2020-03-24 本文已影响0人
I would like to stress that some people on the US side are trying to stigmatize China's efforts in an attempt to shirk responsibility. They have ignored the huge sacrifices the Chinese people made in safeguarding the health and safety of all mankind, and vilified China's significant contributions to global public health security. Their moves run counter to the WHO's professional advice and the expectations and efforts of the international community to fight the pandemic together. We hope the US side will respect facts and the international consensus, and keep its own house in order rather than slander others and shift responsibility. It needs to play a constructive role in enhancing international cooperation and safeguarding international public health security.
很多中方对外提供的援助物资都写有寄语,既有“千里同好,坚于金石”等中国古语,“道不远人,人无异国”等韩国诗句,也有“我们是同海之浪,同树之叶,同园之花”等意大利哲学家名言,这表达了中国人民与世界各国人民加强抗疫国际合作、共同推动构建人类命运共同体的心声。 Many of China's donations have messages written on the package. Some are ancient Chinese sayings like "our partnership, stronger than metal and stone, defies geographical distance". Some are Korean poetry lines like "we aspire to the same ideal, we are all citizens of the world". Some are quotes of Italian philosophers like "we are waves of the same sea, leaves on the same tree, flowers in the same garden". These messages demonstrate the Chinese people's aspiration to cooperate with other countries and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.
中方对美国媒体采取的有关措施完全是对美方无理打压中国媒体驻美机构进行的必要反制,完全是正当合理防卫。所谓中方采取反制措施是企图妨碍外界获取疫情信息的说法,纯粹是无稽之谈,别有用心。 the measures taken by the Chinese side against the US media are all in response to the unreasonable oppression the Chinese media organizations experience in the US. They are legitimate and justified self-defense in every sense. The claim that China's countermeasures are an attempt to obstruct access to information on the epidemic is sheer nonsense with ulterior motives.
sheer nonsense 一派胡言;无稽之谈 ulterior motive, reason, purpose 不可告人的动机/原因/目的
如果我没有记错的话,美国领导人曾多次公开积极评价中方的疫情防控工作。1月25日,特朗普总统发推特称,中国一直在非常努力地遏制新型冠状病毒,美国非常欣赏中方的努力和透明度。3月13日,特朗普总统向记者表示,中方分享的数据有助于美方抗击疫情。言犹在耳,美方怎么突然就翻脸不认账?我很想知道到底为什么? If I recall correctly, the US leader praised China's efforts on multiple occasions. On January 25, President Trump tweeted that China has been working very hard to contain the coronavirus, and that the US greatly appreciates China' efforts and transparency. On March 13, He said to reporters that the data China shared are helpful for the US efforts against the epidemic. Our memories of those words are still vivid. I wonder why the US suddenly changed its tone and turned against us?
面对新冠肺炎疫情肆虐,如果有人说“中国制造有毒”,那么请说这种话的人,不要戴中国制造的口罩,不要穿中国生产的防护服,不要用中国出口的呼吸机,以免染上病毒。 For those who label products made in China as "contaminated with virus", they'd better not use made-in-China masks, protective suits and ventilators.
最后,我要说的是,在这场国际社会与新冠病毒的斗争中,请尊重事实、尊重科学、尊重他人。最重要的,要尊重自己。即使科学暂时无法到达的地方,文明还会到达。 In this global fight against the coronavirus, everyone needs to respect facts, respect science, respect others and, above all, respect oneself. Because where science cannot arrive for the time being, humanity will.
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