Do not teach

2020-12-26  本文已影响0人  璇Mariam
Unfold, energy flows and blossoms itself!

"Do not teach." This is all it tells.What it mirrors is what I am, as well as what is attracted.

Ego does not like to be judged or taught. Ego is more likely to be happy with weakers. Do not connect with personalities. All in all, everyone is created by the source, equally reflecting the one. No one needs help.

Do not identify. Don't identify with personalities, thoughts or feelings. So there must be a distance between! Be that distance, then everything just runs its own way. Nothing, no one is to be related.

Stop thinking about others. Do not attach much on others and what they think or feel. Always, always stay conscious with inside, with heart. By 100 per cent and absolutely.

Energy follows what you focus on. Close the door, close all the doors. Then the window is given to you, through which you will move out of the house and into the infinite.

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