Until the adoption is legally finalized,the birth moth can still change her mind,and he has. 在收养定案前生母都有权利改变主意,她也的确这么做了 finalized , adoption
Warrants were issued... 婴儿被收回 Warrants
It is going to rock her world. 彻底颠覆她的生活 rock
Phenobarbital? 安眠药? Phenobarbital
The most successful private investigator in fairview was a man named oliver weston. Fairview最成功的私家侦探是个叫Oliver Weston的 investigator
Was it the night he caught an executive cheating with his secretary? 是他发现主管和秘书发生关系的时候? executive
Whenever the moment,oliver weston was now officially a cynic 每到这些时候Oliver Weston就变得愤世嫉俗 cynic
who only believed in betrayal and suspicion. 只相信背叛和猜疑 betrayal , suspicion
I'm just a P.I. Doing a domestic surveillance job. 我只是个私家侦探,做家庭监视而已 surveillance
Apparently,he dumped her for another woman,and I just figured out who. 很明显地,他跟另一个女人跑了,而我刚刚发现那个女人是谁 dumped
Whether it's with a picture that covers a stain on the wall... 或者用张画来遮掩墙上的污点… stain
Or with a closet door that conceals the chaos inside... 或者用门来遮掩柜子里的杂乱... conceals , chaos
Or with artificial smiles that mask years of pain and heartache 或者用虚假的笑容 来掩饰长年的疼痛和心叹 artificial
Every family goes to great lengths to hide ugly truths. 每个家庭都煞费苦心去隐藏那些丑陋的真相 lengths
and I will not turn him over to people who will mock and abuse him,I just won't. 而且我也不会把他交给那些会嘲笑辱骂他的人,我不会 mock , abuse
The poor thing. She was so attached to Lily. 真可怜,她太想念Lily了 attached
I did freeze some of my eggs,so we might do the surrogacy thing,but I don't know. 不过我已经冰冻了一些卵子可能我们会用代孕的方式,但我也不清楚 surrogacy
I don't have an appetite. 我没胃口 appetite
Karl dumped me,so I'm alone. Food fills the void. Karl抛弃我了,我现在很寂寞,食物可以填补空虚 void
Gaby,she's being deported. Gaby,政府要驱逐她出境 deported
Tonight,we throw caution and cholesterol to the wind. 所以今晚我们把健康警示和胆固醇都扔到脑后 cholesterol
No,no,no,I'm the expendable one. 而我就成了牺牲品 expendable
Look,I know it's ridiculous,but ed is not a rational person. 我知道它听起来有点荒谬,但是Ed本来就不是个理智的人 rational
Fran has him whipped,and a whipped husband is someone we must take very seriously. Fran让他很痛苦,而对付一个 受尽折磨的丈夫,我们需要加倍小心 whipped
Well,he did falsely accuse me of child abuse. 他也误告我虐待儿童 falsely
Well... that is karl being nostalgic. 那… 那是Karl在怀旧 nostalgic
That explains the punch in the face. 难怪你会打我 punch
You are about to unleash a nuclear explosion. 你现在正要释放一个原子弹 unleash
That'll give you some time to scrape together a little cash. 给你多一些时间去筹集现金 scrape
The immigration laws have gotten really tough in this country, 移民法现在越来越严了 immigration
But we pled your case,and we fought tooth and nail,and the law says you can stay... 但是我们为你的情况进行了辩护和努力最后的结论是你可以留下来… pled
The agent said that if you were pregnant with an american citizen then they couldn't deport you. 国土安全部的人说如果你怀上美国公民的孩子,那么他们就不能驱逐你出境 deport
"Surrogate"? 代孕? Surrogate
You know,uh,hospital bills and maternity clothes and lamaze classes. 恩 医疗费用,孕妇装备,助产班 maternity , lamaze
Are you kidding? No one cares about virginity in this country. 你不是开玩笑吧? 在这个国家没有人在意女人这回事 virginity
Well,then,rich men don't marry virgins for the same reasons they don't hire chauffeurs who can't drive 富人不会娶处女就如同他们不请不会开车的司机一样 chauffeurs
Maybe he shouldn't have hit you,but you provoked him. 也许他不应该打你,但是是你先刺激他的 provoked
Oh,the forensic accountant found some interesting stuff in tom's expense reports. 会计师在tom的花销记录里找到了些有趣的项目 forensic
The alumni association is always sending me stuff,you know. 校友会一直有寄东西给我 association , alumni
I just remembered,you know,this guy I'm sponsoring he said he needed to see me tonight,so I should go to him. 我刚才想起,我正在帮助的一个家伙说他今天晚上要见我,所以我要走了 sponsoring
We have to be at the fertility clinic in 40 minutes! 我们要在四十分钟之内到达诊所! fertility
Come on! The guy's ready to explode. 别这样 那家伙已经快要爆炸了 explode
You got peter on the hook. He's primed. 你让peter上钩了,他已经被你挑起欲望了 primed
Get out of my room,you psycho! 滚出我房间 你这个神经病! psycho
you're a sex addict? 你是一个性瘾者 addict
Well,I just wanna make sure you're not into anything too freaky. 我只是想确定你会不会变得太怪异 freaky
Well,you can relax. I mean,I wasn't some sort of pervert,you know. 你不必担心,我不是那种变态狂 pervert
No,it's just that when most guys discuss their conquests,they don't say "people." 大多数人讨论被征服的战利品时,他们不会说“人” conquests
I appreciate the fact that you value...diversity. 我非常欣赏你如此重视多元化 diversity
And you know why? Because we're all so busy and detached from each other. 你知道为什么吗?因为我们都很忙而且互相都太冷漠了 detached
Uh,I mean,you have such a long route,and that ice tea's gonna go right through ya. 你还有那么多信要送,冰茶会不断被吸收的... route
It's better here than Mrs. Mccluskey's drangeas. 在这里比在Mccluskey先生的,排水渠了要好多了 drangeas
Oh! darn it,guess we'll have to take a rain check,huh? 真不巧 估计我们得改日了 darn
Consider me a cheerleader for anything that expedites me getting you out from under my roof. 所有让你可以离开这里的事情都可以让我振奋起来 expedites
Why'd we stop here? We have half a tank left. 为什么我们要停在这儿?我们还有半桶油 tank
and that should tide you over until you get a job. 在你找到工作之前足够你生活 tide
All right,you go ahead a be coy. Fine. 算了,你继续这样装傻吧 coy
because they know if revealed,the damage it will do. 因为人们知道,真相泄露所带来的伤害是多么严重 revealed
So they conceal it within sturdy walls... 所以人们用严实的高墙将其藏匿起来... conceal , sturdy
Or they obscure it with clever disguises... 或者用聪明的伪装使其变得模糊... obscure , disguises
But truth,no matter how ugly,always emerges... 但是真相,无论多么丑陋总会浮出水面... [_606#_606#] Or they obscure it with clever disguises...
And someone else will revel in their pain. 另外一些人会因为别人的伤痛而非常快乐 revel