


Corpus的主要景点位于剑桥市中心,靠近演讲厅,图书馆和学生设施。在Corpus,古代和现代并排坐着。我们的旧法院可能是剑桥最古老的法院,已有650多年的学生。在相邻的Kwee Court,您可以找到我们现代化的24小时学生图书馆,该图书馆拥有丰富的馆藏和优秀的学习设施,以及我们当代的学生咖啡馆/酒吧。我们令人惊叹的餐厅位于新法院,我们的帕克图书馆也是如此,其中包含着名的古代手稿。


我们的学生来自广泛的社会和教育背景,我们重视每个学生的学术潜力,同时提供在剑桥蓬勃发展的资源 - 我们的研究员和学者的杰出教学,出色的学生设施和一流的牧灵支持。学生将他们的学术研究与我们生动的社交和文化生活相结合我们有一个蓬勃发展的音乐场景,许多主题社团,以及独特的独立工作室剧院,语料库游戏室。


Downing College

Founded in 1800, Downing is both the newest of the ‘old’ Colleges and the oldest of the ‘new’. We welcome applications from anyone with talent and commitment to join our friendly, academic community.

Home to about 420 undergraduates, 220 graduates and 50 Fellows, all supported by more than 130 staff, Downing is a diverse and welcoming place. Our beautiful Neo-Classical buildings are set in a spacious landscape of lawns, trees and gardens in the heart of Cambridge, close to many University faculties and departments.

Downing accepts students in all subjects, and our highly-respected teaching and research staff are dedicated to helping the students realise their full potential.  Our Fellows are at the forefront of their academic fields, and their expertise informs their teaching.

Downing is able to house all undergraduate and graduate students on the main College site. This is unusual in Cambridge and helps build the strong sense of community so characteristic of Downing. The accommodation is exceptional, and all rooms are single occupancy with internet connectivity. More than half are en-suite and several are adapted for students with physical or sensory impairments.

Our facilities include the well-stocked Maitland Robinson Library, the magnificent Howard Theatre and the purpose-built Heong Gallery. Downing has a strong musical tradition, with a flourishing Chapel choir and frequent concerts and recitals. Our excellent sporting facilities include a gym, tennis and basketball/netball courts, as well as an off-site sports ground and boathouse by the river. Students also enjoy the lively common rooms and student bar.

Downing is an inspiring place to live and study. Visit us on one of our open days to tour the College and meet students and Fellows. 





我们的设施包括储藏丰富的Maitland Robinson图书馆,宏伟的霍华德剧院和专门建造的Heong Gallery。唐宁拥有浓厚的音乐传统,拥有繁荣的教堂合唱团以及频繁的音乐会和独奏音乐会。我们一流的运动设施包括健身房,网球和篮球/无板篮球场,以及场外运动场和河畔船库。学生还可以享受热闹的公共休息室和学生酒吧。


Emmanuel College

The reputation of Emmanuel as ‘the friendly College’ has grown over the years. This reputation, like the College’s excellent record of academic achievement, is primarily due to our students.

Emmanuel is a community that lives by principles of mutual support and collective responsibility. Part of the reason for our success, besides the more formal collegiate supervision system, is the striking supportive relationship that has grown up between students in different years of their courses and which persists as one group graduates and another group of freshers arrives.

The result of this is that Emmanuel’s students continue to excel in their exams, their sport and their music, while still finding time to enjoy an active and inclusive social life. The College provides the framework – excellent facilities for sport, computing and music; terrific teachers; a recently rebuilt library and with one of the best reading rooms in Cambridge; a student-run bar and so on – but the students do the rest.

Emmanuel is first and foremost an intellectual community in which individuals can develop to their full potential. It’s also aesthetically pleasing: the spaciousness and quiet architectural beauty of the grounds and buildings, in the very centre of Cambridge, surprise everyone who enters. The Head Gardener believes that gardens are to be used, so the two ponds, with their ducks and moorhens, the tennis courts in summer, the swimming pool and the large grass area known as the Paddock, are there for all members of the College to enjoy. However, the grass in Front Court is sacrosanct: only ducks and Dons, and snowmen that appear mysteriously in the middle of the night, are allowed on it.



其结果是,Emmanuel的学生继续在考试,运动和音乐方面表现出色,同时仍然有时间享受积极和包容的社交生活。学院提供框架 - 运动,计算和音乐的优秀设施;很棒的老师;最近重建的图书馆,拥有剑桥最好的阅览室之一;学生经营的酒吧等等 - 但学生们会做其余的事情。

Emmanuel首先是一个知识共同体,个人可以充分发挥其潜力。这也是美学上令人愉悦的:在剑桥市中心的场地和建筑物的宽敞和安静的建筑美感让所有进入的人感到惊讶。 Head Gardener认为花园将被使用,所以两个池塘,鸭子和农场,夏天的网球场,游泳池和被称为围场的大草地,都是学院的所有成员。请享用。然而,前院的草是神圣不可侵犯的:只允许鸭子和Dons,以及在半夜神秘地出现的雪人。

Fitzwilliam College

Fitzwilliam College combines the best of Cambridge tradition with a friendly, forward-thinking approach. Our active and diverse student community lives surrounded by some of the most beautiful gardens in Cambridge.

Fitzwilliam was founded in 1869 to broaden access to the University, and we’re proud of our history. We admit students from all backgrounds strictly on the basis of ability and promise. Our intellectually stimulating environment together with strong pastoral and academic support enables our students to reach their full potential.

Our location – between the main arts and science sites – is ideal for taking advantage of everything Cambridge has to offer. The setting, around the extensive gardens of a Georgian estate, combines ‘the best of the old and the new’. The Regency house at the heart of the College was once home to Darwin’s widow. More recent buildings include our auditorium (a venue for plays, concerts, debates and lectures) and new, superbly equipped 24/7 library. Students live in rooms in College (many en-suite) or in College houses very nearby for all three (or four) years. Our beautiful gardens are there for all – everyone can walk on our grass!

Fitzwilliam has a strong reputation for music, thriving drama and sport, and a varied range of other College societies. There are music practice rooms, allotments, an art studio, the radio studio of CamFM, a new gym and squash courts on site and playing fields nearby. Students participate fully in our key College committees. Our lovely café/bar symbolises the open and welcoming nature of the College: it’s an informal space where students, staff and teaching Fellows meet over coffee and homemade cake.

Explore Fitzwilliam for yourself at our Open Days and Taster Days, email to find out more or email: with any questions relating to courses or the admissions process.



我们的位置 - 主要的艺术和科学网站之间 - 是利用剑桥所提供的一切的理想选择。环绕着格鲁吉亚庄园的广阔花园,结合了“最好的新旧”。学院中心的摄政时期的房子曾经是达尔文寡妇的家。最近的建筑包括我们的礼堂(戏剧,音乐会,辩论和讲座的场地)和全新的,装备精良的24/7图书馆。学生住在学院的房间(许多套房)或在附近的学院房子里,这三年(或四年)。我们美丽的花园适合所有人 - 每个人都可以在草地上行走!



Girton College

Set in beautiful grounds of more than 50 acres just outside the city centre, Girton College’s setting matches its open and informal atmosphere.

Founded on values of equality and diversity, Girton offers every student superb facilities in which to live and learn. One of the larger Cambridge Colleges, we offer a friendly community where no-one is anonymous. Whatever your subject, you receive top-class tuition, excellent support and an opportunity to exceed your expectations.

There is a wide range of student-run clubs and societies, from the allotment society to the amateur dramatics society, and some of the best facilities for music in the University.

The College guarantees students accommodation for all years of their undergraduate degree. The majority of our undergraduates, including all first years, are housed on the historic main College site in a variety of accommodation – ranging from Victorian rooms in the original building, to modern en suite rooms in Ash Court. An option from the second year is an en suite room in the newly built Swirles Court (located between the College and city centre).

At Girton, you can experience all that’s great about being at Cambridge. The College has excellent on-site sporting and leisure facilities, including football, rugby and cricket pitches; squash and basketball courts; a new gym and, uniquely, an indoor heated swimming pool. We have a state-of-the-art library, well-equipped computer rooms, and internet connections across all accommodation. Our self-service cafeteria is popular and every corridor has a communal kitchen, offering students plenty of flexibility for meals.

We maintain roughly equal numbers of men and women amongst our Fellowship and student body, and the relationship between Fellows, students and staff is friendly, lively and supportive.

Girton College酒店坐落在市中心外50多英亩的美丽土地上,拥有开放和休闲的氛围。



学院保证学生住宿的所有年份的本科学位。我们的大多数本科生,包括所有头几年,都坐落在历史悠久的学院主场,提供各种住宿 - 从原始建筑的维多利亚式房间到Ash Court的现代化带连接浴室的客房。第二年的选择是在新建的Swirles Court(位于学院和市中心之间)的带连接浴室的房间。



Gonville & Caius College

Caius is a large, friendly College based around three beautiful courts in the very centre of Cambridge. Founded in 1348, the College is known for its diverse student body, its academic ambition, and its strong sense of community.

Applicants are considered individually and selected solely on academic merit, regardless of school, social or national background. The life of the College is enriched by the diversity which characterises our student body. To help everyone settle in, we operate a full freshers’ programme and a ‘parenting scheme’ to welcome new students into the College community.

Caius has more than 100 Fellows. The range of teaching and research interests within the College is huge; all undergraduate courses are offered and supported at the highest level and students form close working relationships with academics. Many subjects have their own societies within the College, bringing together students and Fellows for social events, discussions and lectures.

Exceptional accommodation is provided for all students throughout their time at Cambridge. We encourage students to eat together in the College Hall, but all accommodation is equipped with cooking facilities. Every first year has a modern en suite study bedroom. Students in other years ballot for rooms in the medieval Old Courts, or in city-centre College-owned houses.

We have a superb library, containing over 100,000 books and journals. We also offer excellent music, art and sporting facilities, including our own large, central sports ground and a gym. In addition, the College supports a wide range of very successful clubs and societies – if you want to do it, you can do it at Caius. Visit us and see for yourself.





我们拥有一流的图书馆,包含超过100,000本书籍和期刊。我们还提供一流的音乐,艺术和体育设施,包括我们自己的大型中央运动场和健身房。此外,学院还支持各种非常成功的俱乐部和社团 - 如果你想这样做,你可以在Caius做。访问我们,亲眼看看。

Homerton College

Homerton has been in Cambridge for well over 100 years and yet is the newest College of the University, one of the largest and one of the most diverse.

At Homerton, we blend a few long-established traditions with a modern forward-thinking approach. Each new generation of students helps to build our academic community, enhancing what’s already one of the most vibrant, open and inclusive places for living and learning in the University.

Homerton is a green oasis on the south side of the city, with spacious grounds through which all College members can roam (even walking on the grass!). Our buildings are a mixture of old and new, with a fine Victorian building at the College’s heart. Our study bedrooms have en-suite bathrooms and all the necessary links that technology allows. All undergraduates can be accommodated on site throughout their studies.

Living in College is overwhelmingly popular, not just for the comfortable rooms but for the full social and intellectual life that Homerton offers. We have the usual facilities: a large modern and well-stocked library, a gym, a theatre, music rooms, and, more unusually, a dance studio and sports grounds on-site. Our students take full advantage of these to play hard and work hard.

Homerton has always been a welcoming place; somewhere to become what you want to be. Whatever your background and interests there'll be others who share them. Our students participate fully in the life of the College, taking part in its decision-making through the Students’ Union and enriching the local and wider society with their multitude of interests, skills and enthusiasms. We’re an evolving community, committed to remaining a place where doors are open, where nobody’s too grand to talk to you, and where each student can develop their full potential in supportive and beautiful surroundings.






Hughes Hall

A mature, friendly and pioneering academic community, dynamic in our approach, developing a unique global impact at the cutting-edge of the academic, professional and commercial worlds.

Hughes Hall is a different type of Cambridge College. We have around 690 students, of whom around 100 are mature or affiliate undergraduates, and two-thirds are from outside the UK. We accept undergraduates for nearly all courses, and our largest cohort is in Law. Whatever your subject, you benefit from living with undergraduates in all subjects, and with postgraduates of similar age and outlook.

Alumni include a gold medal winning Olympian, government ministers, senior members of the legal community, leading business people, engineers and scientists across the globe; many of whom volunteer to support our current students.

Undergraduates are strongly represented in student societies and sports, regularly representing Cambridge on University teams, and contributing fully to a generous and diverse community where all can flourish.

We understand the challenges that face mature and affiliate undergraduates and have a pastoral tutorial system tailored to this, as well as a College nurse, gym facilities, a modern library and excellent food.

Hughes Hall is situated in the liveliest, most cosmopolitan part of Cambridge, within a 10-minute bike ride of most faculties, yet surrounded by the peaceful green spaces of the University cricket ground and Parker’s Piece.

You are guaranteed accommodation for the duration of your course (including vacations) in excellent quality rooms, on or close to the main College site. Most rooms are modern, en suite and well-proportioned to suit more mature students. Rents are set bearing in mind affordability.

We are enthusiastically open to mature and affiliate undergraduates from every continent.


Hughes Hall是剑桥学院的另一种类型。我们有大约690名学生,其中大约100名是成熟或附属本科生,三分之二来自英国以外。我们接受几乎所有课程的本科生,我们最大的队列是在法律。无论您的科目是什么,您都可以与所有科目的本科生以及相似年龄和前景的研究生一起生活。




Hughes Hall酒店位于剑桥最热闹,最国际化的地区,距离大多数学院仅有10分钟的自行车车程,周围环绕着大学板球场和Parker's Piece的宁静绿地。



Jesus College

Our students say the best things about Jesus College are the mix of people and relaxed atmosphere, the great accommodation, and the location in the heart of Cambridge.

We say the best things about Jesus students are their diversity, their strong sense of community and their capacity for hard work.

We admit around 145 undergraduates a year, across all subjects studied at the University, with roughly equal numbers in arts and sciences. We welcome applicants from all types of school and background – everyone is considered for admission as an individual on their own academic merit.

All our undergraduates are offered accommodation either in the main College buildings or in College-owned houses just across the road, so all Jesus students live within a stone's throw from the Porters' Lodge. The mix of rooms enables individual needs and preferences to be catered for. The College grounds are spacious and tranquil, away from the main tourist routes but only five minutes’ walk from the city centre.

Our students are encouraged to excel in all walks of life, and this leads to a good mix of academic excellence with music, sports and the arts. We’re particularly proud of our award-winning library which provides a superb working environment, our commitment to music of all sorts (ranging from two Chapel choirs to dedicated spaces for student-run events), and our strong support for the visual arts, especially sculpture. There are plenty of opportunities to relax and unwind too, with newly refurbished facilities including a brand new bar, café and common room and, unusually for a Cambridge College, our playing fields are on the main site.

You’re very welcome to come and see the College for yourself – attend an open day or contact us to arrange an informal visit.



在大学学习的所有科目中,我们每年招收大约145名本科生,在艺术和科学方面的数量大致相同。我们欢迎所有类型的学校和背景的申请人 - 每个人都被视为个人入学自己的学术成就。



非常欢迎您亲自前来参观学院 - 参加开放日或与我们联系安排非正式访问。

King's College

King’s has a long history of intellectual, artistic and social innovation. We were among the first of the historically male Colleges to admit women, and we have played a leading role in attracting ethnic minorities and state-educated students to Cambridge.

King’s is a vibrant, diverse and tolerant community. The College actively encourages applications from continental Europe and overseas.

The College has a high ratio of teaching Fellows to undergraduates, and relations between members of the College are traditionally informal. Our academic standards are high and we take intellectual life seriously. King’s makes every effort to support students in their academic work and their experience of living and enjoying themselves at the University.

The College offers good computer facilities and an excellent library, with many welcoming places to work.

King’s stands in the centre of Cambridge, with its splendid grounds and buildings stretching to the River Cam and beyond. There’s a wide choice of accommodation. Meals are offered in our cafeteria, but you take your tray into the grand College Hall. King’s has a welcoming bar and a coffee shop. We offer sports facilities, punts and kayaks, music practice rooms, a dark room, clubs and societies, student-run club nights and an Art Centre running classes. Our students are represented on College committees and fully engaged in the College’s rich intellectual and social life.

King’s is renowned for its music and Chapel. In addition to our celebrated male-voice choir, there’s King’s Voices (a mixed choir), a student orchestra and musical society, and countless other groups for different tastes and styles. The College bar also has popular open mic nights.

At King’s, students from any background can fulfil their personal and intellectual potential. We admit strictly on academic promise, and welcome applicants from any type of school or region of the world.



学院教学研究员与本科生的比例很高,学院成员之间的关系传统上是非正式的。我们的学术标准很高,我们认真对待知识生活。 King's尽一切努力支持学生的学术工作以及他们在大学生活和享受生活的经历。


King's酒店位于剑桥市中心,拥有壮丽的场地和建筑,可延伸至Cam Cam河及其他地区。这里有各种各样的住宿选择。我们的自助餐厅提供餐点,但您可以将托盘带入宏伟的学院大厅。 King酒店设有一间温馨的酒吧和一间咖啡厅。我们提供体育设施,平底船和皮划艇,音乐练习室,黑暗的房间,俱乐部和社团,学生经营的俱乐部之夜和艺术中心跑步课程。我们的学生在大学委员会中有代表,并充分参与学院丰富的知识和社交生活。

King's以其音乐和Chapel而闻名。除了我们着名的男声合唱团,还有King's Voices(混合合唱团),学生乐团和音乐协会,以及无数其他不同品味和风格的团体。学院酒吧也有流行的开放麦克风之夜。


Lucy Cavendish

When Lucy Cavendish was founded in 1965, newspapers called it ‘the College without towers, turrets or gatehouse’. We’re still as informal and as open-minded today.

Lucy Cavendish is one of the smaller Cambridge Colleges, and one of the most diverse: our 410 students come from more than 60 countries, and include many affiliate students alongside first-time undergraduates with a wide range of interests, experience and qualifications.

The College lies close to the city centre, in tranquil grounds featuring a wildflower meadow, pond and music pavilion as well as our cluster of Victorian and 1990s buildings. The library is unusually spacious, with a collection designed to encourage reading for pleasure, not just academic study. Students enjoy a well-equipped gym and interconnecting common room, bar, games room and conservatory. The sunny dining hall opens onto an al fresco eating area and our chefs pride themselves on using seasonal, local produce.

On-site accommodation is offered to all single undergraduates; most rooms are en suite, with a smaller number of twin ‘sets’ sharing a bathroom and kitchenette. Our new Histon Road complex includes one- and two-bedroom flats, increasing the options available to couples and families.

The ratio of staff to undergraduates is low, making for close-knit, non-hierarchical relations; social events involve the whole College. Annual traditions include a garden party, a Christmas carol concert and formal halls to celebrate special events and achievements.

We are known for preparing women for the professions and have good links with industry, but Lucy Cavendish students have excelled across the arts and sciences. The College has a growing profile in sport, and values creativity as a complement to scholarship: we run an annual fiction prize, and recent students have included novelists, filmmakers and theatre directors.

当Lucy Cavendish于1965年成立时,报纸称其为“没有塔楼,塔楼或门楼的学院”。我们今天仍然是非正式和开放的。

Lucy Cavendish是较小的剑桥大学之一,也是最多元化的大学之一:我们的410名学生来自60多个国家,其中包括许多附属学生以及具有广泛兴趣,经验和资历的初学本科生。


酒店为所有单身本科生提供现场住宿;大部分客房均设有连接浴室,较少数量的双人套房共用一间浴室和小厨房。我们新的Histon Road综合大楼包括单卧室和双卧室公寓,增加了夫妻和家庭的选择。



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