

2017-05-04  本文已影响0人  冰清思语集

文章作者: Claire Bates



When Irenie Ekkeshis's eye started to itch she assumed it would soon settle down. It didn't. Before long, she found herself in excruciating pain and lost her sight in that eye. And the cause may have been nothing more than handling her contact lenses with wet fingers.

Irenie Ekkeshis的眼睛开始发痒时她以为很快会好,但是没有。不久,她的眼睛开始剧烈的疼痛,直到最后彻底失明。其罪魁祸首,不是任何其他因素,而是她用湿手佩戴隐形眼镜。

One Saturday morning in January 2011, Irenie Ekkeshis woke up to find her right eye was streaming with tears. So she went to the chemist's and picked up some eye drops.

2011年一月一个星期六的早晨, Irenie Ekkeshis 醒来发现她的右眼莫名的流泪。于是她去药店买了眼药水。

."I thought I had a little infection that would clear up by Monday. But by that evening I couldn't bear to go in my kitchen because I found the fluorescent lights too bright. It was painful."


Ekkeshis went straight to Moorfield's Eye Hospital where doctors gave her a corneal scrape - a procedure that involves taking cells from the surface of the eyeball.

于是,Ekkeshis直接去了穆尔菲尔德眼科医院, 医生给她做了一个角膜刮擦——这一过程涉及到从眼球表面提取细胞。

"It was as horrible as it sounds - you see the needle heading towards your eye. It was excruciatingly painful, even though they use numbing eye drops," she says.


Within days she was told she had Acanthamoeba Keratitis (AK), a rare but serious eye infection caused by a micro-organism that's common in tap water, sea water and swimming pools.

几天后,她被告知她患的是棘阿米巴角膜炎 (AK), 一种很罕见但很严重的眼部感染病,这种感染由某种微生物引起,而这种微生物大量存在于自来水, 海水和游泳池中。

"I was feeling very shocked and frightened, as by then I had lost the vision in my right eye. It was like looking through a foggy bathroom mirror. I could see colours and shapes but not much else," she says.


The illness affects about 125 people in the UK every year - and the vast majority of cases are associated with the use of contact lenses.

每年,英国有大约125人会患这种疾病, 绝大多数病例都与隐形眼镜的使用有关。

"I hadn't had a shower or gone swimming in my lenses," Ekkeshis says. "But I learned that even washing your hands and not drying them properly before handling lenses can cause it." Ekkeshis

“我从来不会戴着隐形眼镜洗澡或者游泳”, Ekkeshis 说。“但我知道,洗完手没擦干就接触隐形眼镜也会导致这种眼部感染”。

It was at the age of 12, that Ekkeshis decided to swap her thick "bottle-top" glasses for contact lenses.

12岁的时候,Ekkeshis 决定告别她那厚重的“瓶底”眼镜,换上了隐形眼镜。

"I suppose I was a self-conscious pre-teen," she says.


By the time she was 30 she wore daily disposable lenses, the kind you throw away each evening, and she had never had any trouble with them.

But AK, in which an amoeba invades the cornea - the clear front part of the eye - turned out to be a major problem.

30岁前, 她每天都戴一次性隐形眼镜,晚上摘下来就可以扔掉,从来没有遇到过任何麻烦。但是当一种变形虫入侵到恰好位于眼球前方的眼角膜时,棘阿米巴角膜炎这一大疾病就产生了。

At first, Ekkeshis was given antiseptic eye drops to take every hour. She was told that as the infection had been caught early it should be cured in a matter of weeks.


But her eye didn't respond to the treatment, and because the cornea has the highest density of pain receptors in the body, she was soon in agony.

"The pain got worse as the infection developed," she says. "At times it was unbearable and was almost impossible to control, even with the strongest painkillers."

但这种治疗没有任何效果,因为角膜是整个身体痛觉感受器分布最多的部位,药效过后很快又会疼痛 。“眼部感染越来越严重,疼痛也越来越加剧,”她说,“有时痛的令人忍无可忍,也无法控制,即使很强的止痛药也无济于事。”

She could not work and eventually quit her job as a travel company director.

疼痛已经让她无法工作, 最终她辞去了旅游公司董事的职务。

Her eye streamed for months until doctors started to get the infection under control. The pain also started to subside. But by now the cornea of her right eye was scarred, leaving her vision in this eye blurred.


In May 2013 she had a corneal transplant, which appeared to be a success.


"It was amazing to be able to see through both eyes for the first time in a long time," she says.


However, after 10 days Ekkeshis noticed the sight in her right eye was becoming cloudy again.

然而,十天后,Ekkeshis 发现她的右眼视力再次模糊。

"I had a scan which confirmed the AK had moved in to the new transplant. I was back to square one. It was devastating."


A second transplant followed in 2014.


"My eye stabilised and I was no longer in pain," she says.


However, something then went wrong with her retina and she completely lost her vision in that eye. Doctors have told her they suspect that inflammation caused by AK was the source of the problem - and that her sight is unlikely to return.


During her illness, Ekkeshis discovered that none of her friends or family, many of whom wore contact lenses, knew about the risks of exposing them to water. So she decided to set up a campaign from her sofa to tackle the issue.

病痛期间, Ekkeshis 发现, 她的许多朋友或家人都配戴隐形眼镜, 但却无人知道隐形眼镜一旦触水的危险。因此, 她决定就在她的论坛上进行宣传活动来解决这个问题。

She discovered that while a safety leaflet was produced it wasn't usually included inside the lens boxes, so the information rarely reached lens wearers.


She asked the British Contact Lens Association why there was no warning on the boxes. When told there simply wasn't room she designed her own "No Water" graphic.


"At that point the industry realised I was serious and they became supportive. We produced these No Water stickers that opticians could stick on boxes," she says.

“在这点上,隐形眼镜生产商意识到我是认真的,他们转而支持我。我们一起制作了能贴在盒子内部的 ‘禁止触水’标签,”她说。

Ekkeshis spoke at conferences to promote the campaign and it spread to the US too, after she attracted the attention of the American Academy of Optometry.

Ekkeshis 在媒体上发表了促进这一活动的演说,得到了美国验光学院的广泛关注,这场活动也开始在美国扩散。

She hopes one day the "No Water" graphic will be automatically printed on all contact lens boxes.


Using her campaigning experience, she has co-founded an enterprise called The New Citizenship Project.


"Our purpose is to get people more involved in society. When you think and behave like a citizen you feel able to create change," she says.



Meanwhile Ekkeshis, now 36, has had to adapt to her impaired sight.

"You do things to help cope day to day. So if I'm going to a meal with friends I try to sit closer to the wall on my right side so I can see everyone," she says.



"But it is hard. Sometimes people can get huffy on public transport if you bump in to them because you can't see your right side."


“The eyelid is now droopy, which is common in AK.”


"My advice to people is simple. Never let your lenses come into contact with water - in the shower, swimming or when washing.

"Although infections like AK are rare, I'm proof they can happen and the results can be devastating."





棘阿米巴角膜炎(Acanthamoeba Keratitis,AK)是由棘阿米巴原虫引起的一种新的感染性角膜病,首先发现于1973年,近年来病例有逐年增多的趋势。导致眼部感染的阿米巴原虫主要有棘阿米巴科(family acanthamoebidae)的棘阿米巴属(Acanthamoeba spp)和双鞭毛阿米巴科(family dimastigamoeba)的耐格里属(Naegleria spp),它们又统归为致病性自生生活阿米巴,其中以棘阿米巴属致病最常见。






