R Package 'smbinning' V0.3: Opti

2017-02-07  本文已影响0人  lumicinta

R Package 'smbinning' V0.3: Optimal Binning for Scoring Modeling

标签(空格分隔): RPackage


Scoring Modeling - Data, Analysis, and Scoring Modeling


The package smbinning categorizes a numeric variable into bins or bands mapped to a binary target variable for its ulterior usage in scoring modeling. Its purpose is to automate the time consuming process of selecting the right cut points, quickly calculate metrics such as Weight of Evidence and Information Value (IV); and also document SQL codes, tables, and plots used throughout the development stage.

In its new Version 0.3, the package allows the user in one step (smbinning.eda) to see missing values and outliers for each characteristic in the dataset, along with basic statistics to better understand their distribution, and also in one step obtain the Information Value for each characteristic (smbinning.sumiv).

The desired outputs are basically the tables showed in the examples below, whose theory can be found in the following books:

More details on:

What's New on Version 0.3?

# ----------------------------------------------------
# Package : Optimal Binning for Scoring Modeling V0.3
# Author  : Herman Jopia
# Website : http://www.scoringmodeling.com
# Twitter : @hjopia
# ----------------------------------------------------

# Load package and its data
str(chileancredit) # Quick description of the data
table(chileancredit$FlagGB) # Tabulate target variable
table(chileancredit$FlagSample) # 2 random samples (1:75%, 0:25%) 

# Training and testing samples

# Optimal Binning ----------------------------------------------------------
  smbinning(df=chileancredit.train,y="FlagGB",x="TOB",p=0.05) # Run and save
result$ivtable # Tabulation and Information Value
result$iv # Information value
result$bands # Bins or bands
result$ctree # Decision tree from partykit

# Relevant plots (2x2 Page)
        horizontal=T, frame=F, col="lightgray",main="Distribution")
mtext("Time on Books (Months)",3)
smbinning.plot(result,option="dist",sub="Time on Books (Months)")
smbinning.plot(result,option="badrate",sub="Time on Books (Months)")
smbinning.plot(result,option="WoE",sub="Time on Books (Months)")

# SQL Code after binning a numeric variable ---------------------------------

# Generate variable after binning -------------------------------------------
chileancredit=smbinning.gen(chileancredit, result, chrname = "gTOB")

# Customized Binning --------------------------------------------------------
# Remove exclusions from chileancredit dataset
  subset(chileancredit,(FlagSample==1 & (FlagGB==1 | FlagGB==0)), select=TOB)
# Percentiles of 20%
TOB.Pct20=quantile(TOB.train, probs=seq(0,1,0.2), na.rm=T)
TOB.Pct20.Breaks=as.vector(quantile(TOB.train, probs=seq(0,1,0.2), na.rm=T))
# Package application and results
                   y="FlagGB",x="TOB",cuts=Cuts.TOB.Pct20) # Run and save
result$ivtable # Tabulation and Information Value

# Factor Variable Application -----------------------------------------------

# SQL Code after binning a factor variable ----------------------------------

# Generate variable after binning factor ------------------------------------
chileancredit=smbinning.factor.gen(chileancredit, result, chrname = "gInc")

# Exploratory Data Analysis -------------------------------------------------
smbinning.eda(df=chileancredit.train)$eda # Table with basic statistics
smbinning.eda(df=chileancredit.train)$edapct # Table with basic percentages

# Information Value for all variables in one step ---------------------------
smbinning.sumiv(df=chileancredit.train,y="FlagGB") # IV for eache variable

# Plot IV for all variables -------------------------------------------------
sumivt # Display table with IV by characteristic
smbinning.sumiv.plot(sumivt,cex=1) # Plot IV summary table
Table 1Table 1

Table 1. Time on Books and Credit Performance via Optimal Binning. Plots from this output are shown in Figure 1 (Below).

Table 2Table 2
Table 2. Time on Books and Credit Performance utilizing customized cutpoints. Table 3Table 3
Table 3. Income Levels and Credit Performance. The package allows users to take advantage of its functionalities to analyze factor variables. Figure 1Figure 1

Figure 1. Time on Books and Credit Performance plots after Optimal Binning (Table 1).

Table 4Table 4

Table 4. Basic statistics to better understand each variable.

Table 5Table 5

Table 5. Basic percentages that gives a different perspective of the numbers.

Table 6Table 6

Table 6. IV for each characteristic of the dataset.

Figure 2Figure 2

Figure 2. Plot the IV for each characteristic of the dataset.

Package History

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