刚刚看完《The adderall diaries》, 最吸引我的是男主的房子和朋友。一个可以放下一切伪装的窝,一些志同道合的朋友。和《我的早更女友》周迅的房子和朋友一样,房子破旧却有着自己的味道,朋友不离不弃。
I've been thinking about these things for a long time.
Wondering where the pieces fit.
Why are we so quick to see memory as unreliable in other people but never in ourselves?
I know I'm guilty of editing.
I think we all are, if we're honest with ourselves.
My father and I have argued for so long over who was the victim and who was the villain, that it never occurred to me to ask myself whether I wanted to be either of those things.
Or which roles I've played in someone else's narrative.
Maybe it's for the best that things fell apart.
I want to cast myself as someone else this time. Someone better.