2022-11-10 致谢
通过与鲍勃 贝德钠,雷击 布拉斯赞卡,凯特 卡特罗,萨利 克拉克,克里斯提娜 靠哥德尔,提姆 戴维斯,卡罗纳 托马斯 德 拉 皮娜,乔伊 蒂纳尔斯滕,丹尼斯 道丹,克瑞斯 费晔,罗伯特 佛利德尔,皮特 哈勒斯,约翰 哈斯凯特,文迪 卡普兰,尼克 马菲,小罗兰德 玛钱德,维克 马川加,谢丽 尼克耳斯,瓦莱莉 皮尔西,格兰 波特,雷 撒皮尔斯腾,芬妮 斯帕克,兰迪 斯维尔,和特别的维克特 马格林。我特别感谢助理研究员的奉献,分别是萨拉 木兰和万尼萨 梅克尔,他们几乎通读了所有工业设计的杂志。万尼萨,我的宝贝女儿就手稿的草案进行了深度阅读,在这个项目的早期阶段我们还收到了美国学术理事会的大力支持,来自人文科学国家基金的夏季资金支持,以及来自奥斯丁田纳西大学的教师研究团队的支持。莱瑟特 瑟利在危机时刻慷慨的提供了办公场所,在此特别感谢我在赫尔辛基大学的论瓦尔研究所的同事们,正是他们邀请我成为百年纪念全职教授让我得以完成本书。至于牛津出版社的团队,我想感谢伊丽莎白阿盖特,正是她为了那些模糊的照片做的追踪工作;以及大卫威廉慕斯在本书编辑与排版方面做出的卓越管理。我的妻子阿丽斯一如既往的的评论家,她阅读了全部的手稿章节,并使得本书变得更加精炼,达到我希望的最完美的程度。
My interest in the history of design has been stimulated over the years
by discussions with Bob Bednar, Reggie Blaszczyk, Kate Catterall,
Sally Clarke, Christina Cogdell, Tim Davis, Carolyn Thomas de la
Peña, Joel Dinerstein, Dennis Doordan, Chris Fay, Robert Friedel,
Peter Hales, John Heskett, Wendy Kaplan, Nic Maffei, the late
Roland Marchand, Vicki Matranga, Shelley Nickles, Valerie Pearcy,
Glenn Porter, Ray Sapirstein, Penny Sparke, Randy Swearer, and
especially Victor Margolin. I appreciate the dedication of research
assistants Sarah Mullen and Vanessa Meikle, who read through the
complete run of Industrial Design magazine. Vanessa, my daughter,
also offered a particularly insightful reading of the first draft of the
manuscript. The earliest phase of this project was generously sup-
ported by a Fellowship from the American Council of Learned
Societies, a Summer Stipend from the National Endowment for the
Humanities, and a Faculty Research Assignment from the University
of Texas at Austin. Rusty Sealy kindly provided a place to work at a
critical moment. I’m grateful to colleagues at the Renvall Institute
of the University of Helsinki who welcomed me as Bicentennial
Fulbright professor during the year I completed this book. On Oxford’s
production team, I want to thank Elisabeth Agate for her determined
tracking down of obscure images and David Williams for his superb
managing of all aspects of editing and design. As always, my wife Alice
was the best critic. She read each draft as an unwieldy manuscript
became shorter and—I hope—more to the point.