【译文】“The world is on fire”: Stev
“The world is on fire”
At a 2014 party at the “BreitbartEmbassy," Steve Bannon promised a remaking of America
2014年在“布莱特巴特大使馆”,Steve Bannon发出豪言壮语要重塑美国。
By Reid Cherlin

In September of 2014 I went to Steve Bannon’s house for a party. I was onassignmentfrom Rolling Stone toembedwith the staff of Breitbart.com. It was supposed to be a way of illuminating the larger world of gonzoright-wingmedia. I had never heard of Steve Bannon himself.
2014年9月,我参加了在Steve Bannon家举办的一个派对,当时我被滚石杂志派去采访,要写一篇关于Breitbart.com的报道,这本来应该成为一次大范围展示疯狂的右翼媒体的途径。此前我从未听说过Steve Bannon这个人。
The invitation — tococktailsand a seated dinner — listed the location as the “Breitbart Embassy.” Itturned out to bea brick townhouse onCapitol Hill, a few blocks east ofthe Supreme Courtbuilding. The Embassy did triple duty as a workspace for the website’s D.C. reporters, a handsomeliving quartersfor Bannon and other company brass, and aswankentertainment venuefor a social circle drawn from Washington’smisfit conservativefringe.
Or at least they were fringe at the time. Bannon, now arguably thesurrogatepresident of the United States, was then Breitbart.com’sexecutive chairman. He moved amongclustersof guests with a big smile. When I was introduced to him, I asked why he called the place the Embassy. “D.C. is like Saigon in ’68,” he said. “You don’t know who your friends are and who your enemies are.” Among friends for the moment at least, he promised that he’d set up time for the two of us to talk one-on-one, and then returned to his hosting duties.
或者至少当时他们仍然是边缘人士。就目前来看,可以说 炙手可热的Bannon就是美国的总统代理人,当时他还是Breitbart.com的执行主席。在派对上,他带着大大的微笑从容地应对一簇簇的宾客。当我被介绍给他的时候,我问他为什么把这个地方叫做大使馆,他的回应是:“华盛顿就像68年的越南西贡,你不知道谁是朋友谁是敌人。”至少在那一刻周围都是朋友的情况下,他承诺会腾出时间为我做一个一对一访谈,随后他就重新回到了宾客中间,重新负担起宴会东道主的职责。
New words
1.Embassy英 ['embəsɪ] 美 ['ɛmbəsi]
n. 大使馆;大使馆全体人员
e.g.You have to visit the consulate or embassy.
2.assignment英 [ə'saɪnm(ə)nt] 美 [ə'saɪnmənt]
n. 分配;任务;作业;功课
e.g.I begged off that assignment.
3.embed英 [ɪm'bed; em-] 美 [ɪm'bɛd]
vt. 栽种;使嵌入,使插入;使深留脑中
e.g.You can use these APIs from the debugger, or you can embed them in your programs, instead
您可以使用这些来自调试器的 API,或者反过来,您可以将它们嵌入到您的程序中。
4.right-wing英 ['raitwiŋ] 美 ['raitwiŋ]
adj. 右翼的;右派的
e.g.All those who fought back against capitalism were vilified mercilessly by the Murdoch and right-winggutter media in general.
所有那些反对资本主义的人士总是被默多克和其他右翼的肮脏媒体无端地诬蔑中伤 。
5.cocktail英 ['kɒkteɪl] 美 ['kɑktel]
n. 鸡尾酒;开胃食品 n. 混合物 adj. 鸡尾酒的
e.g.The guests at the cocktail party were gabbling away.
6.swank英 [swæŋk] 美 [swæŋk]
n. 出风头;虚张声势 vi. 炫耀;出风头 adj. 爱打扮的,华丽的
e.g.He just relies on bluff and putting on a show with his bright ideas and his swank!
7.misfit英 ['mɪsfɪt] 美 ['mɪsfɪt]
n. 不适合;不适应环境的人 vt. 对…不适合
e.g.How do you find an ‘Island of Misfit Foods’ near you?
8.conservative英 [kən'sɜːvətɪv] 美 [kən'sɝvətɪv]
adj. 保守的 n. 保守派,守旧者
e.g.The young people are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking.
9.fringe英 [frɪn(d)ʒ] 美 [frɪndʒ]
n. 边缘;穗;刘海 adj. 边缘的;附加的 vt. 加穗于
e.g.The company plans to beef up our fringe benefit.
10.surrogate英 ['sʌrəgət] 美 [ˈsərəgɪt; ˈsərəˌget; (for v.,) ˈsərəˌget]
n. 代理;代用品;遗嘱检验法官 vt. 代理;指定某人为自己的代理人 adj. 代理的;替代的
e.g.How did you become a sex surrogate?
11.cluster英 ['klʌstə] 美 ['klʌstɚ]
n. 群;簇;丛;串 vi. 群聚;丛生 vt. 使聚集;聚集在某人的周围
e.g.Do this for all nodes in the cluster.
1.turned out to be结果是;原来是
2.Capitol Hill美国国会;美国国会山
3.the Supreme Court最高法院
4.living quarters住处;住舱
5.entertainment venue娱乐场所
6.executive chairman执行主席;执行总裁