Effective Java 2.0程序员@IT·互联网

Effective Java 2.0_中英文对照_第一章

2016-10-07  本文已影响131人  SnailTyan


Chapter 1 Introduction

THIS book is designed to help you make the most effective use of the JavaTM programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util, and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and java.io. The book discusses other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices.


This book consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule. The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each concerning one broad aspect of software design. The book is not intended to be read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the book.


Many new features were added to the platform in Java 5 (release 1.5). Most of the items in this book use these features in some way. The following table shows you where to go for primary coverage of these features:

Java 5平台增加了许多新功能。本书中的大多数条目在某种程度上使用了这些功能。下表列出了这些新功能在本书中的位置:


Most items are illustrated with program examples. A key feature of this book is that it contains code examples illustrating many design patterns and idioms. Where appropriate, they are cross-referenced to the standard reference work in this area [Gamma95].

大多数条目通过程序实例进行说明。本书的一个重要特点是它包含了说明许多设计模式和习惯用法的代码实例。这些条目放在哪里是合适的,它们被交叉参考引用到了这个领域的标准参考著作[Gamma 95]。

Many items contain one or more program examples illustrating some practice to be avoided. Such examples, sometimes known as antipatterns, are clearly labeled with a comment such as “// Never do this!” In each case, the item explains why the example is bad and suggests an alternative approach.

许多条目包含一个或多个用来表明一些应该在实践中避免的程序实例。这些例子中的都加上了清楚的注释例如“// Never do this!”,有时候这些例子也被称为反模式。在每一个例子中,这个条目都解释了为什么这个例子是不好的,并且提建议了一种可替代方法。

This book is not for beginners: it assumes that you are already comfortable with the Java programming language. If you are not, consider one of the many fine introductory texts [Arnold05, Sestoft05]. While the book is designed to be accessible to anyone with a working knowledge of the language, it should provide food for thought even for advanced programmers.

本书不是给初学者的:它假定你已经非常熟悉Java编程语言。如果你对Java语言不熟悉,请考虑许多很好的入门书籍中的一本[Arnold05, Sestoft05]。虽然本书的目标是任何具有实际Java编程经验的人,但它应该能提供一些思考的东西,即使是对于高级程序员。

Most of the rules in this book derive from a few fundamental principles. Clarity and simplicity are of paramount importance. The user of a module should never be surprised by its behavior. Modules should be as small as possible but no smaller. (As used in this book, the term module refers to any reusable software component, from an individual method to a complex system consisting of multiple packages.) Code should be reused rather than copied. The dependencies between modules should be kept to a minimum. Errors should be detected as soon as possible after they are made, ideally at compile time.


While the rules in this book do not apply 100 percent of the time, they do characterize best programming practices in the great majority of cases. You should not slavishly follow these rules, but violate them only occasionally and with good reason. Learning the art of programming, like most other disciplines, consists of first learning the rules and then learning when to break them.


For the most part, this book is not about performance. It is about writing programs that are clear, correct, usable, robust, flexible, and maintainable. If you can do that, it’s usually a relatively simple matter to get the performance you need (Item 55). Some items do discuss performance concerns, and a few of these items provide performance numbers. These numbers, which are introduced with the phrase “On my machine,” should be regarded as approximate at best.


For what it’s worth, my machine is an aging homebuilt 2.2 GHz dual-core AMD Opteron<top>TM</top> 170 with 2 gigabytes of RAM, running Sun’s 1.6_05 release of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) atop Microsoft Windows® XP Professional SP2. This JDK has two virtual machines, the Java HotSpot<top>TM</top> Client and Server VMs. Performance numbers were measured on the Server VM.

值得注意的是,我的机器是老旧的组装电脑,2.2G赫兹双核AMD 皓龙处理器 170,2G内存,在微软的Windows XP SP2上运行Sun的JDK 1.6_05版本。JDK有两个虚拟机,Java热交换客户端和服务器虚拟机。性能指标是在服务器虚拟机上测量的。

When discussing features of the Java programming language and its libraries, it is sometimes necessary to refer to specific releases. For brevity, this book uses “engineering version numbers” in preference to official release names. This table shows the mapping between release names and engineering version numbers.



The examples are reasonably complete, but they favor readability over completeness. They freely use classes from the packages java.util and java.io. In order to compile the examples, you may have to add one or more of these import statements:


import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.io.*;

Other boilerplate is similarly omitted. The book’s Web site, http://java.sun.com/docs/books/effective, contains an expanded version of each example, which you can compile and run.


For the most part, this book uses technical terms as they are defined in The Java Language Specification, Third Edition [JLS]. A few terms deserve special mention. The language supports four kinds of types: interfaces (including annotations), classes (including enums), arrays, and primitives. The first three are known as reference types. Class instances and arrays are objects; primitive values are not. A class’s members consist of its fields, methods, member classes, and member interfaces. A method’s signature consists of its name and the types of its formal parameters; the signature does not include the method’s return type.


This book uses a few terms differently from the The Java Language Specification. Unlike The Java Language Specification, this book uses inheritance as a synonym for subclassing. Instead of using the term inheritance for interfaces, this book simply states that a class implements an interface or that one interface extends another. To describe the access level that applies when none is specified, this book uses the descriptive term package-private instead of the technically correct term default access [JLS, 6.6.1].

本书使用了一些与Java语言规范不同的术语。不像Java语言规范,本书使用继承作为子类的同义词。不再使用接口继承的术语,本书简单表述一个类实现了一个接口或一个接口扩展了另一个接口。为了描述没有指定访问级别的情况,本书使用描述术语包私有代替技术上正确的术语缺省访问[JLS, 6.6.1].

This book uses a few technical terms that are not defined in The Java Language Specification. The term exported API, or simply API, refers to the classes, interfaces, constructors, members, and serialized forms by which a programmer accesses a class, interface, or package. (The term API, which is short for application programming interface, is used in preference to the otherwise preferable term interface to avoid confusion with the language construct of that name.) A programmer who writes a program that uses an API is referred to as a user of the API. A class whose implementation uses an API is a client of the API.

本书使用一些Java语言规范没有定义的术语。术语exported APIsimply API,指的是类、接口、构造函数、成员、序列化形式,程序员通过它们访问类、接口或包。(术语API,是应用程序接口的缩写,优先使用API而不是其他人更喜欢的术语接口,是为了避免与Java语言中的接口相混淆。)程序员写程序使用API指的是API的用户。类中实现使用了API的称为API的客户。

Classes, interfaces, constructors, members, and serialized forms are collectively known as API elements. An exported API consists of the API elements that are accessible outside of the package that defines the API. These are the API elements that any client can use and the author of the API commits to support. Not coincidentally, they are also the elements for which the Javadoc utility generates documentation in its default mode of operation. Loosely speaking, the exported API of a package consists of the public and protected members and constructors of every public class or interface in the package.



