刻意练习 CH4-下
Chapter 4 The Gold Standard
A Highly Developed Field
The Challenge Of The Violin
Good Versus Better Versus Best
The Principles Of Deliberate Practice
Applying The Principles Of Deliberate Practice
No, The Ten-Thousand-Hour Rule Isn't Really A Rule
Deliberate practice may benefit almost everyone if we roughly divide their engaged fields into two fields. One is the fields that are objectively effective and applicable for us to achieve through deliberate practice; The other is the fields that do not apply it well yet we still can gain something from different form of practice which is closer to deliberate practice.
Some skills can be taught by coaches or teachers as they are highly developed in certain fields. People can earn their reputation by earning prizes, games, competitions with their years of deliberate practices.
While there are also situations they don't gain reputation that way. Like the example of judging which nurse is the best in their hospital. Though we don't have a direct way to judge, we could obtain a much objective answer by valuing their roles and performances in surgeries or asking around the professionals who they would seek out when they need help. The best nurse might not have been taught for perfectly dealing with each urgent surgeries, but her experiences of working with professionals is a good way of accumulating her own mental representations which is closer to deliberate practice.
The above that I wrote also reminds me of my math teacher. Perhaps we all more or less have judged our teachers during the school years. I did bad at math typically. I have complained to my parents that doing bad at math was not only my fault. My teacher's lacking of good teaching skills also contributed to that result. While the fact is that not everyone thought the same way as I did. Some of my classmates did pretty well in math that left me really far behind. They might not think she was one of the most excellent teachers but at least they didn't stop trying hard and making efforts as much as they could to learn from her. After all, teachers possess much more knowledge, skills, mental representations than students do. In the end I realized that the real problem was lying in me, not my math teacher.
Would it work out better for me if I complained less and find more bright side closer to a more deliberate practice like way towards learning math? I think I have already got a positive answer.
If you have a psychological bent, it may be worthwhile to talk to the experts performers and try to get a sense of how they approach tasks and why.
bent 名词,special natural skill or interest in a particular area
例句:They are readers of a more literary bent.
造句:He is talented in painting and has a artistic bent.
Like Steve before him. Feng is enlisting his long-term memory, creating associations between the numbers in the string and items already in his long-term memory...
enlist 动词,to gain the cooperation or support of somebody or something, or become actively involved in an effort
例句:He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.
造句:Hearing about the Sichuan earthquake, people from all over the country are enlisted to give a hand.
Thus a good rule of thumb is to seek out people who work intimately with many other professionals.
rule of thumb, a rough figure or method of calculation, based on practical experience, 拇指法则/经验法则,指由经验和常识得来的法则,尽管可能缺乏科学依据但通常都行的通
例句:As a general rule of thumb, children this age should not spend more than one hour on homework.
造句:He just broke the rule of thumb to everyone's surprise.