

2018-03-09  本文已影响3人  6abe5ba48381

不知道为什么每次看到the key to这个短语,我就觉得老师在敲黑板,边敲边大声地讲:


在PRINCIPLES一书中,Ray Dalio曾多次用到这个短语。关于投资,他又给我们划出了什么要的重点呢?在经历了他人生最大的投资失败后,他这样讲到:

From my earlier failures, I knew that no matter how confident I was in making any one bet I could still be wrong and that proper diversification was the key to reducing risks without reducing returns. If I could build a portfolio filled with high-uality return streams that were properly diversified (they zigged and zagged in ways that balanced each other out), I could offer clients an overall portfolio return much more consistent and reliable than what they could get elsewhere.


1. n.  A key is a specially shaped piece of metal that you place in a lock and turn in order to open or lock a door, or to start or stop the engine of a vehicle.钥匙

2. n.  The key to a desirable situation or result is the way in which it can be achieved.关键;要诀


想想看,你站在一个宝库的门前,这个宝库就是 reducing risks without reducing returns,这个时候什么最重要,拿到钥匙啊,the key啊,有了the key,你就能打开宝库大门,拿出宝藏,走上人生巅峰,迎娶白富美,没有这key呢?呵呵,你就在宝库的门口逛逛,和不知道宝库没有区别。这不比什么"要诀、关键、最重要的"还来得更直白、更让你清晰这两个事物之间的联系么。

那么打开这个财富宝藏的钥匙到底是什么呢?proper diversification,合适的多样化经营,即通过做好良好的、互不相关的回报流资产之间的配置,从而大大降低风险,同时又不减少预期收益。



