How ugly will it get?—经济学人
After election night in American,complexity will meet conspiracy—with baleful results本篇文章通过列举选举的三个可能的结果表示权力的移交恐怕不一定会和平进行
For Mr Trump personally the stakes are even higher: if he loses he could go to prison. If the election is not close, perhaps America might avoid another toxic transfer of power. 不赢可能进监狱的话,那真的可能会出现极端行为
第一种:打成平手Were this to happen, the next president would be picked by the House of Representatives, with each state wielding one vote. Even if Ms Harris won the popular vote on November 5th, Mr Trump would almost certainly become president.这种情况下竟然特朗普选为总统!!!
第二种:特朗普胜Democrats could bring legal challenges in close states where Ms Harris lost.Some of these might end up at the Supreme Court, where three justices appointed by Mr Trump would have to adjudicate their merits民主党起诉也不太管用的样子
第三种:哈里斯女士获胜The Republican National Committee has pre-emptively filed more than 100election lawsuits in the states to create a paper trail in preparation to fight the result.共和党已经预先提起了诉讼
The Capitol will be so well policed in January 2025 that there will be no repeat of the riots on January 6th. But local police, the Secret Service and the FBI will have to prepare for protesters descending on statehouses, and for the risk of assassination attempts against lawmakers. About 20% of American adults say that they are open to the possibility of using violence for a political end. 看来无论哪个结果权力的移交都会出现一定的问题,另外为啥会有成年人愿意为了政治使用暴力???
Each time people feel that an election lacks legitimacy, the day draws closer when one side or the other breaks the system rather than accept the result.看来小编觉得很难和平进行了