
2018-10-24  本文已影响0人  linus1211

Level 5 Unit 1-3 Arranging an Appointment

Ace industries, may I help you?

This is Sue Mitchell speaking.

Hi, Sue, This is Ben Wang, of job link.

Oh, hi Ben, how are you.

I've been expecting your call.

I'm sorry to be late.

I've been traveling.

it seems like everyone is traveling these days.

That's for sure.

I'm away more than I'm here.

Anyway I'm calling to see if we can arrange a meeting.


There are several matters I'd like to discuss with you.

Sure, would later this week be possible?

Let me see.

According to my schedule, I'll have some time Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.

How long do you think we'll need?

I think an hour should be enough.

That should be fine.

Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?

Yes, that's fine.

OK, I'm looking forward to seeing you at 3:30 on Thursday.

Right, see you then, and thanks.

You are welcome Ben.

Take care.

Hi Sue, I'm sorry, but something urgent has come up. So I'd like to change the time for our meeting on Thursday.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

What about Friday morning?

That should work.

How early?

I'm usually here by 9:00.

Could you be here by then?

Yes, that shouldn't be a problem.

OK, Friday at 9:00.

Once again, sorry for the last minute change.

He suggest that they meet later this week.






