蚂蚁区块链第17课 错误码指导大全
2019-04-10 本文已影响6人
本文介绍蚂蚁区块链的错误码按出错来源分为5类:平台校验错误码、虚拟机错误码、区块链错误码、客户端系统错误码、TEE 错误码,并给出了具体的错误码值和解释说明。
2.1 平台校验错误码
错误码 | 错误码值 | 错误消息 | 描述 |
BAD_HASH | 100 | the hash is not correctly computed | 哈希计算错误 |
TX_IS_NULL | 101 | the tx pointer is nullptr | 交易指针为空指针 |
TX_PAYLOAD_INVALID | 102 | the data of tx does not satisfy type constraint | 交易的 data 字段不满足类型约束 |
TX_INVALID_SIGNATURE | 103 | the signature is not valid, used in PreResetPubKey/ResetPubKey/ActivateNode tx | 签名不可用 |
TX_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE | 104 | the sender of tx doesn’t have enough money | 交易的发送账户余额不足 |
TX_INVALID_TIMESTAMP | 105 | the timestamp of tx is not in valid period | 交易的时间戳所在时间段无效,合约平台会对时间戳做检查,不在特定的时间范围内将被认为不可用 |
TX_INVALID_DEST_ACCOUNT | 106 | the dest account of tx doesn’t have valid contract hash | 交易的目标账户不包含可用的合约哈希 |
TX_DEST_ACCOUNT_IS_NULL | 107 | the dest account of tx is empty | 交易的目标账户为空 |
TX_CREATE_ACCOUNT_INVALID | 108 | the create account tx doesn’t satisfy requirement | 创建账户的交易不满足需求 |
TX_DEPLOY_CONTRACT_INVALID | 109 | the deploy contract tx doesn’t satisfy requirement | 部署合约的交易不满足需求 |
TX_TYPE_CONSTRAINT_INVALID | 110 | basic tx type requirement verify failed | 基本的交易类型需求校验失败 |
TX_TYPE_UNKNOWN | 111 | the type of tx is unknown | 交易类型未知 |
TX_RECOVER_TIME_INVALID | 112 | the recover time is invalid | 恢复时间未知 |
TX_REPLAY_ATTACK | 113 | the tx is replayed | 交易被重放 |
TX_PAYLOAD_TOO_BIG | 114 | the data of tx is too big, beyond system constraint | 交易的 data 字段太大,超过系统限制 |
TX_GAS_TOO_BIG | 115 | the gas if tx is too big, beyond system constraint | 交易消耗的 gas 太大,超过系统限制 |
TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | 116 | the source account of tx doesn’t exists in blockchain | 交易的提交账户在区块链上不存在,提交账户是交易数据结构中的 from 字段 |
TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_IS_NULL | 117 | the source account of tx is empty | 交易的提交账户为空 |
TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_IS_FREEZE | 118 | the source account of tx is frozen | 交易的提交账户被冻结 |
TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_IS_RECOVERING | 119 | the source account of tx is recovering | 交易的提交账户正在恢复中 |
TX_DEST_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | 120 | the dest account of tx doesn’t exit in blockchain | 交易的目标账户在区块链上不存在,目标账户是交易数据结构中的 to 字段 |
TX_DEST_ACCOUNT_IS_FREEZE | 121 | the dest account of tx is frozen | 交易的目标账户被冻结 |
TX_INVALID_PERMISSION | 122 | the weight of all signatures of tx is less than 100 | 多签名的所有签名权重之和小于 100,合约平台要求必须等于 100 |
TX_DEST_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXIST | 123 | the dest account of tx already exist | 交易的目标账户已经存在 |
TX_INVALID_GROUP_ID | 132 | the group id of tx constraint is not satisfied | 不满足交易的 group id 约束要求 |
TX_INVALID_VERSION | 133 | tx version constraint is not satisfied | 不满足交易的版本约束要求 |
错误码 | 错误码值 | 错误消息 | 描述 |
VM_GENERIC_FAILED | 10000 | vm general failure | 虚拟机一般故障 |
VM_INVALID_INSTRUCTION | 10001 | for bad instruction | 错误指令 |
VM_STACK_OVERFLOW | 10002 | vm stack over flow | 虚拟机堆栈溢出 |
VM_STACK_UNDERFLOW | 10003 | vm stack under flow | 虚拟机空栈取项出错 |
VM_MEMORY_ERROR | 10004 | vm memory error | 虚拟机内存错误 |
VM_EMPTY_CODE | 10005 | the empty code error | 代码为空 |
VM_CONFIG_OVER_GAS_LIMIT | 10100 | vm execute over the gas limit | 虚拟机消耗超出限制 |
VM_CREATE_FAILED | 10101 | vm create failure | 虚拟机创建失败 |
VM_PARAMETER_CODE_EMPTY_FAILED | 10102 | vm parameter code empty | 虚拟机参数代码为空 |
VM_PARAMETER_INPUT_DATA_EMPTY_FAILED | 10103 | vm parameter input data empty | 虚拟机参数输入数据为空 |
VM_OUT_OF_GAS | 10200 | out of gas | 燃料不足 |
VM_REVERT | 10201 | caused by revert instruction | 由 revert 指令触发的错误 |
VM_OUT_OF_LIMIT | 10202 | caused by touint64 method | 由 touint64 方法触发的错误 |
VM_DISALLOWED_STATE_CHANGE | 10203 | caused by static_call module | 由 static_call 模块触发的错误 |
VM_GET_BALANCE_FAILED | 10300 | vm get balance fail | 获取余额失败 |
VM_SET_STORAGE_FAILED | 10301 | vm set storage fail | 虚拟机设置存储失败 |
VM_GET_STORAGE_FAILED | 10302 | vm get storage fail | 虚拟机获取存储失败 |
VM_TRANSFER_BALANCE_FAILED | 10303 | vm transfer balance fail | 虚拟机转账失败 |
VM_GET_CODE_FAILED | 10304 | vm get code fail | 虚拟机获取代码失败 |
VM_GET_BLOCKHASH_FAILED | 10305 | vm get block hash fail | 虚拟机获取块哈希失败 |
VM_GET_CODEHASH_FAILED | 10306 | vm get code fail | 虚拟机获取代码哈希失败 |
VM_GET_GASLIMIT_FAILED | 10307 | vm get gas limit fail | 虚拟机受燃料限制 |
VM_INTERNAL_ERROR | 10500 | vm internal error | 虚拟内部错误 |
2.2 区块链错误码
错误码 | 错误码值 | 错误消息 | 描述 |
SERVICE_PLUGIN_NOT_EXISTS | 400 | plugin not exists | 插件不存在 |
SERVICE_MSG_CONVERT_FAILED | 401 | msg convert failed | 消息转换失败 |
SERVICE_RUN_LOCAL_TX_FAILED | 402 | execute local transaction failed | 本地交易执行失败 |
SERVICE_PUSH_CACHE_FAILED | 403 | push transaction into cache queue failed | 无法将交易推送至缓存队列 |
SERVICE_QUERY_NO_RESULT | 404 | no result when querypossible reasons: 1) transaction verify failed 2) transaction has not been executed in block 3) get last block failed 4) wrong parameters when query block or block header 5) wrong parameters when query account |
查询无结果,可能的原因有: 1. 交易验证失败; 2. 交易尚未在区块中执行; 3. 无法获取最后一个块; 4. 查询块或块头时,参数出错 5. 查询账户时,参数出错 |
SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORT | 405 | service not supportpossible reasons: 1) incorrect service configure, complete configure is [transaction, query, event, admin] now 2) invalid message type |
业务不支持,可能的原因有: 1. 业务配置有误,完整的配置应为 [transaction, query, event, admin]; 2. 消息类型无效 |
SERVICE_EVENT_NOT_EXISTS | 406 | event not existspossible reasons: 1) the event has not been registered 2) the event timeout in pull mode |
事件不存在,可能的原因有: 1. 事件未注册; 2. 在拉取模式下,事件超时 |
SERVICE_LOG_INSTANCE_NOT_EXISTS | 407 | log instance not exists | 日志实例不存在 |
SERVICE_TX_VERIFY_FAILED | 408 | transaction verify failed | 交易验证失败 |
SERVICE_FORWARD_NO_NODEID | 409 | no node to forward request | 无节点可转发请求 |
SERVICE_FORWARD_TIMEOUT | 410 | forward request timeout | 请求转发超时 |
SERVICE_FORWARD_RESPONSE_ERROR | 411 | forward response error | 响应转发超时 |
SERVICE_ADD_GROUP_CHAIN_FAILED | 412 | add group chain failed | 添加群链失败 |
SERVICE_TX_WAITING_VERIFY | 413 | tx is pending to be verified | 交易尚未验证 |
SERVICE_TX_WAITING_EXECUTE | 414 | tx is verified, waiting to be executed | 交易已验证,等待执行 |
WS_NO_DATABASE_FAILED | 1000 | ws database is not Initialized | 世界状态(WS)数据库未初始化 |
WS_NO_CODE_HASH_FAILED | 1001 | ws failed to find the code hash for the contract | 世界状态中找不到合约的代码哈希 |
WS_NO_OBJECT_FAILED | 1002 | the state object is not found from the world state | 世界状态中未找到该状态对象 |
WS_OBJECT_EXIST_FAILED | 1003 | the state object (id) is occupied | 状态对象(ID)被占用 |
WS_OBJECT_DELETED_FAILED | 1004 | the given state object (id) has been deleted | 指定的状态对象(ID)已删除 |
WS_NO_ENOUGH_BALANCE_FAILED | 1005 | the given state object doesn’t have enough balance | 指定的状态对象余额不足 |
WS_TRANSFER_FAILED | 1006 | failed to transfer balance | 转账失败 |
WS_AUTH_NO_PUB_KEY_FAILED | 1007 | the given public key doesn’t exist from auth map | 指定的公钥不存在 |
WS_BALANCE_OVERFLOW_FAILED | 1008 | balance overflow | 余额溢出 |
WS_UNKNOWN_FAILED | 1009 | unknown failure from | 未知故障 |
WS_INVALID_AUTH_MAP_FAILED | 1010 | the given auth map is invalid | 指定的权重值无效 |
CHAIN_TX_GAS_INVALID | 2000 | the transaction runner can’t get enough gas from the tx | 交易执行无法从交易获取足够的燃料 |
CHAIN_TX_IDENTITY_INVALID | 2001 | the transaction runner can’t locate the identity from the chain | 交易执行无法在区块链中定位到标识 |
CHAIN_TX_AUTH_MAP_INVALID | 2002 | the auth map in the payload is invalid | 负载中的权重值无效 |
CHAIN_TX_PAYLOAD_INVALID | 2003 | the payload of transaction is invalid | 交易负载无效 |
CHAIN_TX_RECOVER_INVALID | 2004 | invalid recover time | 恢复时间无效 |
CHAIN_TX_INSIDE_ERROR | 2005 | unknown error from transaction runner | 交易执行出现未知错误 |
2.3 客户端系统错误码
错误码 | 错误码值 | 错误消息 | 描述 |
SDK_INTERNAL_ERROR | 20000 | sdk interval error | SDK 内部错误 |
SDK_ADDRESS_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED | 20001 | ipc/network argument errors: address family not supported by protocol family | IPC/网络参数错误:协议族不支持的地址族 |
SDK_ADDRESS_IN_USE | 20002 | ipc/network argument errors: address already in use | IPC/网络参数错误:该地址已被使用 |
SDK_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE | 20003 | ipc/network argument errors: can’t assign requested address | IPC/网络参数错误:无法分配请求的地址 |
SDK_ALREADY_CONNECTED | 20004 | ipc/network operational errors: socket is already connected | IPC/网络运行出错:套接口已连接 |
SDK_ARGUMENT_LIST_TOO_LONG | 20005 | argument list too long | 参数列表太长 |
SDK_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_DOMAIN | 20006 | math: numerical argument out of domain | 数值参数不在域内 |
SDK_BAD_ADDRESS | 20007 | bad address | 地址不详 |
SDK_BAD_FILE_DESCRIPTOR | 20008 | bad file descriptor | 文件描述符不详 |
SDK_BAD_MESSAGE | 20009 | program loading errors: bad message | 程序加载错误:消息不详 |
SDK_BROKEN_PIPE | 20010 | broken pipe | 管道破损 |
SDK_CONNECTION_ABORTED | 20011 | ipc/network operational errors: software caused connection abort | IPC/网络运行出错:软件问题导致连接中断 |
SDK_CONNECTION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS | 20012 | non-blocking and interrupt i/o: operation already in progress | 非阻塞和中断 I/O:操作进行中 |
SDK_CONNECTION_REFUSED | 20013 | ipc/network operational errors: connection refused | IPC/网络运行出错:连接被拒绝 |
SDK_CONNECTION_RESET | 20014 | connection reset by peer | 连接被对方重设 |
SDK_CROSS_DEVICE_LINK | 20015 | cross-device link | 跨设备链接 |
SDK_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_REQUIRED | 20016 | ipc/network argument errors: destination address required | IPC/网络参数错误:目标地址不得为空 |
SDK_DEVICE_OR_RESOURCE_BUSY | 20017 | device / Resource busy | 设备或资源忙 |
SDK_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY | 20018 | should be rearranged: directory not empty | 目录不为空,需重新安排 |
SDK_EXECUTABLE_FORMAT_ERROR | 20019 | exec format error | 执行格式错误 |
SDK_FILE_EXISTS | 20020 | file exists | 文件已存在 |
SDK_FILE_TOO_LARGE | 20021 | file too large | 文件太大 |
SDK_FILENAME_TOO_LONG | 20022 | ipc/network operational errors: file name too long | IPC/网络运行出错:文件名太长 |
SDK_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED | 20023 | network file system: function not implemented | 网络文件系统:功能未实现 |
SDK_HOST_UNREACHABLE | 20024 | should be rearranged: no route to host | 无主机路由,需重新安排 |
SDK_IDENTIFIER_REMOVED | 20025 | program loading errors: identifier removed | 程序加载错误:标识已被删除 |
SDK_ILLEGAL_BYTE_SEQUENCE | 20026 | program loading errors: illegal byte sequence | 程序加载错误:非法字节序列 |
SDK_INAPPROPRIATE_IO_CONTROL_OPERATION | 20027 | inappropriate ioctl for device | ioctl 不适合设备 |
SDK_INTERRUPTED | 20028 | interrupted system call | 系统调用中断 |
SDK_INVALID_ARGUMENT | 20029 | invalid argument | 参数无效 |
SDK_INVALID_SEEK | 20030 | illegal seek | 非法寻求 |
SDK_IO_ERROR | 20031 | input/output error | 输入/输出错误 |
SDK_IS_A_DIRECTORY | 20032 | is a directory | 此为目录 |
SDK_MESSAGE_SIZE | 20033 | ipc/network argument errors: message too long | IPC/网络参数错误:消息太长 |
SDK_NETWORK_DOWN | 20034 | ipc/network operational errors: network is down | IPC/网络运行出错:网络故障 |
SDK_NETWORK_RESET | 20035 | ipc/network operational errors: network dropped connection on reset | IPC/网络运行出错:重置时网络断开连接 |
SDK_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE | 20036 | ipc/network operational errors: network is unreachable | IPC/网络运行出错:网络无法访问 |
SDK_NO_BUFFER_SPACE | 20037 | ipc/network operational errors: no buffer space available | IPC/网络运行出错:无缓冲空间 |
SDK_NO_CHILD_PROCESS | 20038 | no child processes | 无子程序 |
SDK_NO_LINK | 20039 | program loading errors: reserved | 程序加载错误:已保留 |
SDK_NO_LOCK_AVAILABLE | 20040 | network file system: no locks available | 网络文件系统,无锁可用 |
SDK_NO_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE | 20041 | program loading errors: no message available on stream | 程序加载错误:消息流上无消息 |
SDK_NO_MESSAGE | 20042 | program loading errors: no message of desired type | 程序加载错误:无预期类型的消息 |
SDK_NO_PROTOCOL_OPTION | 20043 | ipc/network argument errors: protocol not available | IPC/网络参数错误:协议不可用 |
SDK_NO_SPACE_ON_DEVICE | 20044 | no space left on device | 设备空间不足 |
SDK_NO_STREAM_RESOURCES | 20045 | program loading errors: no stream resources | 程序加载错误:无流资源 |
SDK_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_OR_ADDRESS | 20046 | device not configured | 设备未配置 |
SDK_NO_SUCH_DEVICE | 20047 | operation not supported by device | 设备不支持该操作 |
SDK_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY | 20048 | no such file or directory | 该文件或目录不存在 |
SDK_NO_SUCH_PROCESS | 20049 | no such process | 该程序不存在 |
SDK_NOT_A_DIRECTORY | 20050 | not a directory | 非目录 |
SDK_NOT_A_SOCKET | 20051 | ipc/network argument errors: socket operation on non-socket | IPC/网络参数错误:未在套接口上执行套接口操作 |
SDK_NOT_A_STREAM | 20052 | program loading errors: not a stream | 程序加载错误:非流 |
SDK_NOT_CONNECTED | 20053 | ipc/network operational errors: socket is not connected | IPC/网络运行出错:套接口未连接 |
SDK_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY | 20054 | cannot allocate memory | 无法分配内存 |
SDK_NOT_SUPPORTED | 20055 | ipc/network argument errors: operation not supported | IPC/网络参数错误:不支持该操作 |
SDK_OPERATION_CANCELED | 20056 | program loading errors: operation canceled | 程序加载错误:操作已取消 |
SDK_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS | 20057 | non-blocking and interrupt i/o: operation now in progress | 非阻塞和中断 I/O:操作进行中 |
SDK_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED | 20058 | operation not permitted | 操作不允许 |
SDK_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | 20059 | this value is only discrete when compiling __DARWIN_UNIX03, or KERNE: operation not supported on socket | 仅当编译 __DARWIN_UNIX03 时该值为离散值,或 KERNE:套接口不支持该操作 |
SDK_OPERATION_WOULD_BLOCK | 20060 | non-blocking and interrupt i/o: operation would block | 非阻塞和中断 I/O:操作将阻塞 |
SDK_OWNER_DEAD | 20061 | program loading errors: previous owner died | 程序加载错误:之前的 Owner 已去世 |
SDK_PERMISSION_DENIED | 20062 | permission denied | 权限不足 |
SDK_PROTOCOL_ERROR | 20063 | program loading errors: protocol error | 程序加载错误:协议错误 |
SDK_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED | 20064 | ipc/network argument errors: protocol not supported | IPC/网络参数错误:不支持该协议 |
SDK_READ_ONLY_FILE_SYSTEM | 20065 | read-only file system | 只读文件系统 |
SDK_RESOURCE_DEADLOCK_WOULD_OCCUR | 20066 | resource deadlock avoided | 避免资源死锁 |
SDK_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE_TRY_AGAIN | 20067 | non-blocking and interrupt i/o: resource temporarily unavailable | 非阻塞和中断 I/O:资源暂时不可用 |
SDK_RESULT_OUT_OF_RANGE | 20068 | math: result too large | 结果太大 |
SDK_STATE_NOT_RECOVERABLE | 20069 | program loading errors: state not recoverable | 程序加载错误:状态不可恢复 |
SDK_STREAM_TIMEOUT | 20070 | program loading errors: stream ioctl timeout | 程序加载错误:流 ioctl 超时 |
SDK_TEXT_FILE_BUSY | 20071 | text file busy | 文本文件忙 |
SDK_TIMED_OUT | 20072 | ipc/network operational errors: operation timed out | IPC/网络运行出错:运行超时 |
SDK_TOO_MANY_FILES_OPEN_IN_SYSTEM | 20073 | too many open files in system | 系统打开的文件太多 |
SDK_TOO_MANY_FILES_OPEN | 20074 | too many open files | 打开的文件太多 |
SDK_TOO_MANY_LINKS | 20075 | too many links | 太多链接 |
SDK_TOO_MANY_SYMBOLIC_LINK_LEVELS | 20076 | ipc/network operational errors: too many levels of symbolic links | IPC/网络运行出错:符号链接级别太多 |
SDK_VALUE_TOO_LARGE | 20077 | intelligent device errors: value too large to be stored in data type | 智能设备错误:值太大导致无法存储在数据类型中 |
SDK_WRONG_PROTOCOL_TYPE | 20078 | ipc/network argument errors: protocol wrong type for socket | IPC/网络参数错误:套接口协议类型错误 |
SDK_INVALID_PARAMETER | 30000 | sdk parameter is invalid | SDK 参数无效 |
SDK_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY | 30001 | sdk invalid private key | SDK 私钥无效 |
SDK_SIGN_TOOL_VERIFY_ERROR | 30002 | sdk sign tool verify error | SDK 签名工具验证出错 |
SDK_UNSUPPORT_ENCODING_FAILED | 30003 | sdk unsupport encoding error | SDK 不支持编码 |
SDK_GET_FILE_INPUT_STREAM_FAILED | 30004 | sdk get file input stream failed | SDK 获取文件输入流失败 |
SDK_FIND_THREAD_FAILED | 30005 | sdk find thread failed | SDK 查找线程失败 |
SDK_BYTES_OPERATE_FAILED | 30006 | sdk bytes operate failed | SDK 字节操作失败 |
SDK_CONVERT_PUBLIC_KEY_FAILED | 30007 | sdk convert public key failed | SDK 转换公钥失败 |
SDK_MESSAGE_ENCODING_FAILED | 30008 | sdk message encoding failed | SDK 消息编码失败 |
SDK_READ_CONFIG_FAILED | 30009 | sdk read client config failed | SDK 读取客户端配置失败 |
SDK_INIT_FAILED | 30010 | sdk init failed | SDK 初始化失败 |
SDK_CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED | 30011 | sdk connect to network failed | SDK 连接网络失败 |
SDK_DECODE_ERROR | 30012 | sdk decode error | SDK 解码出错 |
SDK_UNSUPPORT_MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR | 30013 | sdk unsupport message type error | SDK 不支持该消息类型 |
SDK_HAND_SHAKE_ERROR | 30014 | did not handshake | 未做握手 |
SDK_INIT_SSL_CONTEXT_FAILED | 30015 | init ssl context failed | 初始化 SSL 上下文失败 |
2.4 TEE 错误码
错误码 | 错误码值 | 错误消息 | 描述 |
TEE_CONFIDENTIAL_TX_DECRYPTION_FAILURE | 60001 | Failed to decrypt confidential transaction | 加密交易解密失败 |
TEE_NESTED_CONFIDENTIAL_TX | 60002 | Confidential transaction detected insides a confidential transaction | 加密交易中内嵌的不是明文交易 |
TEE_UNEXPECPTED_PLAIN_TX | 60003 | Got a plain transaction while expecting a confidential one | 待处理的交易非加密交易 |
TEE_NATIVE_CONTRACT_NOT_SUPPORTED | 60004 | Native Contract is not supported in TEE environment | TEE 中不支持 native 类型的合约 |
TEE_CONFIDENTIAL_TX_DESERIALIZATION_FAILURE | 60005 | Failed to deserialize confidential transaction | 加密交易反序列化失败 |
TEE_CONFIDENTIAL_STATE_DESERIALIZATION_FAILURE | 60006 | Failed to deserialize account state | 合约账户的状态反序列化失败 |
TEE_ILLEGAL_ACCESSING_CONFIDENTIAL_STORAGE | 60007 | Illegally accessing confidential account storage | 非法访问加密的账户数据 |
TEE_TX_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | 60008 | Type of transaction is not supported in TEE environment | TEE 内不支持的交易类型 |
TEE_CONFIDENTIAL_TX_ENCRYPT_LOG_FAILURE | 60009 | Failed to encrypt confidential transaction’s log | 加密回执中的 log 信息失败 |
TEE_ACCESS_CONFIDENTIAL_CODE_DENIED | 60010 | Illegally accessing confidential contract’s code | 非法访问加密的合约代码 |
TEE_HASH_TIMESTAMP_NOT_MATCH | 60011 | Confidential Transaction’s hash (and/or timestamp) is not in consistent with what is embeded inside the encrypted payload | 加密交易的 hash 和时间戳不合法 |
TEE_RECEIPT_OVERFLOW | 60012 | Confidential Transaction’s receipt is too large (> 408600 bytes) | 交易回执过大 |
TEE_INTERNAL_ERROR | 60013 | Internal error | TEE 内部错误 |
TEE_CODE_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE | 60014 | Failed to encrypt contract’s code | 合约代码加密失败 |
TEE_CODE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE | 60015 | Failed to decrypt contract’s code | 合约代码解密失败 |
TEE_STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE | 60016 | Failed to encrypt contract’s state | 合约状态加密失败 |
TEE_STORAGE_DECRYPTION_FAILURE | 60017 | Failed to decrypt contract’s state | 合约状态解密失败 |
TEE_STATE_UNMARSHAL_FAILURE | 60018 | Failed to unmarshal contract’s state | 合约状态反序列化失败 |
TEE_STATE_MARSHAL_FAILURE | 60019 | Failed to marshal contract’s state | 合约状态序列化失败 |
TEE_PAYLOAD_DECRYPTION_FAILURE | 60020 | Failed to decrypt contract’s primitive information | 合约账户基本信息解密失败 |
TEE_PAYLOAD_ENCRYPTION_FAILURE | 60021 | Failed to encrypt contract’s primitive information | 合约账户基本信息加密失败 |
TEE_EXEC_PLAIN_CONTRACT_NOT_ALLOWED | 60022 | Executing plain contract in TEE environment is not allowed | TEE 中不允许执行明文合约 |
TEE_UPDATE_PLAIN_CONTRACT_NOT_ALLOWED | 60023 | Updating plain contract in TEE encvironment is not allowed | TEE 中不允许更新明文合约 |