1,I mean, there is a certain irony involved when guys who spend the first years of their sex lives preoccupied with not getting girls pregnant (and when I first started, condoms were still in) then reverse their thinking and become obsessed with conception and not its contra.
conception 可变名词 受孕;怀孕 Conception is the process in which the egg in a woman is fertilized and she becomes pregnant.
仿写:Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail. 怀孕6个星期后,胎儿的大小相当于小拇指的指甲。
2,The nurse-screwing-up alibi is pretty trite.
alibi 可数名词 借口;托词 You can say that someone has an alibi when they can prove that something was not their fault.
仿写:He had a perfect alibi and the police let him go. 他有不在犯罪现场的确凿证明,警方便放了他。
3,'She bought it?'
buy 动词 相信;接受 If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it.
仿写:I'm not buying any of that nonsense.我才不信那些废话。
4,'Jennifer!' I bellowed, now honestly hurt. 'I will not have that kind of talk at my breakfast table!'
bellow 动词(人)吼叫,咆哮 If someone bellows, they shout angrily in a loud, deep voice.
仿写:'I didn't ask for it myse!' she bellowed.
5,'Then get your ass home to my dinner table. Okay?
get your ass
有时sb's ass = sb
老美常常喜欢用ass指代人,有情绪在里面的,一般是愤怒。有部电影我忘了是什么了,里面就有一个场景,汽车追尾,前面那个人就怒冲下来对后面那人大喊一声: Get your ass outta your car.
goosip girl season3 就有一段,貌似是Serina起身要走,Blair怒吼一声: Sit your ass down.=sit down
我有一次在酒吧,一个美国人迟迟不来,我就怒发了一条短信给他: Get your ass over here. 意思就是让他赶紧杀过来
kick your ass不是真的要踢你PP,而是揍你
有的时候sb's ass就是ass,比如 he is always kissing his boss's ass. 他总是拍他老板的马屁