OHDSI - CDM标准医疗临床 - 科研数据模型何为行星级的医学AI系统?


2020-04-14  本文已影响0人  skysunky


Conditions are records of a Person suggesting the presence of a disease or medical condition stated as a diagnosis, a sign, or a symptom, which is either observed by a Provider or reported by the patient. Conditions are recorded in different sources and levels of standardization, for example:

Field 命名 Required Type Description 描述
condition_occurrence_id 状态-ID Yes bigint A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event. 每个Condition Occurrence事件的唯一标识符。
person_id 居民-ID Yes bigint A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. 外键,处于该状态的居民的标识符。该居民的人口统计学详细信息存储在PERSON表中。
condition_concept_id 状态-概念-ID Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies belonging to the 'Condition' domain. 外键,指向标准化基础概念字典库中的"状态"类。
condition_start_date 状态-开始-日期 No date The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded. 记录条件实例的日期。
condition_start_datetime 状态-开始-日期时间 Yes datetime The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded. 记录条件实例的日期和时间。
condition_end_date 状态-结束-日期 No date The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. 条件实例的日期被视为已结束的日期。
condition_end_datetime 状态-结束-日期时间 No datetime The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. 条件实例的日期被视为已结束的日期。
condition_type_concept_id 状态-类型-概念-标识符 Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the Condition was recorded, the level of standardization, and the type of occurrence. These belong to the 'Condition Type' vocabulary 外键,标准词汇表中预定义概念标识符的,反映源数据中记录状态的数据、标准化级别和发生类型。这些属于“状态类型”词汇表
condition_status_concept_id 状态-性质-概念-ID Yes integer A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the point of care at which the Condition was diagnosed. 外键,指标准词汇表中的标准概念标识符,反映诊断条件的护理点。?
stop_reason 结束-原因 No varchar(20) The reason that the Condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data. 从源数据中信息得出的,状态不再存在的原因。
provider_id 贡献者-ID No integer A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. 外键,PROVIDER表中Provider,提供诊断状态信息的贡献者
visit_occurrence_id 就诊-发现-ID No integer A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). 外键,指向在VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中visit,确定(诊断)状态的就诊时期。
visit_detail_id 就诊-详情-ID No integer A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). 外键,指向VISIT_DETAIL表中的visit,确定(诊断)状态的就诊时期。
condition_source_value 状态-源-值 No varchar(50) The source code for the Condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Condition Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. 状态的源代码,它出现在源数据中。此代码已被映射到标准化词汇表中标准的状态概念,原始代码存储在此处以供参考。
condition_source_concept_id 状态-源-概念-ID Yes integer A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. 外键,状态概念的外键,指向数据源中使用的代码。
condition_status_source_value 状态-性质-源-值 No varchar(50) The source code for the condition status as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. 条件状态的源代码,显示在源数据中。此代码映射到标准化词汇表中的标准概念,原始代码存储在此处以供参考。


No. Convention Description 共识
1 Valid Condition Concepts belong to the 'Condition' domain. 有效状态概念属于“状态”类。
2 Condition records are typically inferred from diagnostic codes recorded in the source data. Such code systems, like ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, Read etc., provide a comprehensive coverage of conditions. However, if the diagnostic code in the source does not define a condition, but rather an observation or a procedure, then such information is not stored in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table, but in the respective tables indicated by the domain. 通常根据源数据中记录的诊断代码推断状态数据。这些术语系统,如ICD-9-CM,ICD-10-CM,Read等,提供全面的状态术语。但是,如果数据源中的诊断代码不是定义状态,而是定义的观察项目或操作项目,则此类信息不会存储在CONDITION_OCCURRENCE表中,而是存储在“类别”标识的相应表中。
3 Source Condition identifiers are mapped to Standard Concepts for Conditions in the Standardized Vocabularies. When the source code cannot be translated into a Standard Concept, a CONDITION_OCCURRENCE entry is stored with only the corresponding SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID and SOURCE_VALUE, while the CONDITION_CONCEPT_ID is set to 0. 数据源的状态ID符映射到标准状态词典的标准状态概念。若数据源代码无法转换为标准概念时,CONDITION_OCCURRENCE条目仅存储相应的SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID和SOURCE_VALUE,而CONDITION_CONCEPT_ID设为0。
4 Family history and past diagnoses ('history of') are not recorded in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table. Instead, they are listed in the OBSERVATION table. 家族史和既往诊断(“历史记录”)未记录在CONDITION_OCCURRENCE表中。相反,它们列在OBSERVATION表中。
5 Codes written in the process of establishing the diagnosis, such as 'question of' of and 'rule out', are not represented here. Instead, they are listed in the OBSERVATION table, if they are used for analyses. 在建立诊断过程中编写的代码,例如“疑似”和“排除”,此处未表示。相反,如果它们曾用于分析,则会列在OBSERVATION表中。
6 A Condition Occurrence Type is assigned based on the data source and type of condition attribute, for example:ICD-9-CM Primary Diagnosis from inpatient and outpatient claimsICD-9-CM Secondary Diagnoses from inpatient and outpatient claimsDiagnoses or problems recorded in an EHR. 状态类型的区分基于数据源和状态属性,例如:住院和门诊索赔的ICD-9-CM主要诊断、其他诊断,EHR中记录的诊断或病情。
7 Valid Condition Occurrence Type Concepts belong to the 'Condition Type' vocabulary in the 'Type Concept' domain. 有效状态类型的概念属于“概念类型”中的“状态类型”词汇表。
8 The Stop Reason indicates why a Condition is no longer valid with respect to the purpose within the source data. Typical values include 'Discharged', 'Resolved', etc. Note that a Stop Reason does not necessarily imply that the condition is no longer occurring. 状态结束原因表示源数据中不再有该状态的有效数据的原因。典型值包括'Discharged','Resolved'等。请注意,Stop Reason并不一定意味着该状态不再发生。
9 Condition source codes are typically ICD-9-CM, Read or ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes from medical claims or discharge status/visit diagnosis codes from EHRs. 状态源代码通常是来自医疗索赔的ICD-9-CM,read或ICD-10-CM诊断代码,或来自EHR的出院记录/就诊诊断。
10 Presently, there is no designated vocabulary, domain, or class that represents condition status. The following concepts from SNOMED are recommended:Admitting diagnosis: 4203942Final diagnosis: 4230359 (should also be used for discharge diagnosisPreliminary diagnosis: 4033240 目前,没有表达状态性质的指定词汇、类、别。建议使用SNOMED的如下概念:入院诊断:4203942,确诊诊断:4230359(也应用于出院诊断),初步诊断:4033240





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