An apple once a day keeps your enemy away.
But I’m wondering why not an orange?
Classic Erica always has weird questions like that.
Don’t blame her,
Erica is just not creative enough to say “why not a dragon fruit?”
Fruit is good for your health so choose the one you like.
Growth make you accept things you don’t like,not only fruit,but humiliation.
Human is an indifferent existence, resulted by humiliation.
Ice is warmer than a heart.
Jerry is not Tom’s only one any more.
Kings always marry evil stepmothers.
Literature can be skillfully used with nobody knows.
Mama, how can I satisfy your needs?
Oops, I couldn’t talk about this.
Questions are not allowed to ask.
Rage collected more and more.
Strong men were restrained until low and low.
To fight against the power, we’ve tried so hard.
Very useless.
With tears and years, we are paid.
X-ray and physical examination are not what we need.
Yelling and shouting can express our feeling.
Zero information can bought by them.