Robot Framework
Robot Framework 是一种基于 Python 的 可扩展 关键字驱动 开源自动化测试框架,运行在Jython (JVM) and IronPython (.NET)。主要用作验收测试和验收驱动开发。
- RF关键字包括:内置库关键字,和其他支持的测试库的关键字组成。
- 工作原理:RF通过关键字(方法名)找到对应的库,然后由这个测试库(方法的具体实现)去操作被测系统。
一步步安装Robot Framework
1. 安装python
If you have Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 installed from, you will already have pip and setuptools, but will need to upgrade to the latest version.
- pip , setuptools ,都是 python 包管理工具。
# 升级 pip , setuptools
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
- 追加path环境变量:C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts(包含, 等命令)
- 通过 pip 和 setuptools 命令安装的软件包在: C:\Python27\ Lib\site-packages
2. 安装各种robot软件包
pip install robotframework
# 安装 RF 的集成环境,RIDE,对应 Python27\Scripts\
pip install robotframework-ride
# 安装 RF 支持的 selenium 库: Selenium2Library
pip install robotframework-selenium2library
# 下载cx_Oracle
# pip install robotframework-databaselibrary
# 安装 requests
pip install requests
pip install -U robotframework-requests
# 显示所有安装的软件
pip list
Test Cases
*** Test Cases ***
1.1 Workflow tests
- The syntax requires that keywords and arguments. It is generally recommended to use
four spaces
1.2. Higher-level tests
One common style is the
format popularized by behavior-driven development (BDD)
1.3. Data-driven tests
- With Robot Framework the
setting turns a test case into a data-driven test where the template keyword is executed using the data defined in the test case body.
- 用法:
[Template] func
关键字,每一条数据就是传递给func函数的实际参数。 - Test Template: 作用于测试用例集(在测试用例集中设置)
- [Template]: 作用于单个用例(在单个用例中设置)
2. Keywords
2.1. Library keywords
主要分为三类: standard libraries, external libraries and custom libraries.
- Standard libraries: 例如 OperatingSystem, Screenshot and BuiltIn(可直接用)
- External libraries: 例如 Selenium2Library(需要下载导入后才可用)
- BuiltIn常用的关键字例如:Should Contain(作断言)
2.2 User keywords
- 右键:New User Keyword
- Arguments参数: 由管道符分隔例如,
Login ${username} | ${password}
*** Keywords ***
Login arg1 arg2
3. Variables
- 右键: New List Variable, @{username}新建变量。
Variables can also be given from the command line which is useful if the tests need to be executed in different environments. For example this demo can be executed like:
robot --variable USERNAME:johndoe --variable PASSWORD:J0hnD0e QuickStart.rst
*** Variables ***
${username} ma
4. Organizing test cases
- Test Suites: File-->New Project-->Type选Directory或者File
4.1 Setup/Teardown
- Suite Setup / Suite Teardown,作用于测试用例集(在用例集上设置)
- Test Setup / Test Teardown,作用于每个测试用例(在用例集上设置)
- Setup / Teardown,只作用于当前测试用例(在单个测试用例中设置)
*** Settings ***
Test Setup Login
Test Teardown Close Browser
4.2 Tags
- Force Tags,对所有的测试用例有效(在用例集上设置)
- Default Tags,对所有的测试用例有效(在用例集上设置)
- Tags,对单个测试用例有效,可以编辑选择自定义的tag,可以编辑移除Default Tags,不可移除Force Tags(在单个测试用例中设置)
robot --include tag1 testsuite1 # 执行测试用例集中标记为tag1的所有用例
robot --exclude tag1 testsuite1 # 不执行测试用例集中标记为tag1的所有其他用例
5. Creating test libraries
自定义第三方测试库: Robot Framework offers a simple API for creating test libraries using either
Python or Java
, and the remote library interface also allows using other programming languages.
- 常用测试库的详细API使用说明: