

2019-12-30  本文已影响0人  徐林Grace
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40
瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40

2019-12-29  ageless

学习Sharathi guru书,几个对我有帮助的点分享:

in this birth the mind will be attracted to yoga by tendencies developed towards yoga in previous life此生我们会迷恋瑜伽是前生的修炼,我是美化一些,总之是karma还不错啦,不管人生什么年纪,我是41岁开始迷上瑜伽,很多人更年轻开始练习就容易得多,但不代表修行就更好,肯定是前生和瑜伽就有缘,如果此生可以瑜伽八支都好好修行,下辈子更好呗!我只祈求瑜伽一直练习到七老八十,或者百岁不受伤。

yogi lives long ives because of strong foundations which is minimalism-less: simplicity, happiness, discipline, empathy and selflessness. 瑜伽士长寿因为有强大的基础,极简,快乐,自律,同理心和无私;这个简单但多么难以做到,我的课题也可以借鉴这些yogi理论,极简不见得是生活一定要yogi一样,但可以心态和渴望简单,没有那么多复杂和纠结,清楚明了,会快乐很多,还有就是社交媒体简单一些,否者都是各种纠结。其他几项我反复之前都说过,也是well-being pillar。

yogis lives long is there is an inherent focus on living, eating, sleeping, walking and acting mindfully. 瑜伽士吃,睡,走路,行动,生活都充满觉知,专心只做一件事,budha也说过,englighten就是吃就是吃,走就是走,一旦做到,就可以获得解脱。容易吧!此生无戏,来生也不存次奢念!

dosha means fault, vata, pitta and kapha in harmony is healthy; too much vata means flatulence and constipation, pitta leads to acidity and excessive hunger, kapha means ingestion. dosha不是啥好东西,ayurvada医生就是帮助我们去除doshas,我今天太多需要去除的,先一个个来,腹胀,便秘是vata太多,胃酸经常饿是pitta太多,堵塞就是kapha多,所以我们每个人都有上述症状,需要去除dosha,很多时候不是我们自己能够控制的,身体积累太多毒素影响我们健康和情绪!

as long as yoga does not suffer we should limit our food, sleep and karma. 只有还能瑜伽,要限制吃睡觉和karma,这个很有意思,生活重心就是瑜伽吗,广义的瑜伽,就是能够做个好人,健康人,快乐人,要少吃少睡少造孽!

eating less or nothing in morning, u can think better, mind will be sharper, less sleepy and lazy, more productive不吃早餐或者吃很少,和中国人理念略有冲突,我理解可以少吃对于能量还是好的,不吃对身体新陈代谢不好,但是阿斯汤伽确实要不吃,否者更难受,我们马上要8.30练习,代表10点还不会吃早餐,看一下能量吧,肯定不困不疲惫更有效率,但是午餐吃很多,下午也是问题。

jathra agni is at peak noon when sun is strongest, this is time when pitta the dosha responsible for transformation is most active, easy for food to be assimilated.太阳高升是pitta高的时候让我们吃最大餐,这个值得探讨,除非下午在movement中,否者能量肯定低,总之在不牺牲健康情况下,就是要少吃少喝,我的理念。

rajastic food are stumulants and tempting things to bring aggression, ego, passion and control: chocolate, coffee, salmon, tuna, eggs, chicken, tea, sugar, alcohol and food below the soil is rajastic巧克力,咖啡,三文鱼吞拿鱼,鸡蛋,鸡肉,茶,糖,酒精,地底下长的食物都是rajstic,让我们冲动,ego高,激情,控制欲高,好吧,鸡蛋和cafe还是继续实用,其他的不吃不喝!

https://michaelpollan.com/about/        conclude: eat food, not too much, mostly plants 美国营养专家哈佛伯克利教授,有名的food inc是他贡献之一,很欣赏他的才华和全面,住在bay area,生活工作听起来都很精彩!我正在听他google讲座,how to change your mind,提到好多成分可以die peace,不方便写,否者文章又删除了。提到吃了某种物质后,突然醒悟,做些天大的好事,google员工问,如果不是好事例如戒烟,决定枪杀邻居呢?好问题!很多都是植物来源,极少动物来源,都没试过!

ghee lubricates the body and joint and source of butyrate acid丁酸,increases good bacteria in gut and aids healthy elimination in colon. 之前很不喜欢酥油,在西西里岛ankan给我吃在洗肠之后还是感觉味道恶心,现在看到健康功效特别多,关节,身体组织,肠道,以后要多吃。

Ghee iscomprised of full spectrum short, medium and long chain fatty acids, both unsaturated and saturated.Ghee containsOmega 3 and Omega 9 essential fatty acids along with vitamins A, D, E and K.Gheemade from organic butter of pastured cowsisone of the highest natural sources of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).酥油中链长链脂肪酸,饱和不饱和都有,omega3和9,各种维生素,CLA,都是好东西,吃吧!刚才我就要点ragi millet bread和ghee,可惜没有了,一定要吃一次!

brahma muhurta is one hour and half before sunrise, this is hour that holds the secrets to happiness and success很多人问我为啥4点起来,因为可以啊,现在没有工作压迫我也是4点起来,即使vipa瑜伽结束还没有店开门可以cafe,确实瑜伽科学说太阳升起前1.5小时是人生快乐成功秘密所在,不是你早起就可以快乐成功,而是这一个半小时或者对于我来说2.5小时vipa内观和瑜伽很多事情想清楚了,突然有答案,看透,蹦起来,都不是计划的或者想要的,就是这个时刻适合向内看,看到很多,神秘的事情也发生过,并不神秘!我突然想到某个朋友老师,结果打开手机看到信息和邮件,某些期待的发生可能性就在那里!

never sleep to north which reduces blood flow and drains energy and positive thoughts, towards west can cause violent dreams; to east for meditative sleep and south for deep restful sleep. 睡觉是个科学,东南方向头朝向,深入睡眠和冥想睡眠。

social media causes we feel bad about ourselves, fosters an environment of ruthless competition and mindless imitation. 社交媒体让我们自我感觉糟糕,加强无耻无情的竞争和没有觉知的模仿!这些都在发生,瑜伽练习者老师很多,更加容易ego强化,如果修行在中间,大多数如此,就是各种显摆,说的人和写的人都是例子。

yogi believe food for 32 days to form a drop of blood, 32 drops of blood is to one drop of vitality, 32 drops of vitality is to form one drop of Amrita bind, which is stored in pineal gland(松果体)这个流程很长,基本理念就是食物经过漫长历程成为大脑松果体成分,留意吃的东西。

shat karms/shat kriyas/six methods are net(Jala and sutra), dhauti, basti, nauli, kapalbhati and trataka各种净化方法,我基本都试过了。

panchakarma is a detox of five(pancha) types of treatments to cleanse the body of toxins: oil, steam therapies, lymphatic淋巴 massage, enemas灌肠法 本来今天以为可以做panchakarma,结果没被允许,淋巴按摩是做了,总之是个好的排毒解决健康问题方法。

chitta vriti = monkey chatter=mind chatter大脑狂野猴子

for S, spirituality is being a good human being. 灵性就是做个好人,guru说得真简介明了。

sanchitta karma: accumulate from previous births, prarabdha karma: accumulate this life; agama: future consequences of present actions. 各种业力,都不是我们需要的但是存在。

Shlokaor śloka is a poetic form used in Sanskrit, the classical language of India.

blue zones, dan butettners is my new role model, like his life这个对我的论文研究更有帮助,长寿区,都有一些共性,本来很欣赏Dan履历,发现他现在instagram上shameless兜售cook book和器具,但是研究结论真的有意义,慢慢慢,要更慢。我博士论文需要考虑这个因素,没有更多urgency in life。

being connected with your community can reduce stress, depression and addictions 和我们社群链接,可以降低抑郁症,压力和上瘾!不见得一定是家庭是好事,家庭合睦支持更好,但又一个社群支持也同样,对于单身人是个好消息。

a real yogi shares money and knowledge真正瑜伽士分享钱和知识!哈哈,多少可以做到?分享多少?10%,100%?

being kind to yourself and those immediately around uk seva starts at home对自己好,对周围人好是第一步,记住对自己好,每天提醒自己。

look for within yourself, the ability to act maturely in the face of calamity, to see what we can do to create an Indraprastha out of every exacting situation or person. 越是难过的时刻,挑战的时候,成熟的面对,更多的内观自己,是否可以把一个荒芜的情景和挑战的人,变成一个特别的经历,成熟的过程!

瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40 瑜伽士长寿的秘密!灵性就是做个好人!-Happy&Healthy 40

