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推酷《Guru Weekly》第四十二期

2016-09-07  本文已影响46人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. Webpack: The Missing Tutorial

  2. Slicing SVG 9 Ways

  3. The math of CSS locks

  4. Roadmap for learning the JavaScript language

  5. JavaScript: Arrays vs Objects

  6. 20 Protips For Writing Modern CSS

  7. Node.js–A Great New Way to Build Web Apps

  8. A high level look at Angular 2

  9. Form Validation using Vue.js 2


  1. UICollectionView Tutorial: Getting Started

  2. Ten Kotlin Features To Boost Android Development

  3. Scanning Barcodes with NativeScript and Angular 2

  4. iOS Metal Tutorial with Swift Part 5: Switching to MetalKit

  5. How to fix horizontal scrolling in your Android app


  1. Websocket Shootout: Clojure, C++, Elixir, Go, NodeJS, and Ruby

  2. How the JVM compares strings using the x86 instruction you've never heard of

  3. Makefiles in python projects

  4. The JVM Architecture Explained


  1. MHA Quick Start Guide

  2. InnoDB Troubleshooting: Q & A

  3. MongoDB schema design: There Is Always A Schema

  4. PhxSQL: high availability, strong consistent MySQL Cluster


  1. How Uber Engineering Massively Scaled Global Driver Onboarding

  2. Apache Spark @Scale: A 60 TB+ production use case

  3. Lessons from launching billions of Docker containers

  4. Lessons Learned While Building Microservices


  1. Neural Network Architectures

  2. Paddle: Baidu's open source deep learning framework

  3. Polished Python Implementation of Neural Style Transfer with Deep Learning

  4. Baidu open-sources Python-driven machine learning framework

  5. Safe Retirement Spending Using TensorFlow

  6. TF-Slim: A high level library to define complex models in TensorFlow


  1. Using Chrome’s web-custom-data UTI to inject a stored XSS in Slack

  2. Functional programming: Monads made clear - in javascript

  3. Why Care About Design Principles?

  4. Consistent Hashing


  1. Drool – A Lightweight Markup Language

  2. SASM – Simple Crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS, FASM Assembly Languages

  3. Docker Swarm Visualizer

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