
Android ArrayList源码分析

2016-05-09  本文已影响247人  Reiya

* ArrayList is an implementation of {@linkList}, backed by an array.

* All optional operations including adding, removing, and replacing elements are supported.



All elements are permitted, including null.



This class is a good choice as your default {@codeList} implementation.

* {@linkVector} synchronizes all operations, but not necessarily in a way that's

* meaningful to your application: synchronizing each call to {@codeget}, for example, is not

* equivalent to synchronizing the list and iterating over it (which is probably what you intended).

* {@linkjava.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList} is intended for the special case of very high

* concurrency, frequent traversals, and very rare mutations.


*@paramThe element type of this list.





     * The minimum amount by which the capacity of an ArrayList will increase.
     * This tuning parameter controls a time-space tradeoff. This value (12)
     * gives empirically good results and is arguably consistent with the
     * RI's specified default initial capacity of 10: instead of 10, we start
     * with 0 (sans allocation) and jump to 12.
    private static final int MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 12;


     * The elements in this list, followed by nulls.
    transient Object[] array;


     * Adds the specified object at the end of this {@code ArrayList}.
     * @param object
     *            the object to add.
     * @return always true
    @Override public boolean add(E object) {
        Object[] a = array;
        int s = size;
        if (s == a.length) {
            Object[] newArray = new Object[s +
                    (s < (MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT / 2) ?
                     MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT : s >> 1)];
            System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, s);
            array = a = newArray;
        a[s] = object;
        size = s + 1;
        return true;

     * Inserts the specified object into this {@code ArrayList} at the specified
     * location. The object is inserted before any previous element at the
     * specified location. If the location is equal to the size of this
     * {@code ArrayList}, the object is added at the end.
     * @param index
     *            the index at which to insert the object.
     * @param object
     *            the object to add.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             when {@code location < 0 || location > size()}
    @Override public void add(int index, E object) {
        Object[] a = array;
        int s = size;
        if (index > s || index < 0) {
            throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, s);

        if (s < a.length) {
            System.arraycopy(a, index, a, index + 1, s - index);
        } else {
            // assert s == a.length;
            Object[] newArray = new Object[newCapacity(s)];
            System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, index);
            System.arraycopy(a, index, newArray, index + 1, s - index);
            array = a = newArray;
        a[index] = object;
        size = s + 1;

     * This method controls the growth of ArrayList capacities.  It represents
     * a time-space tradeoff: we don't want to grow lists too frequently
     * (which wastes time and fragments storage), but we don't want to waste
     * too much space in unused excess capacity.
     * NOTE: This method is inlined into {@link #add(Object)} for performance.
     * If you change the method, change it there too!
    private static int newCapacity(int currentCapacity) {
        int increment = (currentCapacity < (MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT / 2) ?
                MIN_CAPACITY_INCREMENT : currentCapacity >> 1);
        return currentCapacity + increment;


     * Adds the objects in the specified collection to this {@code ArrayList}.
     * @param collection
     *            the collection of objects.
     * @return {@code true} if this {@code ArrayList} is modified, {@code false}
     *         otherwise.
    @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> collection) {
        Object[] newPart = collection.toArray();
        int newPartSize = newPart.length;
        if (newPartSize == 0) {
            return false;
        Object[] a = array;
        int s = size;
        int newSize = s + newPartSize; // If add overflows, arraycopy will fail
        if (newSize > a.length) {
            int newCapacity = newCapacity(newSize - 1);  // ~33% growth room
            Object[] newArray = new Object[newCapacity];
            System.arraycopy(a, 0, newArray, 0, s);
            array = a = newArray;
        System.arraycopy(newPart, 0, a, s, newPartSize);
        size = newSize;
        return true;

批量增。又与JDK实现不同:JDK是扩容为新容量与1.5倍容量的较大者;此处为 以新容量为基准1.5倍扩容。如newCapacity方法的注释所写:这是时间空间权衡,既不想频繁扩容(数组复制),又不想浪费过多冗余空间。就这种扩容方式而言,容量比JDK的方式要大,减少了扩容次数,想必思路倾向于以空间换时间。

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public E get(int index) {
        if (index >= size) {
            throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, size);
        return (E) array[index];


     * Searches this {@code ArrayList} for the specified object.
     * @param object
     *            the object to search for.
     * @return {@code true} if {@code object} is an element of this
     *         {@code ArrayList}, {@code false} otherwise
    @Override public boolean contains(Object object) {
        Object[] a = array;
        int s = size;
        if (object != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
                if (object.equals(a[i])) {
                    return true;
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
                if (a[i] == null) {
                    return true;
        return false;


     * Removes the object at the specified location from this list.
     * @param index
     *            the index of the object to remove.
     * @return the removed object.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             when {@code location < 0 || location >= size()}
    @Override public E remove(int index) {
        Object[] a = array;
        int s = size;
        if (index >= s) {
            throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, s);
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E result = (E) a[index];
        System.arraycopy(a, index + 1, a, index, --s - index);
        a[s] = null;  // Prevent memory leak
        size = s;
        return result;


     * Replaces the element at the specified location in this {@code ArrayList}
     * with the specified object.
     * @param index
     *            the index at which to put the specified object.
     * @param object
     *            the object to add.
     * @return the previous element at the index.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
     *             when {@code location < 0 || location >= size()}
    @Override public E set(int index, E object) {
        Object[] a = array;
        if (index >= size) {
            throwIndexOutOfBoundsException(index, size);
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E result = (E) a[index];
        a[index] = object;
        return result;


    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        int cap = stream.readInt();
        if (cap < size) {
            throw new InvalidObjectException(
                    "Capacity: " + cap + " < size: " + size);
        array = (cap == 0 ? EmptyArray.OBJECT : new Object[cap]);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            array[i] = stream.readObject();



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