Season 1 Eposide 1 Head Cases
2018-07-16 本文已影响0人
第一集,主要交待了Edwin Poole因为Breakdon而在Staff Meeting上未穿裤子,事务所人心难测Danny Crane虽为创始合伙人,但也备受排挤。 Brad和Alan加入波士顿办公室,中间穿插了3个Case,分别为黑人小妞种族歧视案、白人少妇州外移居案、白人老汉婚姻撤销案。
民主党前总统候选人Al Sharpton在court的演讲,个人认为是本集最出彩的。
We're not territorial about that sort f things around here, are we?
Lock and load.
Opposing counsel is granted their motion to compel.
I'm due in court with Tara.
handle a case without a capilot
I've got an early shuttle.
Be able to rein in Danny
What's the ground?
have other 5 marriage dissolve
use as a leverage in hope of
negotiate an annulment and can't facilitate an annulment
profound skirt chaser
send a letter of withdrawl to end run the conflict and get a opinion letter of outside counsel