
2020-03-13  本文已影响0人  楚言初语

put up sth. 建立,搭起;张贴(公告);为...提供食宿

1. He put up a notice on the wall.

2.When they have put up the new building , it will spoil the veiw.

3.We can put you up in our spare room tonight.

4.I can not put up with the little boy.

5. The boy put up their tent in the middle of a field.

6.They out out the fire and crept into their tent.

7. You needn't go back to London tonight. We can put you up for the night.(We can privide you with a bed.)

☞put out 熄灭,扑灭....;生产

1. He put out the fire and went to sleep.

2.The fire put out 1000 cars this week.

☞put away 把...收起来;放好

1.The boy put away all his toys.

2. Close your books and put them away.

☞put down 放下,写下,镇压

1.The soldiers have put down the rebellion(反派).

2.Put down the sentences on the blackboard, please.

☞put off 延迟,延期

1.We have put off the trip to HongKong.

2.We cannot have the meeting tonight. We shall have to put it off until tomorrow.

☞put forward 提出,建议

1.He put forward a better plan and it changrd the situation.

☞put up with 容忍

The teacher sent the boy to headmaster. He could not put up with him any longer.(He could stand him.)


