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[News Brief: Financial Markets Drop, Israeli Elections : NPR](
特朗普一直鼓吹美股多么繁荣,President Trump usually takes a lot of pride in the stock market. ‘Take a lot of pride’ 表示对XXX很骄傲。在讲到股市或是经济问题时,soar这个词就是表示飞速上升。’The stock market is hitting one all-time record after another. The stock market is soaring to record levels. The stock market has smashed one record after another.’ 特朗普的排比句用来兜售他所说的股市。smash是表示‘碾压,打碎’。tout 有兜售,招徕的意思。‘The market the president once touted is now headed for its worst December since the Great Depression’ 可惜现在已经是经济大萧条以来最差的一个12月份。market downturn来临了, market slide 市场下滑。
那下滑的原因当然比较复杂,可以归结为很多原因(‘blame any number of culprits’): 市场总是很脆弱(volatile),高利率(higher interest rates),贸易问题(the trade dispute),英国脱欧(Brexit),大科技公司光环退却(the gloss coming off some of the big tech companies). 不过最近几天的下滑可能更多的因为白宫方面的问题(the turmoil and conflict in Washington)。有高层辞职,然后特朗普又跟美联储不对付 (Another attack by President Trump against the Federal Reserve).
特朗普发推特说美联储才是经济下滑的原因,(the only problem with economy is the Federal Reserve.)专家也承认, 公司利润(corporate earnings)消费水平( consumer spending),全球局势( global economy and geopolitics), 特朗普的言行等都会影响市场,不过美联储的政策也确实是一个大的因素。
特朗普有考虑过把美联储主席把辞了,不过这个很难讲,因为一般专家认为(the way it’s been interpreted by legal scholars),美联储主席被总统辞退是要有根据的,这个根据应该是因为违法问题或是非常不道德的行为,而不应该因为在利率上达不成一致(presumably, that means breaking the law or some highly unethical act, not a disagreement over interest rates)。不过这条例(statute)也没有机会检验过 (that statute’s never really been tested.)
另外前几天有提到特朗普当局有和几个大银行头头聊天,然后发推特说银行家都表示一切正常(nothing’s out of the ordinary), 银行有很大的现金流来用来借贷(have plenty of liquidity for lending.)。不过这个事情比较搞笑,因为他这样发推特感觉很明显是想把事情压下来的意思,并且能不能借到钱本来就不是大家关注的,这样反倒加剧市场恐慌.’But whether or not borrowers have enough access to credit from banks - that hasn’t been raised at all as a concern. So instead of, you know, addressing market fears and concerns, it just seemed to elevate them. ‘
关于特朗普对经济下滑的反应,他说美联储一点都不了解市场,完全不懂必要的贸易问题以及美元加强,也不了解民主党关于边境修墙的问题 (They don’t have a feel for the market. They don’t understand necessary trade wars or strong dollars, or even Democrat shutdowns over the border.)
不过大家也认可经济在特朗普手下确实还不错,并且股市也并不能完全代表经济,‘the stock market is a proxy for the economy, in reality, it isn’t the economy.’ 不过特朗普倒是把这两个混在一块 (conflated the two on a regular basis),然后来强调401(美国养老金之类的东西), 兜售他的政绩 (a central selling point for his presidency)。
现在白宫关门,不过特朗普还在白宫发推,说自己好孤单,在等民主党回来重新在边境安全问题上达成一致 (‘waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed border security’), 不过比较坑的是民主党压根就没有在和他协商(that negotiations are not really happening.) 国会的人都回家去了,这个政府关门没有一点点进展。民主党也在吐槽说特朗普把国家搞得一团糟’President Trump is plunging the country into chaos‘。新闻主持人还调侃说特朗普应该别发推特了,多和家人呆一块。’My hope is that he spends quality time with his family and doesn’t tweet, but you never know。’
老总统宣布大选要在四月份进行,他要参加他的第四次连任选举(be running for a fourth consecutive term),而且他并没有强有力的对手。如果成功的话,那这将帮助他(’it would pave the way for him doing XXXXX’)成为以色列最长连作的总统。不过这个选举本来是计划在19年的11月的,现在他提前了。
提前的原因是因为现在他的政权不太稳定,并且有关于他腐败的指控(‘he is a suspect in three separate corruption cases. ‘ ’he should face criminal charges‘),他希望通过大选来打个漂亮仗。
他希望司法部长推后宣布关于他的起诉(the attorney general will delay an announcement on an indictment). Indictment就是起诉书,经常用来说检书或是政府来起诉谁。并且他很有信息能赢下这场大选,这样的话就可以劝阻司法部长来提交这个起诉书(dissuade the attorney general from issuing an indictment at all)。dissuade就是劝阻的意思,dissuade sb from doing sth. 劝阻某人,让他不要做啥事。
最新的民调(the newest opinion poll out)显示他确实会大胜,poll就是民意调查,投票选举的意思。而民调中的亚军(runner-up)则和他的支持率差得很远。老总统说自己和各个大国都非常关系密切,he’s been hinting of warming ties with XXX. 他提示与XXX关系密切。hint是提示的意思。比如忘记密码了之后的那个提示就是这个词。
‘Markets go up and down. At a certain point, they reach a bottom, and people start buying in. But I have no idea whether we’re anywhere near that.’
Culprit 罪犯,肇事者。不过更常见的意思是‘不利的因素’,比如新闻中提到的‘blame any number of culprits’。
Either a metaphor or an analogy 无论是隐喻还是类比??
Turmoil 混乱,焦虑; turmoil and conflict
gloss 光彩,光环