Running a Simulation ~Import Sce
8.单击工具栏上的Import Scenario Step From Plant data(从工厂导入方案步骤);

9.单击选择按钮选择要导入的EXA和调试文件。接下来,单击Read Files and Validate Contents (读取文件和验证内容)以验证EXA文件和调试文件的一致性。


- 垂直的红线代表当前时间。在其左侧,显示了过去历史发生的仿真步骤。如果在变量列表中选择,则其右侧显示仿真步骤的未来预测值。
- Variable List(变量列表)选项卡可用于创建不同的视图和“截取”绘图(见下文)。
- 新版本(PCTP 2009 Build 1)“显示内核消息”功能将显示从SMOCPro内核接收的消息。
- 屏幕中的其余选项卡:Plot(图表), Control Overview(控制概述), SubControl Overview(子控制器概述)和Priority Sorting(优先级顺序)包含了控制器性能,约束状态和CV优先级的更详细信息。
Import Scenario From Online EXASMOC Controller
Online Preparation
Scenario events can be imported from an online EXASMOC controller to reproduce and troubleshoot the online events. The required steps are:
- Create a debug file of the selected controller. (Refer to the EXASMOC manual for the instruction of creating debug file)
- Create an EXA file by exporting the selected controller. (Refer to the EXASMOC manual for the instruction of exporting controller)
- Copy the debug file and the EXA file to the offline computer.
Offline Import - Open the EXA file in SMOCPro.
- Create and select a new scenario.
- Select the controller that matches the online EXASMOC controller.
- Click on the Scenario in the tree structure.
- Click on the Import Scenario Step From Plant data on toolbar.
- Click on the select button to select the EXA and debug files to be imported. Next, click on Read Files and Validate Contents to validate the consistency of the EXA file and the debug file.
- The time stamps of the debug steps within the debug file are listed in Debug Step To Import. Users need to select one debug step to be imported. Click View button to view the formatted debug file.
- Lastly, click Import button to fill the step 1 events in the scenario with the values in the selected debug step.
Viewing a Plot
SMOCPro uses plots to display the simulations. If the simulation plot is not open, click Plot on the tree structure to open it; the plot appears as the first tab-screen. Three more tab-screens focus on reporting the activity of the manipulated and controlled variables at present time and at steady state.
Consider a simulation of the example presented earlier (column). There are three discrete events present in the simulation along with other information. However, the default screen can be quite overwhelming when the controller has various (many) variables as can be seen below.
In addition to the discrete events clearly labeled on the figure, there are four other aspects worth mentioning (in no particular order):
1.The vertical red line indicates the current time. On its left side, simulation steps that occurred in the past are displayed. If selected in the variable list, the predicted values over future simulation steps are displayed on its right side.
2.The Variable List tab can be used to create different views and “declutter” the plot (see below).
3.The new (PCTP 2009 Build 1) “Show Kernel Messages” capabilities displays the messages received from the SMOCPro kernel.
4.The rest of the tabs in the screen: “Plot, Control Overview, SubControl Overview and Priority Sorting” contain more detailed information regarding controller performance, constraint status, and CV priorities.